Chapter 330: Totto Land and Maiden Island—

New World.

On one of the Island in Totto Land

"Rifan Dojo is actually here!?"

"But, why is it in my palace?!"

Charlotte Galette looked at the dojo in front of her, her eyes widening the most.

"People should not dare to enter here, can it be said that Rifan really put the dojo for me?"

"Wait, I remember Rifan once said that he has his Dojo on an accessible island!"

"Does this mean me?"

Thinking of Rifan's words, Galette's eyes gradually brightened.

Charlotte Galette, as the Minister of Butter of the BIG-MOM Pirate Group, is based in Butter Town, McGregor Island, within the territory of the Totto Land.

It's just because of the golden list, that this month, Galette has been called to Cake Island for a gathering.

"I haven't come back here this month, let alone my castle. If Rifan's dojo is really here, then naturally no one will find it this month."

"Great. I should tell mom about this— Wait, can I not tell mom?"

Galette, who was about to take out the den-den mushi to contact her Mother, stopped.

Looking at the closed gate of the dojo, Galette swallowed.

'If I can become Rifan's disciple, I can get stronger.'

'After that, I shouldn't have to worry about getting my soul drawn by my mother, and I don't have to worry about being killed by someone.'

Galette bit her thumb, and her mind was struggling.

On the one hand, if Rifan's dojo was told to her mother, she might be praised by her mother, and the chance of being punished would be reduced in the future.

On the other hand, if she becomes a disciple of Rifan, she can get stronger, and even a strong one who can surpass her Mother!

On the contrary, there is no need to worry about being killed by her mother.

Galette is afraid of death. She has seen many of her siblings die because of her mother's methods.

She has a different attachment to life.

It is precisely because of this dedication to life, that during her 29 years of life, Galette has been trying her best to complete the tasks assigned to her, trying her best not to anger her mother.

"How come I came here!" Galette exclaimed.

Before she knew it, Galette realized that she had come to the door of the dojo, and her hand was pressing on the gate of the dojo at this moment.

'It seems that my body has already made a decision for me.'

Galette took a deep look at the door, and after a little hesitation, she raised her hand and knocked on the door.

"Your Excellency Rifan, are you there? I'm Charlotte Galette of the BIGMOM Pirates."

"If you can, I hope your Excellency can accept me as your disciple."

As the words fell, the gate of the dojo slowly opened, and Rifan was standing in front of Galette with a smile at the moment.

"Your Excellency Rifan, it's really you!" Even though she had guessed it, Galette was still quite surprised to see him.

Rifan said with a smile, "I didn't think my dojo would be randomly thrown in your home."

"I don't know, my dojo is here. Does it bother you?"

Galette shook her head quickly and said:

"No, it is my honour for His Excellency Rifan dojo to be put here."

"Your Excellency Rifan, if you wish, please move to my boudoir, I will prepare the sweetest pastries and black tea for you."

After listening to Rifan's words, Galette finally knew why Rifan's dojo appeared here.

This was just a random release by Rifan, and she had good luck, and Rifan's dojo happened to appear in her castle.

"A Pastry, then bring some in. Also, stop with formalities."

"Btw, there is another person who found my dojo almost at the same time as you."

"Take your pastries, and I will take you to meet the person who found my other dojo."

"As for becoming my disciple, after we meet the other person, let's talk about it in detail."

Rifan said.

"Has anyone else found Yo…Rifan's dojo?!" Galette's beautiful eyes opened slightly, "Yes, Rifan, I will go now."

After speaking, Galette turned and ran to the side.

Three minutes later, Galette came to Rifan with several plates of exquisite desserts and a pot of black tea.

"Your Excell—I mean Rifan, I am ready, can I go now?" Galette panted and asked Rifan.

"Yeah, you can." Rifan nodded, focusing on the buttery pastry in Galette's hand. "By the way, this pastry could not have been made by your butter's ability. Did you make it?"

"This is indeed what I did, and I didn't use the fruit ability—" Galette glanced at Rifan in surprise, "R..Rifan, do you know that I am a butter devil fruit user?"

No wonder Galette is surprised, although the fact that she is a butter devil fruit user is not a secret.

But Galette thinks that a super-spec power like Rifan should not pay too much attention to her.

Rifan said her fruit ability, so how could it not surprise Galette?

"Well, for some reason, I know it." Rifan nodded, "Come inside the dojo."

After entering the dojo, Rifan put his hand on Galette's shoulder.

"Next, I will use space-related abilities to directly transfer us to Maiden Island."

"Do you need to notify the family who rules you first, and then follow me?"

Rifan asked.

Hearing this, Galette shook her head quickly: "No, no, let's set off now."

How could Galette let others know that Rifan's dojo is here?

It's hard to find a life reward that can make you quickly become stronger, and even have a chance to win the golden list reward after becoming stronger.

For such an opportunity, how could Galette, who didn't want to die, give up.

At the moment when she took the cakes and black tea for Rifan, Galette had already decided that she must do her best to become Rifan's disciples!

Rifan took a look at Galette with interest. Galette's performance was so obvious that Rifan immediately understood Galette's thoughts.

However, Rifan didn't click on it. Instead, after reminding Galette, he activated the teleportation ability of the dojo and went to the Maiden island--Amazon Lily!


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