Chapter 314: New Digimon—

"Come on, eat more, you will definitely be able to evolve after eating."

MetalTyrannomon placed a lot of Rifan's dishes in front of Gabumon, and said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, MetalTyrannomon."

Not long after it hatched from the digi egg, he said happily that he evolved from Punimon to Gabumon.

After speaking, Gabumon buried his head in a large amount of food again.

"Rifan, is it really okay to ask Gabumon to sign a contract with me?"

"It's a Digimon that you specifically asked for from the Marine."

No.18 on the side walked behind Rifan and asked suspiciously.

"I have signed a contract with MetalTyrannomon, LadyDevimon, and Angewomon. I don't want to ask for one more Digimon." Rifan smiled and glanced at No.18. "Originally, I planned to hand over Gabumon to Nojiko and the others."

"However, if Gabumon becomes their possession, it cannot enter the Epiphany Room to train."

"In that case, maybe it won't be able to break through the upper limit of the maturity period. After comparison, I can only think of you."

"Although you may not need Gabumon to help you fight, you are just helping me raise my child."

No.18, who had a serious face, couldn't help but curl up her lips when she heard Rifan's words.

She raised her hand and pulled the flowing hair to her ear.

"Since you said to help you raise a child, I can't refuse you anymore."

"However, speaking of this, I wonder if you are interested in raising a child who truly belongs to you with me?"

"When you made me, you left this bodily function on purpose."

"Obviously you can cancel this function. Since it is reserved, don't you plan to use this function?"

Hearing No.18's exhaled words in his ear, Rifan glanced at No.18 in surprise.

"Are you sure you are not joking?"

Since No. 18 was made, in Rifan's eyes, No. 18 has always been so cold, and has never expressed the emotion of liking someone or loving someone.

Even if she treats him with respect and is obedient to him, Rifan has always believed that this is No.18 respect for him as her creator.

This is the disadvantage of being an artificial person. Rifan has always known this. In terms of emotions, she is different from ordinary people.

But at this moment, the sudden words of No.18 made Rifan feel that No.18 seemed to be more like a normal person.

No.18 smiled, walked behind Rifan, and hugged Rifan's neck with her slender hands.

"You seem surprised, Lord Creator."

"Of cou—huh?!"

As he was talking, suddenly a ray of light appeared inside the dojo. To be precise, it appeared on Gabumon.

Rifan and No.18 looked at it, and they happened to see the scene where Gabumon evolved into Garurumon.

"Huh! He evolved so soon?!" MetalTyrannomon looked at Garurumon in surprise.

Feeling the light of evolution, Angewomon and LadyDevimon that were originally outside the dojo also opened the door and walked in.

"It has only been a few hours, and it has evolved three times to become a mature Digimon!"

"He evolved to the mature stage, but it took me several years!"

Looking at the Garurumon in front of her, LadyDevimon looked jealous.

"Hey, Rifan, do you want to think of a way to evolve me into a Mega Digimon?"

While talking, LadyDevimon walked to Rifan's side.

"Couldn't you be able to evolve into the Mega body with Angewomon?" Rifan glanced at LadyDevimon. "We know Mastemon is much stronger than the Mega body that you evolved alone."

"Hmph, even if I can evolve into Mastemon, I don't want to evolve with her anymore!" LadyDevimon angrily said as she glanced at Angewomon.

"Your relationship is still so bad." Rifan looked at LadyDevimon, then looked at Angewomon, a little speechless. In the epiphany room, usually they eat more food, so Rifan believes that after a year and a half, they may be able to evolve on their own.

Anyway, even if LadyDevimon evolves to the Mega body, as long as the method is suitable, he can still make her level degrade into LadyDevimon and merge with Angewomon to evolve into the Mastemon.

In addition, Rifan couldn't refuse the idea that LadyDevimon wanted to become stronger.

Since LadyDevimon wants to evolve, Rifan is of course willing to help her.

"Speaking of which, the legendary Ultimate MetalTyrannomon and a certain ultimate form of the Garurumon can also evolve together."

"In the future, you may be able to see the picture of their combined evolution."

Angewomon said.

"Then it will have to break through the limits of the maturity period." As LadyDevimon was talking, she suddenly noticed that several figures exuding strong life fluctuations appeared outside the door of the dojo, and several of them were still holding a trace of hostility. As a result, LadyDevimon immediately turned around and looked over.

At the same time, Angewomon also follows her steps.

As a symbol of light and darkness, Angewomon and LadyDevimon are extremely sensitive to negative emotions such as malice and hostility.

Even though they were not as powerful as the MetalTyrannomon, they stood in front of Rifan earlier than MetalTyrannomon.

In the next moment, MetalTyrannomon and the Garurumon also came to Rifan's side.

"Don't get me wrong, we are not here to fight." A female voice came into Rifan's ears.

Rifan turned his head and looked at the gate of the dojo. And saw Im with her subordinates on the door of the dojo.

"Oh, isn't this Im that can make the Five Elders kneel down? The four Five Elders are also there."

"Moreover, some people are still hostile."

After speaking, Rifan's gaze swept across the Four Elders and others.

Hearing Rifan's words, the Four Elders and others were shocked, and they avoided Rifan's sight and dared not look at Rifan.

Im frowned and gave the Four Elders a cold look.

For Rifan's words, Im had to pay attention. With Rifan's ability, since the Four Elders are hostile, there is a high probability that this is the case.

'This bunch of trash, I've already reminded them!'

At this moment, Im's heart had already risen to punish Four Elders after going back.

"That, Lord Rifan–" Turning her head, Im, who looked at Rifan again, was stunned, and looked at No.18 figure that appeared from behind Rifan with extreme suspicion.

No. 18 chuckled, stepped to the side and sat down on a chair.

She had felt this glance quite a few times, so she didn't care about Im's surprise at all.

'Why is No.18 beside Rifan?!'

'Since there is such a existence, why hasn't she been on the list of martial artists?'

"Could it be that she just looks like the one from the golden list?'

At this time, the Four Elders also saw Number 18.

Like Im, each of them looked quite surprised.