Chapter 436: Garchu! 

"Are you ready, Carrot?" Rifan asked.

"I'm ready, Teacher Rifan." Carrot nodded heavily.

"In that case, let's leave here. Next, let the Beast Pirates see your power." Rifan's mouth curled up slightly, "It's just that, before the battle, how about you eat something first."

With that said, Rifan opened the curtain on the table in front of him.

They saw a burst of golden light on the table, and a series of dishes made with special ingredients carrots appeared in front of Carrot's eyes.

"Wow! They're my favorite carrots!" Carrot's eyes flashed, and she leaped directly onto the big bunch.

"Don't worry, those are yours alone." Rifan smiled, turned, and walked to the side of the sofa to sit down.

Looking at Carrot eating the food happily, Rifan moves his hand. The disciple token belonging to Carrot in the hall of the dojo appeared on his hand even if they were in the time training chamber.

Turning over the back of the disciple token, there is a brand new message unique to Carrot.

[Name: Carrot]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Born: Zuo]

[Training direction: Arrancar (completed)]

[Ability: Observation Haki-Foresee the future, Armament Haki-internal destruction, Moon Lion form, Pantera. Sword to sword, Marine Six Styles (Grandmaster)

'It's not bad to reach this level after two years of hard training. "

The corners of Rifan's mouth curled up, and he couldn't help but recall the scene of the special training with Carrot in the past two years.

Perhaps it is because the outside world has the situation of Beasts Pirates invading Zou, Carrot is very attentive to Rifan's training, and she can complete the training set by Rifan beyond specifications.

Therefore, during the period when Rifan deliberately strengthened physical training of Carrot, Carrot had already exerted her martial arts abilities to an extent that ordinary people could not reach.

Observation Haki, Armament Haki, Marine Six Styles and other abilities were all mastered by Carrot during training.

If it weren't for Rifan to feel that Carrot's body could not resist the consumption of Eight Inner Gates, Rifan even planned to teach her the Eight Inner Gates.

With her Physical fitness on par, using Zanpakutō [Pantera], it will be natural.

Even if Rifan did not teach Carrot anything and only trained her physique, she has enough energy to sustain Pantera consumption and can already utilize the Zanpakutō to Grimmjow level.

'Although there are no Eight Inner Gates, the shape of the moon lion can make up for it.'

Thinking of Carrot's moon lion form, Rifan still finds it interesting until now.

'Unexpectedly, after using spiritual stimulation, even if there is no full moon moonlight, Carrot can directly enter the moon lion form. '

'It's just a pity that this Zanpakutō doesn't give Carrot spiritual power.'

'Otherwise, she can use the moon lion form without restriction.'

'I don't know if using the[Enlightenment Room] can Carrot break through the limits of Zanpakutō [Pantera] and give her spiritual power?'

Rifan held his chin, thinking that the Epiphany Room could actually allow the Digimon to break through the limits, and perhaps it might also give Carrot spiritual power.

After all, the effect of the [Epiphany Room] was to allow Rifan's disciples to break through the bottleneck.

But now, Garrot, who owns Zanpakutō [Pantera], can't possess spiritual power, which is a bottleneck.

'If she has spiritual power, Carrot should be able to steadily beat the Beast Pirates.'

'But if Kaido really uses Eight Inner Gates completely, it will be a little difficult to beat Kaido.'

The power of Zanpakutō [Pantera] may be effective when used on other people, but if the opponent is Kaido, and it is Kaido who has the power of Eight Inner Gates, this is not necessarily true.

In Rifan's view, Carrot is remarkable, after using [Pantera], she is better than Yamato who has just received Rifan training.

To steadily beat one of the Four Emperors, there are still some difficulties.

'At least, with the blessing of [Pantera], Carrot will not lose. '

Ten minutes later, Carrot wiped her mouth, ran to Rifan's side, and opened her mouth to bite Rifan's face.

" Garchu! Teacher Rifan, can we go out now?"

"I forgot you still have this habit, forget it, just do what you want." Rifan shook his head, and didn't want to say anything about Carrot's cheek biting habit.

After all, this can be regarded as Carrot's unique behavioral manmer to express closeness.

"You have eaten the meal, and you have replenished your physical strength."

Now go and do what you want to do." Rifan stood up from the sofa and put his hand on Carrot's shoulder.

In the next moment, the two figures instantly disappeared from the time training chamber and returned to the dojo hall.

"Teacher. Rifan, I will go back!" Seeing the unfamiliar and familiar surroundings, Carrot nodded to Rifan, then turned around and rushed out of the dojo.