Chapter 420: Victory—!

[Fire Fist Ace: Haha, Marine Admiral, no, Marshal Marine is actually rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the black fire on his body; this picture is really interesting. Hahaha~]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Indeed, the dignified Marshal of the Marine, rolling on the ground…This can only be described as interesting. ]

[Black Beard Teach: Amazing flames; I don't know if my Dark Fruit can absorb these black flames. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The ability to make Akainu in disgrace at this level is enough to show that these flames are dangerous things that can't be touched. Compared with Nico Robin's power, Sharingan's power may be even more terrifying. ]

[Issho: Nico Robin's Wood Style is a kind of pure power, and Vivi's Sharingan is biased toward weirdness. The two of them may be of equal strength, but for us, fighting with Nico Robin may be more likely to win ]

[Kaido Kaido: You are a blind man, or a master of observation haki, shouldn't it be more convenient for you to deal with Vivi?]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Huh! Akainu, this guy, sprayed magma from all angles all over his body, and by doing that, he also sprayed Amaterasu's flames aside!? ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Interesting technique, but this should be something that can be done by those with Logia ability. ]

Seeing the Future Akainu escaping from Amaterasu when she was already ready to wait for the victory. Vivi raised her eyebrows and looked at Akainu, who was rushing towards her again with some surprise.

"As expected of the Marines Marshal, just relying on the power of black flame can't beat you that easily."

"In that case, try this! "

Vivi's heart moved, and her Sharingan quickly turned, and before Akainu's attack came, she used "Kamui"'s pupil technique to absorb herself into Kamui's independent space.

Akainu's attack failed to reach Vivi in the end as he fell to the feet where Vivi was standing.

Just as Akainu was looking for Vivi's figure, behind him, a revolving space door was opened, and Vivi's figure appeared directly behind him.

Although Akainu's Observation Haki quickly captured Vivi's position,

Vivi's hand landed on Akainu's shoulder faster.

"It's over, Kamui!" Vivi groaned, her pupils unfolded, and a vast suction was acting on Akainu. In less than a second, Akainu's body was directly teleported into a different space by Vivi.

Although Akainu is not dead, he is unable to leave the different space, and it is only a matter of time before he loses.

[Sabo: Akainu disappeared?! Did he get sucked into Kamui's space?!]

[Issho: After being sucked into a different space, can people get out of it?]

[Admiral Kizaru: Hey, hey, it's just sucking into a different space. He shouldn't be defeated. If he looks carefully, he should be able to find an exit.]

[Fire Fist Ace: Yes, provided that you also have Sharingan, maybe you can still find an exit. ]

[Revolutionary Army Dragon: There is no food or water in the different spaces. As long as the time passes for ten days and a half, even Akainu can't carry it.]

In the dojo, Rifan looked at Vivi's performance and nodded appreciatively.

"Vivi, she has improved a lot."

"She can already use these pupil techniques proficiently."

"If Vivi was able to use it so skillfully when facing Shiki, maybe Shiki would have already died. "

Aside, Hina, who heard Rifan's words, raised her eyebrows and said:

"Yes, Princess Vivi is really amazing."

"Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, which can be used without restrictions, is simply overwhelming."

"Now that the whole world sees Vivi easily defeating Akainu, they will respect you, even more, Teacher Rifan."

Hearing that, Rifan shrugged indifferently but didn't say much.

Because, after tens of seconds, the golden list once again gave a new reminder.

—Marshal Marine Sakazuki was trapped in "Kamui Space" and could not escape, so he was deemed defeated.

—Congratulations to Princess Vivi for winning the challenge and obtaining [Armament Haki, outside release], [Intermediate Observation Haki], and [Lava-Lava Devil Fruit].

The golden characters fell, and the three chapter cards that crossed the Kamui space appeared in front of Vivi out of thin air.

—Princess Vivi, please be ready; the return teleportation will start after ten seconds. 10,9,8—

[Dark King Rayleigh: The Golden List saw that Akainu couldn't escape the different space, so it was judged as a failure; it was quite humane. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: It seems that once you enter that space, even Marshal Marine can't get out and can only wait for Vivi to send him back. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: This is quite scary. Fighting Vivi is definitely hell-level! You can't look at her because she has "Tsukuyomi". You must pay attention to whether her eyes are locked on yourself because she has 'Amaterasu', and you can't let her attack you with that kind of fire. But if you get close to her because she has "Kamui, "you can't touch her. In other words, this seems to be impossible to fight at all. ]

[Mange beasts Kaido: Eternal Mangekyō is too perverted, right?]