Chapter 333: Respective development direction—

"Here, this is your disciple's name token."

"Just drop a drop of your blood on it."

After confirming to accept Hancock and Charlotte Galette as his tenth and eleventh disciples, Rifan handed the disciple token to them.

"Thank you, Teacher Rifan." Galette nodded, respectfully accepting the disciple token.

Hancock on the side moved faster than her. When Galette took the token, she had already dripped blood on the token.

"Mine is ready, Teacher Rifan, here!" Hancock ran to Rifan and handed the token to Rifan with a blooming smile.

"Oh?." Rifan took the disciple token in Hancock's hand.

[Name: Boa Hancock]

[Age: 29 years old]

[Born: Amazon Lily]

[Training Direction: Ninja]

'Ninja? It seems that the [Rinnegan Bloodline Limit] I got before has to be handed over to Hancock.'

'I just don't know what kind of Rinnegan Hancock will inherit.'

Rifan rubbed his chin and glanced at Hancock, who was looking at him excitedly.

Rinnegan, like Sharingan, is not a single eye. There are also different kinds of Rinnegan.

Take Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke as an example, the abilities of the two after getting Rinnegan in the later period are also slightly different.

However, no matter what kind of Rinnegan she gets, Rifan believes that he can train her beyond Uchiha Madara.

This is the confidence that Rifan has trained many outstanding disciples, and it is also the confidence that Rifan has Rinnegan's pupil power.

"Teacher Rifan, mine is done too."

At this time, Galette's voice reached Rifan's ears.

Similarly, she also handed her disciple token to Rifan's hand.

[Name: Charlotte Galette]

[Age: 29 years old]

[Born: Totto Land]

[Training Direction: Stand User]

'It's a Stand user again.' Rifan raised his eyebrows slightly. 'It's interesting. I didn't use the stand arrow last time. It seems that I still have to use it.'

'I hope that Galette will be able to awaken her Stand smoothly at that time, otherwise, I will waste the few stand arrows that can make the Stand evolve like the Chariot Requiem. "

'However, the efficacy of the epiphany room seems to be stronger than I imagined.'

'Even Digimon whose evolution level is restricted by the Golden List can evolve. It should be quite safe to use stand arrows in the Epiphany Room.'

Rifan, who was lost in thought, couldn't help looking up and down at Galette in front of him.

As everyone expected, Hancock on the side has already looked very jealous because of Rifan's scrutiny.

Although Galette noticed Hancock's eyes, she didn't care at all.

Although Hancock's beauty can almost be said to be deadly to male-female it is clear that Galette is not in this range.

"Okay, I have determined the direction of your training."

"Next is to start the training with me."

Rifan waved his hand at Hancock and Galette and walked in the direction of the training chamber.

The two women, Hancock and Galette, naturally followed closely, without any doubt, they walked the long dark passage and came to the special space of the time training chamber.

Hancock and Galette glanced at the sea and beach that suddenly appeared in front of them, and like the disciples who had come to the time training chamber in the past, showed their surprise.

Rifan also explained to the two in a timely manner.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time it's so lively here."

"In the past, there was only one disciple coming in. This time, since you both found my dojo at the same time, I will train you at the same time."

"This kind of experience is also pretty good, it can save me at least two years."

Rifan smiled.

For Rifan, training two disciples at the same time is not a problem at all.

If there is no special reason, Rifan would rather be able to train multiple disciples at the same time.

After all, for a disciple, she must have only been in the training warehouse for two years.

But in Rifan's case, if he trains one disciple after another disciple, the time spent exponentially increases.

'Damn it, in two years, I can obviously get along with Rifan privately, just the two of us alone!'

'It would be great if there was no such woman.'

After hearing Rifan's explanation, Hancock muttered in a low voice while staring at Galette.


Rifan's fingers flicked on Hancock's forehead, making a clear sound.

"Well, Hancock, don't forget, my rule here is that my discipline will trust and get along with each other."

"If you can't do it, even if you become my disciple now, I can kick you out."

Hancock's character Rifan still understands, she will have such emotions towards Galette, Rifan can also understand.

Even Rifan thinks Hancock like this is quite cute.

However, Rifan believes that it is better to remind her early.

So as not to make Hancock and his other disciples make any unpleasant memories.

His other disciples, Rifan, are not worried, but on Hancock's side, Rifan is really not sure.

After all, Hancock is quite arrogant to anyone except the person she likes.

Even at the current Four Emperors, Hancock's attitude is still arrogant.

"Teacher Rifan, I will abide by your rules, please don't kick me!"

As soon as Rifan's voice fell, Hancock was shocked and immediately hugged Rifan's hands and prayed.

"Okay, don't worry, I'm just talking, I don't really intend to kick you out."

Seeing Hancock's appearance, Rifan couldn't help shaking his head and pulled out his hand.

"This is for you, drink it."

"In the next two years, I will make you a super female ninja."

On the side, seeing what Rifan had taken out of the Babylonian treasury, Galette couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"This is [Rinnegan Bloodline Limit] ?!"