Chapter 395: Outer Disciples Selection—

After the Golden List started to demonstrate his abilities, Rifan used his own means to contact Vivi, Galette, and others who were out.

And they soon came to Dressrosa through various dojos with candidates who wanted to become Rifan disciples.

On the side, Charlotte Custard and Pudding, who followed Galette to Dressrosa dojo, hadn't recovered yet; suddenly, they heard Rifan wanted to determine all the outer disciple candidates through a lottery.

And they themselves have been internally designated by Rifan as outer disciples, and they are both shocked and excited.

Others who have not yet been determined to be accepted by Rifan as outer disciples cast envious glances at Sadi and others.

Rifan did not intend to delay too long to collect the outer disciples.

After talking about some precautions, Rifan randomly pulled out some notes with names written on them from the box

"Let's start. The first batch of outer disciples that are selected." Looking at the note in his hand, Rifan nodded and said, "The names of the 24 outer disciples are."

Hearing Rifan's words, several representatives who had been brought to Dressrosa pricked their ears.

Looking at the expressions of the people around, Rifan's mouth was slightly tilted, and his eyes turned to Kuzan.

"By the way, Kuzan, do you think you are among the outer disciples?"

"Um, this question." Kuzan touched the back of his head, "I naturally hope to be your disciple and develop more amazing abilities. However, you must still explicitly disclose the name; else, we will be quite nervous."

Hearing what Kuzan said, Hina, Smoker, and others nodded in agreement.

"It's really boring." Rifan shook his head, "I originally thought that after you become my disciple, I will give you a Teigu that also has the ability to control ice and instruct you to freeze time. It seems that you are not that interested."

"Huh"!? Wait, Rifan, did you just say to freeze time with ice?" Kuzan's eyes widened slightly, "Can such a thing really be done?"

"It can be done naturally." Rifan smiled, "I even think that even if you don't rely on the Teigu equipment that I own, your Frozen Fruit can also freeze time. What you lack is only imagination and time. It's just that easy."

The imperial tool mentioned by Rifan is the "Demon Extract". Since Esdeath can use the freezing time of this imperial ice tool, Rifan feels that if Kuzan trains well, he can also use it himself. The power to freeze time.

Of course, if he can possess the [Demon Extract], the possibility of him freezing time will be higher.

"This is really interesting." Kuzan said with great interest, "Then, if I really become your outer disciple, will you give me that Ice Teigu, Rifan?"

"Of course not." Rifan waved his hand, "I will only give such precious items to my formal disciples. The resources available to outer disciples are limited.

"If you are interested in [Demon Extract], win the tournament and become my official disciple with your own power."

Hearing this, Kuzan nodded.

"Well, I understand. If I become an outer disciple, I will try my best to become your official disciple."

"It's just that you have to give me this opportunity first… among the people, you have drawn. Is there my name?"

After talking to Kuzan for a while, Rifan didn't plan to continue whetting their appetites.

He threw the note in his hand into the air ahead. On the note, the names of each one began to clearly appear in front of people's eyes.

Rifan: "The first batch of candidates for the outer disciples are Nojiko, Sadi, Jinbei, Charlotte Custard, Charlotte Pudding, Violet, Fukaboshi, Smoker, Hina, Tashigi, Kyrus, Bell, Dalton, Boa Sandersonia, Boa Marigold, Zephyr, Margaret, Kikunojo, Denjiro, Nico Olvia, Olive, Baby 5 and our former Mr. Marine Admiral Kuzan. "

As soon as Rifan's voice fell, there was a burst of laughter in the room.

Although amidst this laughter, there are also some lost voices flowing.

"Both Zephyr-sensei and I were selected?"

"I really don't know whether to be happy or to be sad."

Kuzan sighed and looked at Zephyr on the side.

"Zephyr-sensei, can you please hold back when the challenge starts later? I'm quite afraid of your special robotic arm made by Rifan."

Hearing this, Zephyr raised his head and glanced at Kuzan, and said:

"If you want to become an official disciple of Rifan, use your best to defeat me, Kuzan."

"Like you, at this point, I cannot give in."

Hearing Zephyr's words, Kuzan shrugged: "Sure enough, Zephyr-sensei's answer is like this."