Chapter 297: 7th and 8th place Scheduled Reward—

—[Warrior List], 8th place, Douglas Bullet; scheduled reward, Teigu[Carnage Incarnate: Grand Chariot].

--The armour-type imperial tool has a significant increase in the melee effect and can resist the power of the demon sword.

-[Grand Chariot] is an Armor-type Teigu that is nearly identical to Incursio, but it does not have the ability to be transparent and the ability to evolve like the Incursio.

[Red-haired Shanks: Woow, it turned out to be similar to Rifan's "Incursio" armor, which is really good. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The basic ability is stronger than the "Incursio", but for people with strong willpower, they lack the ability to evolve, which is not so good. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Even so, it must be an extremely powerful Teigu. ]

As a man who owns the Teigu-[Yatsufusa], Shiki knows the horrors and advantages of Teigu better than Rayleigh and others.

The characteristics that cannot be copied make Teigu a unique existence, and the special power of Teigu makes a person as if possessing another Devil Fruit ability.

Even a strong man like Shiki is greedy for Teigu.

'Am I only eighth? Could it be that the guy Kaido is ranked above me!'

At this moment, Bullet was not only unhappy when he saw his ranking and scheduled rewards, but also felt suffocated as he clenched his fist in anger.

With Kaido's strength, Bullet doesn't believe that he will not be on the list, and now he actually appears on the golden list first. Doesn't it mean that he is not even as good as Kaido?!

Although Devil Fruit is not counted in Warrior List, Kaido is also a devil fruit user, and it is also a rare Mythical Devil Fruit. Excluding Devil Fruit, Kaido's loses no less than him.

Obviously, Kaido thought about this, and soon Kaido's message appeared on the golden list.

[Beast Kaido: Wororororo~, have you seen it, Bullet, you are on the list before me. Congratulations! Worororo~]

[Descent of the Devil Bullet: Kaido, you just may have a higher combat power data than me. But in terms of actual combat strength, I am definitely higher than you!]

[Beast Kaido: Hmph, come to challenge me when the time comes. I will let you know that I am not only better than you in statistics, but also better than you in actual combat!]

[Descendants of the Devil Bullet: As you wish!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: This year's list challenge seems to be more and more interesting. Haha~ ]

[Red-haired Shanks: No way. Those on the list are all martial arts powerhouses who refuse to admit defeat. No one thinks anyone is weaker than others. If he don't do anything, I'm afraid everyone in the world will think that Bullet is really under Kaido. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: At the level of Kaido and Bullet, even if there is a gap in the data, the gap will certainly not be very large. Perhaps, Bullet can really beat Kaido in actual combat. ]

[Beast Kaido: Whitebeard, there is nothing for you here, you better close your mouth. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~, you brat Kaido, you don't have the strength to make me shut up!]

"Damn that Whitebeard, after I hatch my Digimon and train them, I will definitely visit you first!" Kaido said fiercely.

"Fight, you all, and it's better if you kill each other." Sengoku murmured.

—[Warrior List], 7th place, Kaido of the Beasts; scheduled reward,[Eight Inner Gates Inheritance].

––Once you use [Eight Inner Gates Inheritance], you can automatically learn Eight Inner Gates immediately.

--Note: Eight Inner Gates is a martial skill that is extremely burdensome to the user. Even if it is learned, it may still cause injury or death after using it.

"It turned out to be Eight Inner Gates!" Kaido widened his eyes and stood up directly from his seat.

Kaido ignored even the wine gourd rolled to his feet.

"Eight Inner Gates, if I can learn this, people like Redhead, Whitebeard, Sengoku, and Garp will no longer be my opponents!"

"Worororororo~ great, great job, golden list!"

As Kaido, who was almost kicked to death by Yamato using the Eight Inner Gates, he felt the power of the Eight Inner Gates most intuitively.

Before using Eight Inner Gates, Yamato was strong but not as good as himself.

But after Yamato used Eight Inner Gates, the battle was reversed, and Kaido himself fell completely into a contrarian trend.

Even after Yamato opened the Eighth Gate "Death Gate", he had no ability to resist.

"Congratulations, Captain, with the power of Eight Inner Gates, even if these Digi Eggs cannot hatch a powerful Digimon, few people in this world dare to provoke us."

King walked over to Kaido and congratulated him.

"But I'm afraid it's not that easy." Kaido rubbed his neck. "Those Marines probably won't let me take the Eight Inner Gates inheritance so easily."

"And that bastard Bullet will obviously be very interested in it."

King nodded, and said firmly, "However since it's Kaido-sama, all challengers will be defeated."

"Of course, Wororoo~." Kaido opened his hands and declared, "The inheritance of Eight Inner Gates, I Kaido will acquire it! No one will take it from me!"

Eight Inner Gates, as long as the Eight Gate is not opened, Kaido believes that with his system, it will be in his control.

And even if he happens to open the "Gate of Death", it does not necessarily lead him to death.

At this moment, Kaido even thought of using Eight Inner Gates to beat Whitebeard and stepping on Garp.

[Iron Fist Garp: Asshole, this guy actually has a reward like "Eight Inner Gates Legacy"!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: The user can actually learn it instantly? This kind of reward is a bit too good!]

[Descent of the Devil Bullet: Interesting, Kaido, your scheduled reward, I want it!]

[Alof Red Redfield: Interesting, Kaido, your reward seems to be much better than mine. ]

[Dragon: This reward is destined to become a jealous object for many people. ]