Chapter 411: Scheduled Fight—

"It's horrible! Is this the power of Whitebeard?!"

"Oh my God, he destroyed the island with a single blow!"

"Ryūmon Hōzukimaru can actually increase Whitebeard's power to this level?!"

"Ryūmon Hōzukimaru can become stronger as the battle progresses. In other words, it was not Whitebeard's entire power just now?!"

"If the current Marine and Whitebeard really have a war, can we hold it?"

In MarineG1 headquarters, the Marines who followed Sengoku bowed their heads and fell into a deep depression.

Once upon a time, their Marine was the world's largest power organization.

Even though the prestige of the pirate Four Emperors is rumored in the sea.

But compared with the Marines, one or two Four Emperors are nothing at all.

During the presentation of the golden list, the Whitebeard Pirates were almost maimed by Marines when they were on top of the war. This can fully demonstrate the power of the Marine.

But now, Marines have split into the old and new Marines. The new Marine is supported by Rifan and is extremely powerful.

The pirates are getting stronger again. At this moment, the Marines can't help but wonder if they are on the wrong team.

They couldn't help wondering whether they could really make the sea better with their current power.

Not only the ordinary Marines, seeing the power displayed by Whitebeard, even the Marine Hero Garp, and Marine Marshal Sengoku were silent for a while.

Although Garp has acquired the inheritance of the Crane Immortal, if he really fights Whitebeard, Garp doesn't think he can beat Whitebeard, who liberated the power of Hōzukimaru.

After all, Whitebeard defeated the Pirate King Roger just by relying on the power of Hōzukimaru Shikai.

If he and Whitebeard, who has liberated Ryūmon Hōzukimaru's power, go head-to-head, Garp feels that his iron fists have to be shattered by the power of Ryūmon Hōzukimaru and Shock Fruit!

Seeing the low ambiance in the office, Sengoku opened his mouth to say something, but in the end, he could only let out a long sigh.

Even if he was called The Resourceful General, after seeing Whitebeard's current power, he didn't know what to say.

'Unless the Marine can also obtain the power of Saint Cloth or Zanpakutō.'

'Otherwise, maybe we can't fight Whitebeard now.'

Sengoku thought to himself.

Compared with the old Marine, the new Marine on Zephyr's side is much calmer.

Although Whitebeard's performance is extremely shocking, Zephyr, Aokiji, and others have just become Rifan's outer disciples.

Zephyr and others hold considerable confidence in the growth that they and others can get in the future.

Zanpakutō? Rifan does not lack Zanpakutō; as long as Rifan is willing to give the Zanpakutō, he holds to Aokiji or Zephyr.

Aokiji and Zephyr are confident that they can fight Whitebeard undefeated for three hundred rounds.

Of course, Zephyr, Aokiji, and others also know that if Rifan offers his Zanpakutō, they must at least become Rifan's official disciples.

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Congratulations, Whitebeard. As agreed, let's have a contest later. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararararararara! Gurararararararara~, of course, if I fight with you, Ryūmon Hōzukimaru can also be fully charged. Hawkeye, you have already set off for Dressrosa. Let's make an appointment to fight there. It just so happens that there is an are there. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Interesting, but you two should be careful not to damage Dressrosa's arena, be careful Rifan hunt you, Hahaha. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: It seems that I have to hurry up not to miss Rifan's party!]

[Revolutionary Dragon: Lord Rifan, I have already sent someone over to Dressrosa, and I am looking forward to seeing the challenge held by your Excellency. ]

Rifan looked at the messages left by everyone on the golden list in the sky, smiled, and shook his head.

"Really, these guys are really active. Do they really just want to watch the game?"

"But I didn't expect Mihawk and Whitebeard to set up the duel in Dressrosa."

"Teacher Rifan, Hawkeye, and Whitebeard are going to fight in the arena here. Isn't it bad?" Violet was a little worried." Not only can't the arena hold it, but this country also…."

Violet did not finish speaking, but Rifan had already guessed what she was worried about.

"If you're worried about this, then you don't have to worry about it, Violet." Rifan smiled, "This is Rebecca and your country. I will naturally not allow anyone to destroy this place."

"Be at ease; by then, I will use my power to protect the arena, and their power will not spread to places outside the arena.

"Martial Arts Dojo", although only set up in the corner of the Arena.

But as long as Rifan is willing, the scope of the martial arts hall can spread to an area of ten kilometers and even create an independent space for duels.

Therefore, even outside the martial arts dojo, Rifan can easily use the authority of the dojo to prevent the power of the strong players from destroying the outside world.

After all, if he didn't take at least that precaution, many of Rifan's outer disciples had the ability to cause massive harm to the Arena and Dressrosa.