Chapter 350: 11th place—

[Beast Kaido: Wait, what's the situation? Linlin, you mean, Rifan not only accepts one of your daughters as his official disciple, but he is also planning to accept two more of your daughters as his outer disciples? Don't tell me this outer disciple is like Nojiko and Sadi?!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: It's really surprising. I didn't expect that during this time, Linlin, you also got a relationship with Rifan. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Whitebeard, speaking of relationships, aren't you the same? Kozuki Hiyori is your brother's daughter, which means you have a niece with Rifan. You won't deny this. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: In that case, I also have something to do with Rifan. After all, Hiyori, I also know her. ]

Seeing the message on the golden list, Sengoku frowned tightly.

Rifan has never really done anything against the Four Emperors Pirate Group.

Even in the battle between Kaido and Yamato, he only repelled Kaido and did not kill him.

With Kaido's system, it only takes a few days to recover from being completely safe.

And the Beasts Pirates just lost a piece of land.

The Marine and World Government, on the other hand, directly clashed with Rifan and Rifan's disciples.

Before and after, one of the Five Elders, Ito Taro, was killed by Rifan, and then Ain and Zephyr led the team to take Marineford.

Thinking of Rifan's power and network of connections, Sengoku feels distraught.

Not only Sengoku but other people on the sea suddenly realized that the Four Emperors really got in touch with Rifan.

Unknowingly, Rifan's network has spread to more than half of the New World.

[Sadi: Hmph, this outer disciple of Teacher Rifan is different from before. In the past, Nojiko and I didn't actually have actual identities, but now Nojiko and I have official identities as outer disciples. In the future, I can receive more training guidance from Teacher Rifan and use more resources. And there are more opportunities to become official disciples, you guys, be envious, Hahahaha!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Oh? It seems that this outer disciple is not ordinary. With that said, this old man can't help but feel a little moved. ]

[Beast Kaido: You're already past your age Rayleigh, so don't think about such things. By the way, Rifan, what are the requirements to become your outer disciple? What do you think of me?]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Give up, Kaido, unless you stop being a pirate; otherwise, you can't be Rifan's outer disciple. ]

As one of the few outsiders who know Rifan's rules for accepting outside disciples, Linlin has a more significant measure of the value of this outer disciple than others.

Although being an outer disciple can bring some benefits, they, the captain of a pirate group, can't just join the fun because the losses brought about maybe even more.

After all, even if they become an outer disciple, they may not necessarily become a formal disciple.

They may even face Rifan's rejection.

[Dark King Rayleigh: So Rifan doesn't accept pirates. Just right, I'm not a pirate anymore, it means I still have a chance, hahaha. ]

[Revolutionary Dragon: It should not just be pirates, but the old Marine commanded by Sengoku should also be disqualified. I don't know whether the Revolutionary Army has a chance to become the outer disciple of His Excellency Rifan. What are the specific rules for becoming an outer disciple?]

[Rifan: In addition to Ivankov, I can consider members of the Revolutionary Army. As for the rules of the outer disciples, in the end, it depends on the margin of the eye. In addition, I will hold a competition every month, and the winner will become my official disciple. Outer disciples will have an absolute chance to participate in the competition, and they can also get my guidance before the competition. The location is set in Dressrosa arena. ]

[Sabo: Huh! Your Excellency Rifan also plans to hold a competition in Dressrosa's arena!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: This is simply an opportunity for those who can't find Rifan's dojo. However, Rifan should be more inclined to his outer disciple. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: In the style of Rifan, he may train his outer disciples before the competition he holds, but after the competition starts, they will definitely be treated equally. It seems that I have to visit Dressrosa frequently these days. ]

[Revolutionary Army Dragon: Indeed, even just watching the competition, you may be able to gain a lot. ]

[Sadi: What are you guys so excited about? Teacher Rifan hasn't said when the competition would start. And Teacher Rifan has said that the first competition will not involve too many outsiders in the competition.]

[Sabo: In other words, there are still some outsiders who can participate, which is really exciting!]

[Sadi: You…, forget it, you guys don't have any threat anyway. If you really come here, I will teach you a lesson. Ha!]

--[Ability List], 11th place, Sadi; Ability, Dark Fruit-no weakness.

One of the most special Logia fruit abilities, after elementalization, although it cannot avoid attacks, can absorb damage. When absorbing damage, the pain suffered by the user doubles.

It can absorb the attacks of other devil fruit abilities in a small area and can temporarily remove the abilities of others when touching other devil fruit users with hands.

The user is not afraid of seawater and seastone.

[Sad: Huh?! I'm in 11th place! Damn it, why can't I enter the top ten? It's clear that my devil fruit ability is an ability that has no weaknesses!]

Initially, Sadi-chan did not expect her ability to be in the top ten, but after the 12th place was announced and her name did not appear, Sadi-chan had some expectations in her heart.

She looks forward to being able to enter the top ten; after all, the top ten will have a greater chance of getting excellent rewards.

It was just counterproductive, and she ended up in 11th place.

[Thatch: The 11th place it's already pretty good; I am also a Dark Fruit user, and I just reached 26th place. ]

[Sadi chan: Hmph, you actually compare yours to mine? Even if my devil fruit ability is not included, I am not afraid of the sea. I am also higher than you in the development of Dark Fruit. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Indeed, looking at this demo, your use of dark fruit really surpassed Thatch. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: In addition to the skills developed, the strength of the devil fruit user is also related to the user's strength. Even with the same move, the stronger the system, the greater the power used. Sadi seems to be better than Thatch in physical fitness, and it is reasonable she is ranked higher than Thatch. I don't know what rankings Teach can get. ]

[Blackbeard Teach: Zehahahaha~, I also look forward to the rewards that the golden list can give me!]


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