Chapter 300: 3rd and 2nd place—

—[Warrior List], 3rd place, Kozuki Hiyori; scheduled reward, Advanced Resurrection Scroll.

-–Once you use the Advanced Resurrection Scroll, you will be able to designate a dead person to resurrect.

--The strength of the resurrected person will remain at its peak state during his lifetime, and the strength of the user will not be affected.

"Huh! It's a Resurrection item!" Originally, Hiyori, who was standing behind Rifan with a smile on her face, looking at everyone, had her eyes widened suddenly because of the words that appeared on the golden list.

"My scheduled reward turned out to be an advanced resurrection scroll?!"

Seeing Hiyori's incredible eyes, Rifan patted her hands.

"What you see is true, Hiyori."

"Is there anyone you want to be resurrected?"

Rifan's voice pulled Hiyori back from surprise.

Familiar figures flashed in her mind and finally fixed on her mother Kozuki Toki and father Kozuki Oden.

Thinking of her parents who love her deeply, Hiyori couldn't help but feel a little difficult.

There is no doubt that both her Father and Mother cared about her very much.

If possible, she really wants to resurrect the two together.

However, advanced resurrection items can only resurrect one of them.

"If you can't make a decision, for the time being, let's wait until you get the high-level resurrection scroll." Rifan patted Hiyori on the shoulder. "Perhaps at that time, you will have the answer in your heart, maybe."

How can Rifan fail to see the dilemma in Hiyori's heart?

However, Rifan can do nothing about this. Hiyori can only choose by herself.

After all, Hiyori is different from Nami and Robin. She wants to resurrect more than one person.

"Well, you are right, Master Rifan." Hiyori nodded, "Now that the reward is really far away, I can think slowly."

[Warrior List] The challenge set-up lasted for a month. During this time period, she had enough time to think about the answer.

[Whitebeard Newgate: It is the high-level resurrection scroll, and it was obtained by Hiyori. Does that mean I can see Oden? No, Hiyori, you decide for yourself, no matter who you resurrect, I have no opinion.]

Whitebeard naturally hopes that Hiyori can resurrect his brother Oden, but also hopes that Oden's wife can be resurrected.

Under entanglement, he decided to let Hiyori make the decision by herself.

[Red-haired Shanks: It's actually a high-level resurrection scroll! It is precious to be able to automatically resurrect someone to their peak period, but if there are multiple people who you want to be resurrected, it is also quite difficult. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hahaha, if I were to choose, it would be difficult to make a choice. ]

[Beast Kaido: "..."]

Looking at Hiyori's scheduled reward on the beast pirate ship, Kaido twitched his mouth fiercely.

He has a hunch that maybe soon, he will see Oden again, who once left two long scars on his chest.

Although Kaido respects Oden very much, he doesn't want to see Oden, his 'old friend' now.

[Shemale Bentham: Kozuki Hiyori with the Andromeda Saint Cloth, being ranked high on the list, I can understand. However, the power of the Andromeda Saint Cloth is based on the Nebula Chain, can that also be considered a martial skill?]

[Sabo: The moves that drive Nebula Chains may not be counted as martial arts skills, and subsequent challenges may also restrict Nebula Chains. But the inheritance of the previous generation of Saint Seiya in Andromeda is not only related to Nebula Chains. I remember one of them, "Nebula Storm", can be regarded as a martial skill. If Kozuki Hiyori master such martial arts, then It is reasonable for her to be on the list with the ability of the small universe under her control. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: To be able to rank ahead of Rebecca, excluding the points of the saint cloth, Kozuki Hiyori is probably quite good at boxing and kicking.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: If I guess right, Rifan's disciple is the next one on the list. Hahaha, this time, Rifan's disciples almost occupy half of the list!]

--[Warrior List], 2nd place, Yamato; scheduled reward, [Millennium birthday cake].

--After eating the [Millennium Birthday Cake], users can increase their life expectancy by a thousand years.

"Wow, I can live a thousand years old?" Yamato blinked and couldn't help looking at Rifan, "Teacher Rifan, I can accompany you for a thousand years!"

On the side, Robin, Nami and others looked at Yamato enviously.

Even if they are not immortal, they are naturally willing to stay with Rifan for a thousand years.

It's just that this is the reward Yamato gets, and as her fellow elder sisters, they can only choose to bless her.

"Are you going to stay by my side for a thousand years?" Rifan frowned slightly, resting his cheek with one hand as if thinking about something extremely serious. "I don't know, in a thousand years, can you make your head more flexible."

"Ah! Teacher Rifan, you are saying that I am stupid." Yamato was dissatisfied with her hands on her hips.

"Haha, I'm just kidding, of course, I don't mind having you on my side." Rifan smiled, "In addition, congratulations, with your strength, no one can successfully challenge you."

"In other words, no one will dare challenge you on the Warrior List."

Yamato had previously defeated one of the Four Emperors Kaido in front of the people of the world with Eight Inner Gates.

Now people even know that Yamato is the owner of the blue dragon sacred cloth, and in this challenge, she can use the holy cloth.

At this time, if anyone dares to challenge Yamato, then Rifan can only think that the challenger is a guy with a flawed brain.

"Wait, if it's a guy with a problem with his head." Rifan touched his chin, and the mermaid swordsman who dared to challenge Nami in the swordsman list appeared in his mind. "There shouldn't be such a guy anymore right?"

[Whitebeard Newgate: Another extremely powerful reward, a thousand-year life, even if it is not true immortality, but it is quite a long time.]

[Red-haired Shanks: In this way, Rifan can be regarded as having a disciple who can always accompany him.]

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho~ this is good, after all, it must be very lonely if you are alone. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Hurry up and announce the first place. Let me see what the reward is for the first place. ]

[Descendants of the Devil Bullet: Yes, if it is announced earlier, it will also allow me to blow Kaido's head much faster. ]

[Beast Kaido: Do you need me to teach you how to be polite?]