Chapter 409: Fight him Fairly! 

Suddenly, on the golden list screen, Roger and Whitebeard, who were competing from the past time period, came to a halt.

Then, except for Roger, everyone on the desert island gradually faded. Even the ground that had just been destroyed was closed together in a flash.

"It's time for me." Whitebeard from the current time period smiled, inserted the Murakumogiri in his hands into the ground, pulled out Zanpakutō, and walked towards Roger. As Whitebeard just said, he didn't plan to use Murakumogiri to fight Roger.

Whitebeard knows that his current strength is difficult to defeat Roger, and the greater possibility is that both sides will fall together.

That kind of result is not what Whitebeard hopes to see.

Nowadays, people on the sea are constantly getting stronger because of the appearance of the golden list.

Kaido gained the power of Eight Inner Gates, and later, Garp gained the inheritance of the martial art of Crane Immortal.

Although Whitebeard has already achieved his peak power at the moment, he knows that just this is not enough.

In order to be able to protect the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, he needs more power!

"Then, let me try it, Hōzukimaru's power!" Faced with Roger, who suddenly rushed towards him, Whitebeard's mouth cocked and shouted loudly. "Extend, Hōzukimaru!"

A brilliance flashed from the Zanpakutō blade in Whitebeard's hand, and then Zanpakutō's shape changed rapidly, forming a spear that was almost the same length as the Murakumogiri.

After holding Hōzukimaru in his Shikai mode, Whitebeard immediately felt that his strength had been strengthened a lot.

"Not bad." Whitebeard smiled, and the violent Haki quickly gathered at Hōzukimaru's gun head and then slammed it at Roger.

Although Roger has no wisdom at this moment, his fighting instinct is still there.

Facing Whitebeard's attack, Roger swung the blade of his sword with haki imbued without showing any weakness.


It was the same as the two confronting each other in the picture just now.

At this moment, as soon as the attacks of Whitebeard and Roger collided, a strong shock broke out. The surrounding trees and boulders were shattered by the attacks of the two and flew towards the distance.

The land that the Golden List had just repaired has shattered again.

However, unlike the first time, this time, after Whitebeard's blade stalemate with Roger's blade for a few seconds, it actually resisted Roger's blade and gradually pressed towards Roger.

[Redhead Shanks: This time, Whitebeard has the advantage!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: It seems that Hōzukimaru has indeed strengthened Whitebeard a lot! ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Zanpakutō after Shikai does strengthen the holder. Although the shape is different, the effect of Whitebeard Hōzukimaru Shikai should be similar to that of my Zangetsu Shikai. Even if the use of Zanpakutō will speed up physical consumption, it can also bring greater chances of victory. ]

Once, Mihawk used Zangetsu after Shikai to fight with the projection of Issho.

Therefore, after seeing Whitebeard using Zanpakutō to fight Roger, he could see the change in the form of the duel better than others.

[Beast Kaido: Tsk, Whitebeard, aren't you the former strongest man in the world? Facing a former enemy, aren't you embarrassed to use Zanpakutō?!]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Yes, Whitebeard, I really misunderstood you! What kind of skill is using Zanpakutō? If you have the ability, compete with Roger dignifiedly!]

[Descent of the Devil Bullet: Hmph, so boring!]

[Phoenix Marco: I think you are worried about Oyaji mastering the Zanpakutō because you know you can't match him when that happens. Especially you, Kaido, you are worried that even if you own Eight Inner Gates, you will not be able to resist the power of Oyaji when he completely liberates his Zanpakutō! ]

[Diamond Jozu: That's right! And you have heard what Oyaji said; Dad used Zanpakutō because he was facing Roger's projection! That's not real, Roger; it's just Roger's projection. Dad has no reason to lay attention to fairness or something if what he is facing is just a projection!]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: I support Whitebeard in winning Zanpakutō!]

Mihawk also hopes to discuss the use of Zanpakutō with Whitebeard, and compete with each other with Zanpakutō, so he will naturally support Whitebeard in winning Zanpakutō.

And Whitebeard did not disappoint his crew and Mihawk wish.

After suppressing Roger's projection with strength, Whitebeard suddenly increased his strength.

In an instant, the deadlock that had just been deadlocked was broken.

Hōzukimaru crushed Roger's Haki and smashed it on Roger's sword.

It even made Roger retreat for several steps before he could stabilize his figure.

But before he could make a decision to attack, at this moment, Whitebeard's blade had already arrived in front of Roger!