Chapter 377: King Neptune Determination—

Princess Shirahoshi is more than eleven meters tall, and the hard shell tower she lives in is naturally massive.

Therefore, in the corner of the tower, a "small" dojo suddenly appeared, and Princess Shirahoshi didn't notice it at first.

If it wasn't for Princess Shirahoshi's pet shark, who happened to see the dojo, I am afraid that Princess Shirahoshi would only find the dojo when she was resting at night.

"Why is Rifan-sama dojo here?"

Princess Shirahoshi bent down her tall body, her eyes full of curiosity at the dojo in front of her.


The gate of the dojo opened, and Princess Shirahoshi, who had just leaned down and was about to reach out her finger to knock on the door, quickly retracted her hand.

"Hello, how are you, Princess Shirahoshi." Rifan's tall and straight figure appeared in front of the dojo. "I haven't congratulated you yet. Congratulations. You're ranked 3rd place on the [Ability List]."

"However, you seem to be a little troubled now."

"Would you like to talk to me?"


At this moment, there was a sound and a rush of footsteps from the door of the hard shell tower.

Shirahoshi and Rifan turned their heads and found that the relatives of Princess Shirahoshi, headed by King Neptune of the Fish-Man island, ran in anxiously.

"Shirahoshi, y-you are Rifan! How come, how come Rifan is here?!" King Neptune was about to say something to Shirahoshi when Rifan suddenly appeared in his sight.

Immediately, the King widened his eyes to the widest, just like the children standing behind him.

Fukaboshi: "How come, w-why is your Excellency Rifan here, Shirahoshi, w-what is going on...?"

Ryuboshi: "Yes, Shirahoshi, don't tell me you have become a disciple of Rifan?!"

Manboshi: "Wait, if Rifan is Shirahoshi's disciple, wouldn't we be saved?!"

Shirahoshi's three older brothers looked at Shirahoshi and Rifan with excitement, and the expectation in their eyes, even if they were separated by a certain distance, Shirahoshi could still feel them.

"No, no, father and elder brothers." Shirahoshi waved her hand, "Rifan-sama and I just met, and I have not become a disciple of Rifan-sama!"

Hearing Shirahoshi's words, Neptune and the three mermaid princes immediately showed disappointed expressions.

After taking a deep breath, Neptune stepped forward, looked at Rifan solemnly and said:

"Your Excellency Rifan, although I don't know how you came to this hard shell tower.

"However, I beg you to make Shirahoshi your disciple."

"Since she has discovered your dojo, I sincerely ask you to give her a chance!"

After coming closer, Neptune naturally found the dojo in the corner, so he also hoped that Rifan could accept Shirahoshi.

He knew that with the power and prestige of Rifan, even if Shirahoshi had the power of Poseidon, Rifan would not turn Shirahoshi into his own weapon.

After all, Rifan himself controls the power to surpass Poseidon.

Neptune believes that the 2nd and 1st place in the unannounced [Ability List] will definitely have Rifan's name.

Neptune also knew that as long as Rifan accepted Shirahoshi as his disciple.

Even if Rifan doesn't teach Shirahoshi anything, just being a disciple of Rifan is enough to make those who hope to gain Shirahoshi's power dare not do anything to Shirahoshi.

"Of course, if His Excellency Rifan thinks Shirahoshi is inappropriate, you can also consider my three sons or me!"

In order to ensure that the probability of Rifan accepting a disciple is high enough, Neptune quickly introduced himself and the three princes, such as Fukaboshi, to Rifan.

After the three princes heard their father's words, they immediately stepped forward and respectfully saluted Rifan.

Even if they are the royal family facing Rifan, they dare not have any disrespect.

"Shirahoshi, don't be stunned; please hurry up and ask His Excellency Rifan to accept you as a disciple."

Neptune saw Shirahoshi stunned and immediately said to Shirahoshi.

"Oh, oh!" Shirahoshi nodded blankly, "Rifan-sama, please accept me as a disciple!"

"Well, it's okay, but if you get power from me, what do you want to do, Princess Shirahoshi." Rifan laughed. "As for you, King, you should manage your country well. I won't accept you as a disciple."

If Rifan is allowed to choose, from Shirahoshi and Fukaboshi, among others, naturally Shirahoshi is better to be his own disciple.

First, Shirahoshi herself possesses the power of Poseidon, and her starting point is inherently higher than others.

Secondly, Shirahoshi is the first person to discover the dojo after all, and her personality aligns with Rifan's wishes.

When the two are added together, Rifan is naturally more willing to make Shirahoshi his disciple.

Neptune breathed a sigh of relief. Although Rifan rejected him, he could make Shirahoshi a disciple, which was more in line with Neptune's wishes.

'Shirahoshi became Rifan's disciple, so she won't be arrested because of her identity as Poseidon.'

'It's just that the Fish-Man island may never be recognized by the World Government….'

'Neptune, what are you thinking about? Rifan is more powerful than the World Government, and his way of doing things is much better than that of the World Government. Joining Rifan's camp is much better than letting the World Government take Shirahoshi!'

Neptune shook his head heavily, and when he looked at Rifan again, his expression was full of determination.