Chapter 382: Dragon Force—!

[Redhead Shanks: What's going on? Why the ranking list will be updated temporarily, it has never happened before. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: It's really strange. Is there a mistake in the golden list part?]

[Sengoku: How could this kind of thing happen? It's impossible for anyone to hide from the golden list eyes. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~, it seems that she has succeeded. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Whitebeard, seeing you excited, do you know something?]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Let's talk about it, Whitebeard; let us also understand. ]

[Redhead Shanks: Whitebeard, you don't seem to worry about the situation of the Fish-Man island, do you? It can make you not worry, but it can only show that there really is the strength to resist the threat. Although the Fish-Man island has Jinbei from Shichibukai, he absolutely cannot cope with this situation. Moreover, there should be no one else except that person who can hide from the Golden List's eyes. ]

[Sengoku: What did this man do?!]

-[Ability List]The information has been updated, and the list will continue now.

-[Ability List]Princess Shirahoshi, who is on the list, rescinds her 3rd place in the [Ability List].

-[Ability List]2nd place, Princess Shirahoshi; Ability, Poseidon Power, Dragon Force.

—Princess Shirahoshi has the power of Poseidon and can freely control the Sea Kings in the sea to fight for herself by her own will.

[Kaido Kaido: Completely mastered Poseidon's power?! So, it is because Shirahoshi suddenly fully awakened Poseidon's power, so makes the golden list need to be temporarily updated?]

[Red-haired Shanks: Completely Master the power of Poseidon, that is to say, Sea Kings that can completely control the entire world? If it is such a power, it is a veritable power that can destroy the world. The second place is indeed reasonable. It seems that I misunderstood. I thought it was Rifan who took in a disciple on Mermaid Island. Then quickly let this disciple become super strong, which led to the update of the golden list. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: She can completely control the Sea Kings? What a scary ability! Now, those people who want to trouble the Fish-Man island. I'm afraid they will have to think about whether they have the ability to survive if they are attacked by a batch of Sea King.]

It's no joke that groups of oversized Sea Kings gather together; such existence, even Rayleigh will feel bothered when facing such an enemy.

If Shirahoshi let the Sea Kings gather in advance, it would be difficult for anyone to resist them in the sea.

If you change to Devil fruit users, it will be more challenging to deal with.

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Don't say it too early, Shanks. Perhaps, this Shirahoshi is Rifan's disciple, and the reason why she is able to master the power of Poseidon so fast is that she has been taught by Rifan. And, don't you guys feel surprised about the extra "Dragon Force" in the Golden List introduction to Shirahoshi? This has nothing to do with the power of Poseidon. ]

[Beast Kaido: Maybe, this is the power gained after she mastered Poseidon? After all, not many people understand something like Poseidon. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: I would rather believe that this is the power Rifan gave Shirahoshi. Am I right, Whitebeard and Princess Shirahoshi?]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~, rather than asking me, maybe the golden list will give you the answer. ]

–Dragon Force, the endpoint of Dragon Slayer Magic. Entering this state, you need a certain level of mastery of Dragon Slayer Magic. The Dragon Slayer Magic caused Shirahoshi's body to change into a dragon's form, and its unique system can be classified as a special ability.

- Princess Shirahoshi Master water, fire, and thunder dragon slayer magic, which can realize three forms of Dragon Force and can freely absorb the elemental energy of the three attributes of water, fire and thunder and turn it into her own power.

With the introduction of the Dragon Force, the scene of Shirahoshi's use of three forms of dragons after being analyzed naturally appeared on the golden list.

[Fire Fist Ace: Is this really a dragon?! Moreover, the power of this flame is too strong!]

[Admiral Kizaru: Is it the power of the orange thunder? It's really dazzling. ]

[Beast Kaido: This is really not the dragonification caused by Devil Fruit? What is the Dragon Slayer Magic?]

[Redhead Shanks: Don't you understand, Kaido? From its name alone, it is the ability to deal with you.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The water attribute ability that can disturb the sea battle. Tsk, another scary ability appear.]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: The one who competes with Shirahoshi is indeed Rifan. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~, I said that we don't need to come forward at all. With Shirahoshi in, no one will be able to take action against the Fish-Man island. ]

At this moment, not long after the ranking was issued, the Four Elders of the World Government were on the way to Fish-Man island. And they looked at each other in dismay.

"Well, why don't we let our people come back first?" The Long Beard Elder said. "Rifan may be in the Fish-Man island now, even if our people can defeat Shirahoshi, but if there is Rifan there..."

The Long Beard Five did not finish speaking, but the other Elders had already understood the meaning of his words.

"Let's ask Im-sama for advice on this matter." The Blonde Elder sighed, "We have no right to decide on this matter."

Having said that, the Blonde Elder can already be sure that this operation has been unable to achieve the desired results.