Chapter 359: Whitebeard: Sure enough, I am the strongest!

-[Ability List], 8th place, Monkey D. Dragon; Ability, the fruit of the storm.

- Users can transform into a strong wind and use the characteristics of the wind to change the weather. When Dragon uses his ability, he can even easily change the weather to cause a hurricane

[Red Hair Shanks: Dragon of the Revolutionary Army is really amazing. In the previous martial arts list, he was ranked tenth and defeated many challengers. Now he even ranked 8th place on the list of ability users; the revolutionary army will probably get a pretty good reward this time. ]

[Beast Kaido: That might be the case. I remember that the resurrection item obtained by Dragon last time resurrected an enemy, and they didn't get any benefit at all. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The Revolutionary Army's Issho and Dragon are ranked eighth. It's impossible to have the same bad luck this time. ]

[Blackbeard Teach: Zehahahaha~, I have reached eighth place; I don't know what ranking the golden list will give me. I really feel excited when I think about it. ]

[Phoenix Marco: Hey, I forgot that you are not on the list yet!]

Thinking of Teach's abilities, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates are all a little bit distressed and annoyed.

Teach Dark Fruit has no weaknesses. To say that Teach has no chance to be on the list, the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group don't believe it.

It now appears that Teach will definitely get a very high ranking. Originally, if Teach was not such a despicable person, then he must still be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And they will definitely celebrate Teach.

However, Teach is such a sinister and cunning person, and now that he might get the top rankings, Marco and others are depressed.

[Blackbeard Teach: Don't be too envious, Captain Marco. Perhaps, after getting the reward this time, I can gain the ability to surpass Oyaji, Zehaha!]

[Fire Fist Ace: Don't be too arrogant. Teach! Don't forget that Dad is not on the list either. Dad will definitely get more powerful rewards than you!]

[BlackbeardTeach: Let's wait and see, Zehahaha~ ]

"Teach, so that's the guy who took my sword." Kozuki Oden touched his chin, "I need to find a way to get my sword back. Let a traitor from the Whitebeard Pirates hold my swords; I always feel a little awkward."

"There will always be a chance to meet Teach in the future." Whitebeard turned his head when he heard Kozuki Oden's words, "At that time, we will take you back to your swords.

--[Ability List],8th place, Marshall D-Teach; Ability, Dark Fruit; no weaknesses.

--The extremely special Logia Devil Fruit, whose body changes into darkness, possesses infinite gravity like a black hole…

[Blackbeard Teach: Is it eighth? Not bad. ]

[Sadi: It's really unpleasant. ]

"Teacher Rifan, can you help me improve my strength quickly so that I can defeat this Teach." After leaving a complaint on the gold list, Sadi ran around Rifan in small steps, with a pleading expression on her face. Looking at Rifan. "This man not only has the same ability as me but also ranks so much higher than me. I am really unwilling."

"Raise your strength quickly?" Rifan's mouth curled up, "It's very simple; as long as you become my official disciple, I guarantee you will gain the ability to surpass Teach in a short time."

"Isn't it equivalent to not saying it?" Sadi pouted, "If I can find Teacher Rifan dojo, do I still need to ask you how to get stronger?"

"If you can't find my new dojo, try to win the next martial arts dojo challenge." Rifan smiled and patted Sadi on the shoulder.

Depending on your strength, sometimes good luck can also help you win."

"Since you are so free now, how about praying to the gods that you can have strong luck?"

Upon hearing Rifan's words, Sadi sighed:

"Is there a god in the world? I don't know. In my opinion, Teacher Rifan, you are more like a god."

"Why don't I pray to you? You bless me with strong luck, okay?"

Rifan raised his hand and flicked Sadi's forehead, and smiled:

"Okay, I wish you good luck. Of course, I will also wish my other outer disciples good luck.

"Teacher Rifan, you really are..." Sadi held Rifan's arm and acted like a baby. Rifan touched Sadi's smooth hair and continued to set his sights on the golden list.

Soon, the Aloof Redfield also landed in eighth place in the[Ability List].

Sengoku, Garp, and even the current Marine Commander Kong were naturally quite surprised to see that Redfield turned out to be a Devil Fruit user and still possessed the bat fruit-Mythical-vampire fruit ability to make himself younger.

After Redfield, Golden Lion, Sengoku, Kaido and other talents standing at the top of the world's combat power have successively made a list.

--[Ability List], 7th place, Charlotte Linlin; Ability, soul fruit.

-[Ability List],6th place, Golden Lion Shiki; Ability, Float Devil Fruit.

-[Ability List], tied for 6th place, Douglas Bullet; Ability, merging fruits; awakened; No Weaknesses.

--[Ability List], tied for 6th place, Sengoku; Ability, Human-Human Fruit, Model: Buddha.

-[Ability List], tied for 6th place, Kaido; Ability, Fish-Fish Fruit, Model Azure Dragon; Awakened.

--[Ability List],5th place, Whitebeard Newgate; Ability, Shock Fruit; Awakened.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararararara~ it seems that my ability is stronger than you guys, Kaido, Golden Lion, Linlin. ]