Chapter 271: A Chaotic Battlefield—

[Redhead Shanks: Huh!? Kaido is also in the Naval Headquarters?!]

[Jinbei: Facing Golden Lion and Kaiso after experiencing the Digimon Egg challenge will definitely injure the marines this time.]

[Aunt Charlotte Linlin: Now it makes sense. It seems Kaido is ready to go to Naval Headquarters from the very beginning.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: It seems that whether it is Shiki or Kaido, they don't want Marines to get that kind of reward. In this way, even if Kizaru has returned to Naval Headquarters, the situation is very unfavorable for Marines. By the way, Shiki passed through the air and it's understandable why the marines didn't notice him, but Kaido that guy…wait, don't tell me he came from under the sea! They coat their ship, and pass from the bottom of the sea!]


In the Central Garden of the Mariejois.

"Golden Lion Shiki and Kaido went to Naval Headquarters at this time." Im frowned tightly, "I hope the manpower arranged by Four Elders can quickly drop to Naval Headquarters."

In the meeting room of the Five Elders.

"Assholes, that Golden Lion, and that Kaido, I really should have dealt with them from the beginning!" With a muffled noise, the bearded elder who had already returned to the meeting room smashed the table in front of him again.

"Marine is not so easy to lose, and we have arranged our Cp0 trump card to go to Naval Headquarters. The pirates will not succeed." The blonde elder folded his arms and looked calm. "Although I originally planned to arrange for them to go to ask Sengoku for the Digital Egg, now it seems that it has played a different role."

"This shows that luck is on our side." The long-bearded elder stroked his beard. "However, after all, this matter is important."

"Master Yim is also very fond of Digital Egg. I propose to continue to send troops from the World Government to support Marine Headquarters."

"In order to prevent other pirates from taking advantage of the chaos in the Naval Headquarters and raiding the Naval Headquarters."

Hearing that, the other three Elders nodded and agreed with the long-bearded elder suggestion.

Soon, the forces of the World Government rushed towards the Naval Headquarters under the order of the Four Elders.

The Marines from other branches were temporarily dispatched by the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Kong, and moved quickly to prevent other Four Emperors from joining the battle at the Naval Headquarters at any time.

On the other side, Naval Headquarters.

After being interrupted by Kaido's dragon's breath, Garp leapt hard and rushed out of the dragon's breath, looking at the dragon circling in the sky with an angry expression.

"Kaido, you bastard, how dare you come to Naval Headquarters to make trouble?!"

"Wororororo~, I'm not here to make trouble this time." Kaido returned to his human form from the Blue Dragon state, looking at Sengoku with a cold face, "You Marines don't deserve to own things like Digital Eggs. Give them to me. I can help you fight and repel Shiki."

"Damn! That is a dangerous speech, you bastard Kaido." Shiki put the Yatsufusa on his shoulders, "Are you going to let me turn you into my doll together with the marine?"

Hearing what Shiki said, Kaido gave him a cold look and said: "Golden Lion, don't think that after you succeeded in making Ochoku and Silver Axe your puppets, you can threaten me at will. Time has changed. I'm different from back then."

"And I am different from those two guys."

"However, I really appreciate your actions, although I will take away all the digital eggs, not one will be left to you!"

In Marine's 100 challenges, the number of appearances of the Digimon in human form can be counted by ten fingers.

The rest are Digimon in the form of beasts, and there are even metal sea dragon beasts in the back.

These beast-shaped Digimons have a different attraction to Kaido, even though Shiki and him thought of robbing the Marine, and he brought trouble to Marine before himself, so that he and the crew of Beasts Pirates could easily approach Naval Headquarters and can be regarded as a help to them.

However, Kaido has no plans of sharing the Digimon Eggs with Shiki.

"Hmp, you still have the same character as before, Kaido." Shiki spits out the cigar in his mouth, "If you want my digital egg, then you should have the strength to take it from me.".

While talking, a group of powerful zombie troops led by the doll Moria slowly gathered around Shiki. Although he didn't have a digimon egg on him yet. But Shiki already regarded the digimon eggs of the marine as his.

On Kaido's side, the members of Beast Pirates quickly rushed over.

For a while, the atmosphere between Shiki and Kaido became tense.

"I said, have you forgotten our existence!" Garp and others pressed their anger. "This is Naval Headquarters. You bastards think you can wantonly come here because you want to?! And also about the Digital eggs. Don't even think about it!"

"Now, I will personally put you two bastards on Impel Down!"

Hearing that, Kaido and Shiki looked at Garp one after another.

Not only Kaido, Shiki and other pirates, but even the Marine looked at Garp with intriguing eyes.

"Huh? What's the matter with you?" Even the careless Garp, suddenly looked at by so many people with strange eyes, couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Garp-san, have you forgotten what happened before Impel Down?" At this time, a figure engulfed in ice fell from the sky, hit the ground, and stained the ground with a layer of ice.

"It looks like it's not too late for me to come back." Aokiji rubbed his shoulders and looked at Shiki and Kaido and others on the opposite side seriously. " Instead of talking about Impel Downing you, you will be executed directly here. Am I right, Marshal Sengoku?"

Seeing that after Kizaru, Aokiji also rushed back, Sengoku was deeply relieved.

"That's right, you can't Impel Down them at this time." Before Sengoku had time to speak, a male voice suddenly came from the horizon.

Everyone looked up and found that three men wearing white masks and white suits had fallen from the sky.

"At this time, you only need to consider killing these pirates, that's enough."

The masked man who took the lead said loudly.

It seems that Kaido and Shiki are not regarded as the same thing at all.

"Are the Cp0 agents here?" Sengoku whispered, "Forget it, killing these pirates comes first."

"Kill?" Shiki cracked the corners of his mouth. "If you think it can be done, try it, Sengoku, Garp."

Kaido stepped forward, and the heavy mace hit a deep hole directly on the ground.

"Marine, you couldn't kill me before, do you think you can kill me now? Hump."

"Since you don't honestly hand over the Digimon eggs, then I have to use force to forcibly seize it."

When the words were over, the pirate forces behind Shiki and Kaido pounced towards the Marine.

"If you can, try it!"

Garp's face condensed, and he took the lead and rushed to Kaido and others.