Chapter 422: Golden Lion—?!

"Oh? you got the draw, Custard." Rifan rubbed his chin and looked at Charlotte Custard with interest. "Your strength, on Charlotte Linlin's side, can be regarded on the forefront."

"Except for the Four Sweet Commanders and Charlotte Linlin herself, you should be the strongest."

"Now that you have Lava Devil Fruit, maybe your strength will surpass Charlotte Smoothie?"

"Hehe, I don't know if Charlotte Linlin got to know this, will she regret sending you to me? "

After hearing Rifan's words, Custard smiled and said:

"Even if I didn't draw this fruit, I believe that under your guidance, Teacher Rifan, my strength will surpass Smoothie's and others sooner or later."

"It's just that with this fruit, it may be possible to advance the time for this transcendence.

After saying that, Charlotte Custard glanced at Kuzan, Zephyr, Nojiko, Sadi, and others on the side.

Initially, Charlotte Linlin sent her here in order to beat the stronger ones among Rifan's outer disciples so that she could become an official disciple of Rifan. 

However, anticipation differs from reality seeing her opponents. 

Charlotte Custard is understandably overjoyed since she did not anticipate being the lucky one to get the Lava Devil fruit, which means she will have a better chance of winning the challenge.

Noting Charlotte Custard's gaze, Kuzan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

He doesn't know why; he always has a hunch; that maybe he will meet Custard unexpectedly during the challenge.

'Really, how could I have thoughts like this?' 'Aokiji sighed in his heart,'Could it be because of what the golden list shown me facing Sakazuki?'"

"Here, Custard..." Rifan handed over the devil fruit and added, "Aldo, since Zephyr and Kuzan are here, they must be quite familiar with Sakazuki."

"Let them share with you Sakazuki's experience of using the devil  fruits, so you can learn and master it faster."

Hearing that, Custard smiled even more: "I am naturally very happy to be able to get the guidance of two former Marine Admiral."

"Yeah, yeah, since it was Rifan's arrangement, I can't refuse it." Kuzan shook his head, "I just didn't expect that one day I would share these experiences with Big Mom's daughter."

"It can only be said that this is fate." Zephyr shrugged; rather, he looked calm.

Zephyr, who has a richer life experience, is more open than Aokiji.

After all, Zephyr can be regarded as someone who has experienced great ups and downs.

"Then it's my turn." Yamato, who was watching the lottery draw, touched her fists and said with a grin on her face, "Don't be discouraged if you didn't win the Lava Devil Fruit, watch me bring back the same excellent rewards for everyone."

Like Vivi and Robin, Yamato does not plan to use the rewards she is about to win.

Now she has gained enough power, and she herself is also training in the higher direction of the small universe, and other external forces are no longer important to her.

On the contrary, handing over the rewards to her juniors and sisters made Yamato even happier.

"Go back quickly, don't delay too long." Rifan said.

"Don't worry, Teacher Rifan, I will be back soon." Yamato gave Rifan a thumbs up, and then communicated in her heart to the gold list, using the [Conquest Card (Excellent)].

—Yamato uses [Conquest Card (Excellent)], the time is confirmed, present—

Seeing that Yamato uses the [Conquest Card (Excellent)], and the time period is still the current time period, the heartbeat of all those who watched the golden list couldn't help speeding up, for fear that the golden list would really choose them.

—The location is determined, Impel Down; the opponent is determined, Golden Lion Shiki.

—Once Yamato is ready, the transmission will be carried out in ten seconds. 10,9,8

"My opponent is Golden Lion?"

"But he was turned into stone by Hancock, how should I fight him?"

Yamato scratched her hair and looked at Rifan blankly.

"It's up to you." Rifan shrugged, "Alright, that guy can't be on the stage anyway, and it's good to let him play a surplus in the end." 

"That guy's devil Fruit is awakened. Observation Haki and Armament Haki are also good. Maybe you can also get his understanding of kendo."

Even Rifan was quite surprised that Golden Lion was selected as the opponent.

Not long ago, Hancock defeated Golden Lion. Not only did she take his rewards on the [Ability List] as her own, she also shattered his legs.

Unexpectedly, so quickly, Golden Lion was chosen by the golden list as Yamato opponent.

Even Rifan felt that Shiki was pitiful at this moment.

Although it can be considered self-inflicted.