Chapter 392: Reality Alterer—

[Whitebeard Newgate: This is the power that can attribute the enemy's attack to "nothingness" a Stand, which can make the enemy's will never be able to achieve?!]

[Iron Fist Garp: Oh my god, doesn't this mean that if I throw a fist at Galette, I will be reset to zero for certain things?!]

[Beast Kaido: How to fight with this ability?! Is she Invincible?!]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: No, it should not be invincible. If, I mean, if Galette can't detect the enemy's attack, will she be defeated by the enemy's sneak attack? Although the power of the Golden Experience Requiem is strong, it must be controlled by the master, Galette. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: It's not that simple. Since the ability list has ranked Galette in second place, it shows that her ability is comparable to Shirahoshi who has the power of Poseidon. Galette must have mastered her Golden Experience Requiem ability.]

[Momousagi Gion: Is the key to her ability is her Observation Haki mastery?]

[Charlotte Katakuri: Don't worry about this. Galette's Observation Haki can not only foresee the future, but also hear what her enemy feels. If someone wants to challenge Galette, it's best to think thrice. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: As expected, it is not easy, and as expected, , the disciples taught by Rifan will not leave obvious weaknesses. Watching this demo of the Golden Experience Requiem, it's really amazing, any attack can be directly attributed to "Nothingness", I don't understand how it works at all. ]

[Trafalgar Law: It can even give life to non living things! What the hell!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Huh?! This is? In the demo of the golden list just now, the yellow stand next to Rifan used the "time stop" ability. but Golden Experience Requiem actually eliminated this ability?!]

[Descendants of the Devil Bullet: The ability to "stop time" can be eliminated, this Golden Experience Requiem is indeed something. However, that woman Domino has not yet appeared on the list. In other words, is the power of "Time Stop" still stronger than the Golden Experience Requiem?]

[Red-haired Shanks: This kind of power called "Stand" is really weird. Speaking of Domino, her ability is indeed not on the list. The golden list should give her a second place.]

—[Ability List], tied for second place, Domino; Ability, [Star Platinum-Beyond Heaven].

—From [Star Platinum] to further evolve the future Stand, with super strength, speed, precision and continuity, but not too far away from the master.

—With the ability to stop time briefly, Domino can now stop time for a full nine seconds.

— Being used to rewrite the truth of something with both fists, this is the ability acquired after transcending heaven. This ability is not a power that can be used easily, and it will consume a lot of life force and soul ability when used.

After the Jinbang text appeared, a demonstration of the ability of[Star Platinum-Beyond Heaven] quietly appeared on the curtain projected by the Golden List.

Seeing the destruction that Domino can do during the time when it stops, and seeing Domino use the Stand to overwrite reality and rewrite what has happened, everyone's eyes widenedGalette in surprise.

[Red-haired Shanks: Wuuut!? I thought I would not be surprised after seeing the power of Golden Experience Requiem. But Domino's Stand ability is a damn reality changer! This Star Platinum-Beyond Heaven, is not relying on it's ability to stop time to surpass the Golden Experience Requiem, but surpassing it by this hand's ability to overwrite reality! ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: This power beyond heaven should be the power Domino gained after her fight with Bullet. According to the characteristics of this power, it is hard to imagine that Bullet can resist it. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: This ability, I'm afraid that if our old bones was hit by this Star Platinum-Beyond Heaven fist, our old bones will be directly wiped out. ]

[Sengoku: Platinum Star-Beyond Heaven and the Golden Experience Requiem. It should be Star Platinum who will win. However, if they fight with other enemies, the sustained ability of the golden experience Requiem is much stronger. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Both of these Stands are ridiculously strong, and I always feel that I won't stand a chance fighting against one of these two Stands. ]