Chapter 324: Nightmare—

"Really, can't you save me a little trouble?" Withdrawing his fist, Rifan looked at Bullet flying far away a little speechlessly."

Hearing Rifan's words, Kaido and others twitched their mouths fiercely, trying to say something, but found that they really couldn't find any words to say.

"Rifan, although I know I'm not your opponent, but this time let me see your power again." Garp rubbed his fist and walked towards Rifan first.

This time, he didn't care about Kaido, Redfield and others around him, or even his son Dragon standing not far away.

Bullet's lessons learned from the past tell him that at this time, it's better not to trouble anyone else.

Otherwise, if Rifan is in a bad mood, he might be sent to lie on the hospital bed for a few months.

Garp didn't want to be treated like that.

"Oh, yes, there are you guys." Rifan rubbed his neck and glanced over Garp, Kaido, Im and others one by one.

Garp: "What do—!"

Before Garp finished speaking, Rifan's body suddenly appeared in front of him, and then a force that penetrated his entire body spread through his abdomen to Garp's whole body. boom!

With a loud explosion, Garp flew out hundreds of meters in an instant, and finally fell to the ground and fainted.

However, compared with Bullet, Garp's injury is much lighter.

"What!?" Kaido's eyes widened.

"Where are you looking?" Rifan's voice suddenly appeared beside Kaido, "Let me borrow your mace for a moment. "

Kaido: "!"

Kaido just felt light on his hands, and the mace was already in Rifan's hands.

"Thunderclap Eight Trigrams!"


Rifan's Thunderclap Eight Trigrams hit Kaido, almost beating Kaido's body to ninety degrees, and after flying, it accurately landed on Garp who had passed out.

"Only in two seconds?" Dragon twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Ding dong! You're correct, but there's no reward for you." Rifan's face appeared in front of Dragon, and then Dragon's eyes widened, and with a bang he became unconscious, and his body fell on Kaido.

At the next moment, Redfield suddenly looked up, and what imprinted in his eyes was the huge mace in Rifan's hand.


"It's your turn, Miss Im, please be ready to fly. Also, if your saint's cloth was broken, don't cry." Rifan, who moved to Im's side instantly, raised his mace and posed As if hitting a baseball, he aimed his weapon at Im.

Hearing Rifan's words, Yim's eyelids twitched and instantly took back the saint cloth she was wearing.

She didn't think she would have the ability to defeat Rifan by putting on the holy cloth at all!

In that case, it's better to take it off and let Rifan knock her down.

Although she can be injured, at least the saint cloth will not be damaged!

With a "bang", Im's body finally fell on Redfield's body, and she passed out completely.

"Okay, after finishing my warm-up, then it's your turn, my lovely disciples." Rifan held the mace on his shoulders, and the corners of his mouth curled up, looking at Hiyori and others like a demon.

Seeing the expression of Rifan, Rebecca, Bonney, Hiyori and Yamato all stiffened, their bodies instantly disappeared in place, conditionally far away from Rifan.

Bonney and Rebecca erupted with huge Qi and Reiatsu respectively, while Hiyori and Yamato put on their own saint clothes one after another.

However, because the Nebula Chain cannot be used, Hiyori's Andromeda Cloth has a lot of notation.

[Dark King Rayleigh: It's really miserable, the dignified Emperor Kaido, the Marine Hero Garp, The Aloof Red Redfield, and even Im, are stacked together by Rifan, and they all got defeated in one move!]

[Red-haired Shanks: I thought I was dreaming, but seeing it was Rifan who attack, I was relieved again. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: If Kaido woke up and learn that he was defeated by his own move and weapon, I didn't know what he would think.]

[Momousagi Gion: The power of Rifan is still so incomprehensible. I thought that with Kaido obtaining the Eight Inner Gates, Garp-san obtaining the Crave Martial Arts Inheritance, and Im possessing a sacred cloth can at least bring Rifan some troubles…but it seems that I was completely wrong. ]

Gion, who had only returned to the MarineG1 headquarters, sighed deeply while watching the live broadcast of the golden list.

Not only her, but her other Marine colleagues who watched the battle were also caught in an extremely low mood.

Seeing such a huge disparity in strength, this time even Marine Admiral Akainu was surprisingly depressed.


"That Kaido was actually defeated by Rifan in one hit!"

"I didn't think Hiyori master would be so powerful!"

Kozuki Oden cupped his face with both hands, his mouth was opened to the largest extent because of overwhelming surprise.

"This is just the tip of the iceberg of Rifan strength." Aokiji stared at Rifan's back, and said without looking back, "Oden, you have just been resurrected, and you still don't understand how terrifying Rifan is."

"However, as the father of Rifan's disciple, you have a chance to get to know it slowly.

"At that time, you will be extremely grateful that your daughter can become Rifan's disciple."

Listening to Aokiji's extremely serious words, Oden scratched his face and became more curious about this Rifan who helped his daughter Hiyori.

"Yamato and the others seem to be very afraid of Rifan now." Hina squinted her eyes and glanced at Vivi, who also had a nervous face beside her. "Princess Vivi, you seem to know something."

"Haha." Vivi gave a wry smile, "It's because Teacher Rifan rarely shows such a face."

"That face?" Tashigi looked at Rifan, "What kind of face? Isn't he smiling very happily?"

"He may be very happy, but when Teacher Rifan smiled like that, we as his disciples will definitely experience something scary."Robin put her cheek in one hand and looked at Hiyori and others with interest, "Now, you can witness how teacher Rifan trained his disciple. hehe"

"Robin, please don't show a smile similar to Rifan's teacher. I'm a little scared." Nami touched the cold sweat on her forehead.

"It seems hot today." Ain raised her palm to her face, and a look of fear flashed in her eyes.

When the people around saw the look of Rifan disciples, they couldn't help being quite curious about what happened to them.

'Rifan, what did you do to them?' Hina raised her eyebrows and turned her eyes to the golden list.

"Maybe, this live broadcast will tell me."


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