Chapter 303: Challenging Dragon—

[Shemale Bentham: Ah Le, this is my second time waking up from my sleep, but these two are still fighting!]

[Sabo: Both Kaido and Bullet are super-physical people. It is not surprising that they continue to fight for a day. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hahaha, at this level of battle, it is not so easy to end. In the past, even Roger and Whitebeard fought for three days and three nights. ]

[Shemale Bentham: Then if others want to challenge, aren't they likely to face the problem of not having enough time?]

[Blackfoot Sanji: If there is such a time-consuming battle every time, it will definitely run out of time. The premise is that the challenge can only be carried out one by one. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Haha, although the last time on the "Swordsman List", the challenges were all 1-1 games, but that was only because no one was willing to challenge others when someone was fighting. Perhaps, the golden list allows several challenges to be played at the same time. ]

Shanks' analysis makes those warriors who are eager for rewards think about whether they want to challenge those who are on the list.

At this moment, in the office of the Four Elders.

"Have you really made a decision, Herbert!" The blond-haired Elders solemnly looked at the curly beard elder stretching his body. "The golden list ranked warriors like this. There should be his reasons, if you rashly challenge the people on the list, maybe it will not bring good results."

"Of course!" The Curly Beard Elder named Herbert looked at his three colleagues in the office, "You have also seen it, Kaido who is ranked 7th in the [Warrior List], and the strength of Bullet, which is 8th, is not much different."

"Although we were not able to be on the list, with our strength, the gap between us and Dragon who is ranked 10th is at least not much."

"This is an opportunity. If Dragon can be killed in the challenge, the revolutionary army will also be hit hard."

"What's more, you just heard Im-sama call."

"She is very disappointed with us."

"If we don't do something, maybe our position will not last long."

Upon hearing this, the blonde elder frowned.

Although he does not support the curly beard elder to challenge Dragon, after all, if they are defeated on the battlefield provided by the golden list, it is equivalent to the revolutionary army slapping them in front of the world.

However, as the curly beard elder said, if they don't do something, Im-sama might really consider replacing them and training others.

With Im's ability to support people like them, the blonde elder believes that it is not very difficult.

"Sigh! In that case, you should be more careful." The blonde elder sighed and said.

The curly beard elder nodded, his eyes were extremely firm: "This challenge, I won't admit defeat anyway."

"If I can't defeat Dragon, of the revolutionary army, I will die in a duel!"

"If that happens, then this will be my goodbye for the three of you."

Saying that, as if saying his goodbye, the curly beard elder called Herbert contacted the golden list in his heart.

Soon, a new golden letter and a new screen appeared on the golden list.

—Saint Herbert, One of the Five Elders challenged [Warrior List]10th place; Monkey D. Dragon!

"Huh! One of the Five Elders of the World Government personally challenged the boss?!"

Some of the revolutionary soldiers who were watching the golden list were taken aback and quickly turned their heads to look at Dragon, just in time to see Dragon's body transforming into a ray of light disappearing.

[Shemale Bentham: There can be multiple challenges at the same time!]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Five Elders of the World Government, actually challenge Dragon in person! Mamamama~, things are getting interesting. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Is it revenge for the Revolutionary Army for poaching Issho-san who was supposed to be an Admiral of the Navy?]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~ Maybe they couldn't believe that they didn't make it to the top ten of the Warrior list. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, interesting. Come on, Dragon of the Revolutionary Army, strive to kill your enemy, Jiehahaha!]

"What are the Elders doing? Are they going to challenge themselves at this time?" Garp frowned. "But although those guys have some strength, they probably don't have the power to challenge Dragon."

On his side, Sengoku frowned similarly.

Unlike Garp, Sengoku pays more attention to the impact of this battle between one of the Five Elders and the Revolutionary Army Leader.

"They didn't let Kong go to the challenge, but they did it personally. Could it be that the legendary Im put pressure on them?" He analyzed from the side.

"I just hope the Elder can win, otherwise, even the prestige of Marine will be reduced again."

"Although, the prestige of the Marine has been reduced to a sufficiently low level."

At this point, Sengoku couldn't help but laugh at himself.

"I didn't expect you, one of the Elders sitting on the top would challenge me personally." Looking at the curly beard elder, who was in a straight suit in front of him, Dragon grinned and tore off his cloak. "But this is also good for me…eh?!"


Before Dragon's words could be finished, the figure of the curly beard elder suddenly disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, his fist had fallen on the spot where Dragon had stood before.

"That was dangerous…" Dragon's body appeared a few meters away. "Is it Marine Six Styles shaved? Fortunately, I can do that too, otherwise, it won't be easy to avoid your blow."

"As the leader of the revolutionary army, is talking nonsense all you can do?"

The curly beard elder said with a serious face, and attacked Dragon again.

"Oh, scary~ anyway, from your standpoint, there is nothing to talk about, just use battle to show your and my attitude." Dragon put away his smile, covered his hands with thick Armament Haki, and faced the incoming fist as he grabbed it.

"Dragon Claw Fist!"