Chapter 384: Hody Jones' rebellion—

"How come, why are fathers and elder brothers caught by Hody Jones?!"

Shirahoshi asked the soldier in a panic.

Thinking of the appearance of Hody Jones, Shirahoshi's pupils couldn't help but flash a trace of concealed hatred.

Hody Jones is a name that Shirahoshi can't forget in her life.

It was this man, who was obviously a soldier of Dragon Palace but used a conspiracy to kill the Queen of Dragon Palace, Shirahoshi's mother, Otohime.

Hody Jones wants to use his own conspiracy to keep the residents and humans of the Fish-Men island hated.

Because her mother hopes that human beings can live in peace with the residents of the Fish-Men island and for the sake of not holding hatred between people.

She prevented Shirahoshi from telling the truth about her death and passed away amidst people's pain.

Although Shirahoshi chose to follow her mother's wishes and try to play down her hatred of Hody Jones.

But her mother was killed in front of her own eyes. Even though Shirahoshi wanted to forget, how could this hatred be forgotten?

Now that she heard that Hody Jones kidnapped her father and elder brother again, even Shirahoshi felt a fit of anger in her heart, as well as doubts.

"Why can Hody Jones catch her father and brother?"

"With the power of his father and brothers, Hody Jones can't beat them at all, right?"

"And, what is his purpose for doing this?"

Shirahoshi quickly asked the soldier.

"Reporting to Princess Shirahoshi, Hody Jones and his companions used the legendary poison."

"This kind of evil medicine is potent. After they took the evil medicine, His Majesty the King and His Royal Highnesses are not opponents of the rebels such as Hody Jones."

"In addition, it happened so suddenly, even Boss Jinbei was there and could not stop Hody Jones and others."

"As for their purpose, they want to gain the power of Poseidon, Princess."

"It's just that because they suddenly discovered that you have become a disciple of his Majesty Rifan, they asked me to bring you a message and let you go to the square of the Fish-Men island alone; otherwise, they will kill his Majesty the King and His Royal Highnesses."

After the soldier said that, he glanced at Rifan standing beside Shirahoshi. Even he understands that Hody Jones is worried that Rifan will intervene in this matter.

"It turned out to be Hody Jones." Rifan shook his head and looked at Shirahoshi, "Shirahoshi, in this case, you can handle your business."

"With your current abilities, even Hody Jones and others who have taken the forbidden medicine are far from your opponents.

Hearing this, Shirahoshi nodded heavily, turned around and swam towards the dojo gate.

The moment Shirahoshi passed the gate of the dojo, Shirahoshi's body immediately began to grow.

In just a moment of effort, Shirahoshi's body returned to an eleven-meter-high body, and the soldier who was looking straight to the side was taken aback for a while.

"It turned out this is the reason why Princess Shirahoshi looks so much smaller.

"It should be Rifan who made her smaller."

The soldier lowered his head and muttered something.

"Hey, are you not going to the square?" Suddenly, Rifan's voice reached the soldiers' ears. "Shirahoshi has passed. As a soldier of the Fish-Men island, don't you go to help her?"

"Oh, oh!! I'm going now!" When the soldier woke up from his dream, he realized that Shirahoshi's figure had disappeared from the hard shell tower.

He quickly turned around and rushed to the hard shell tower quickly.

"What a daring soldier." Rifan shook his head, "However, even if they plan something, with Shirahoshi's power, it's like throwing a stone in the ocean. It will only make a small ripple."

"And after Shirahoshi solves Hody Jones, the residents of the Fish-Men island may be able to approve of her fully."

"At that time, the mission of the dojo here is considered complete."

While talking, Rifan walked to the wall where the disciples were hung.

"Time flies so fast; I already have eleven formal disciples."

"In that regard, am I a little overwhelmed and deteriorating here?"

"Is there no suitable man who can find my dojo and let me change my current situation?"


The Fish-Men island square.

"Captain, do you really plan to control Shirahoshi as our power?"

The new Fish-Man pirate group Zeo walked to Hody Jones and asked him. "Rifan won't definitely watch from the sidelines."

"I'm not sure whether Rifan will let it go, but we've already done things, and there's no turning back now.." Hody Jones glanced at Zeo, "Zeo, you should understand our current situation."

"I don't care about Shirahoshi's power; I just want to make a deal with her."

"As long as she is in front of everyone in the Fish-Men island and allows us to leave here. I can let go of his father and brothers. Of course, for insurance, we need to take someone away."

Having said that, Hody Jones gritted his teeth fiercely.

"That's right; we can only do this now." Zeo sighed, "If the golden list shows the relationship between Shirahoshi and Rifan earlier, we won't act on the King.

"Unexpectedly, we are now reduced to a situation where Shirahoshi's mercy is needed."

"However, as a disciple of Rifan, after she promised us, she will definitely do it."

That being said, even Zeo himself is not sure if this method will work.

"I just hope that Rifan won't come in person." Another Fish-Man cadre Icarus sighed and looked at the human pirate in the square who had chosen to rebel when they knew the relationship between Shirahoshi and Rifan.

These human pirates, originally Hody Jones, used threats to control these pirates to attack Dragon Palace.

But when they saw the relationship between Shirahoshi and Rifan, they immediately fought back; even if the new Fish-Man pirate threatened them, it was useless.

In the square, Jinbei looked at Hoody Jones with a sad expression.

Even with his power, facing the situation of the King's arrest, it is not easy to take action.

'Sigh, I hope Princess Shirahoshi can handle this situation. "

Jinbei sighed, thinking in his heart.

After watching the golden list presentation on Shirahoshi, Jinbei knew that even without relying on Poseidon's power, Shirahoshi could defeat Hody Jones and others.

However, he was not sure whether Shirahoshi would be able to rescue her father and brothers safely under Hody's control.

'If Rifan can make a move, maybe it can be solved directly….'

"Huh?! This is!"

Just when Jinbei's mood was complicated, a figure broke into Jinbei's Observation Haki.

Jinbei immediately looked up and found that the figure was not someone else but Shirahoshi herself!