Chapter 322: Rinnegan restriction—

"You are Rifan! You look quite young!"

Kozuki Oden moved a step to the right so that he could see Rifan's face better.

"Hahaha, but you look quite strong."

"As her father, I want to thank you for your care for training her to be so strong."

"I will invite you to dinner later, and we will have a good drink, hahaha~"

While talking, Oden laughed with arms akimbo.

"Master Rifan, my father is such a person, please don't mind." Hiyori walked to Rifan and said apologetically.

"Don't worry, I know what kind of person Kozuki Oden is." Rifan's mouth curled up and looked at Oden with interest. "Although his head may not be bright, he is still a man worth my respect."

'I just don't know why a man with this character, and a virtuous woman, would give birth to a kid like Momanosuke.'

Rifan did not say this sentence. Although he did believe so in his heart, Rifan always considered Hiyori's mood.

"Huh?" Suddenly Rifan looked up at the golden list as if feeling something and opened his right palm at the same time.

At the next moment, a test tube containing a purple reagent appeared in Rifan's hand.

"Master Rifan, this is…" Vivi came over curiously and looked at the test tube in Rifan's hand in surprise.

Once, Vivi saw something similar to Rifan's reagent.

And that is the Sharingan Vivi obtained from the gold list.

"This should be the reward from the golden list." Rifan nodded, then turned to look at Yamato, who was holding her thousand-year-old birthday cake.

At this moment, Yamato was looking at the thousand-year-old birthday cake in her hand and thinking about something.

After a while, Yamato casually devoured the came she had received.

"Now, I can live for a thousand years." Yamato smiled and looked at Rifan. "Teacher Rifan, you don't have to be afraid of being alone in the future. I can stay with you for a thousand years, haha~"

"Oh, you cared about me that much? Then I have to thank you~" Rifan patted Yamato's head and laughed.

"Hehe." Yamato, whose hair was being stroked by Rifan, narrowed her eyes slightly, revealing a look of enjoyment.

"Is this your golden list reward, Rifan?" Aokiji walked over curiously, "This thing is very special, even with your strength, maybe you need it."

"I admit that this is special like you said, but do you really think I need this power?" Rifan smiled and raised his head to look at Aokiji.

"Huh?! Your eyes?!" Aokiji's eyes widened.

[Beast Kaido: What?! Rifan already has Rinnegan?!]

[Red-haired Shanks: Hey, hey, it's exaggerated, aren't Rifan's eyes Sharingan, why can they become Rinnegan?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: With Rifan's ability, I am afraid that using Rinnegan would be more terrifying than the demonstration. ]

[Issho: I always feel that Sire Rifan can just pull the meteorite from the sky just like me. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Wait, if Rifan has Rinnegan, wouldn't he be able to resurrect the dead directly?!]

"Teacher Rifan, can your eyes become Rinnegan's?"

Vivi looked at Rifan's eyes in surprise.

"I haven't said that I only have sharingan eyes." Rifan smiled, "To be precise, the Rinnegan is the final evolution of Sharingan."

"It's just that not all Sharingan holders can evolve their eyes into Rinnegan."

"This also requires a very special system."

Hearing this, Vivi nodded suddenly: "It turns out that there is still this relationship between Sharingan and Rinnegan. That is to say, Teacher Rifan's special physique can make his eyes evolve into Rinnegan. It seems that I can't evolve my Sharingan into Rinnegan. It's a pity."

"You don't have to belittle yourself." Rifan patted Vivi on her head and explained. "Sharingan has the advantage of Sharingan. If you practice it well, you may be able to catch up with the Rinnegan holder."

"This reagent should only allow people to have Rinnegan, and it cannot allow users to hold Sharingan's abilities at the same time."

After speaking, Rifan looked at Zephyr, who was looking at him with a nervous face.

After a little hesitation, Rifan said to Zephyr:

"My Rinnegan does have the power to resurrect others, and in the presence of the reward of "physical indestructibility", even if I resurrect the dead, it will not cause me any harm."

"However, Rinnegan can only resurrect people whose souls have not yet gone to the underworld."

"If it was the situation like where Roger's soul was summoned out of the underworld by the Summoning card, I might be able to resurrect it directly."

"But when someone's soul is taken into custody in the underworld, I can't do anything about it."

As he said that, Rifan spread his hands and said helplessly:

"I have tried to find the location of the underworld, and I also used the resurrection props from the golden list, but even with my abilities, I did not find the location of the underworld."

"So, if some of you want me to resurrect a certain undead, I can't help it."

"Getting resurrection items from the gold list is more reliable than expecting me to use Rinnegan to resurrect others."

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho, it turned out to be like this. I thought Rifan could resurrect others at will. But talking about the underworld, although I come from there, how I came out at the time, I forgot about the route and everything. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Even if it is limited from what Rifan said, it is still a very scary ability, which means that as long as Rifan is there, people who have just died can be resurrected immediately!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Rinnegan plus the physical indestructibility. Tsk tsk. It's really scary. Rifan can just stand in the back and resurrect his partner without going into battle, and he can make his opponent sick to death. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Since Rifan already has Rinnegan, that is to say, this reward will appear among Rifan's new disciples. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: If Rifan gives Rinnegan and the "physical indestructibility" he will obtain to the same disciple, another pervert will be born.][Ps; pervert here means another op character like Rifan.]

When Zephyr heard Rifan's words, his trembling body gradually calmed down.

After a long time, Zephyr sighed deeply.

"I understand, Rifan."

"I won't ask you to resurrect my wife and children."


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