Chapter 438: Kaido vs Carrot 

'That's amazing, is this one of the Four Emperors, the power of Kaido, the beast?'

'Sure enough, I'm still far behind!'

Carrot solemnly looked at Kaido on the opposite side. At this moment, she finally knew why Yamato had a hard time defeating Kaido when she fought him for the first time.

Although the horror of the Four Emperors has been completely concealed by Rifan and Rifan's many disciples.

However, the strength of the Four Emperors already belonged to the upper level of the pyramid. To defeat them, it would definitely not be achieved by fluke!

'No, I'm also a disciple of Teacher Rifan, I absolutely can't shame Teacher Rifan!"

'Teacher Rifan's disciple, facing outsiders, they have never failed!

Carrot's eyes condensed, her hands suddenly moved forward and grabbed Kaido's mace.

Kaido frowned slightly, wondering what Carrot wanted to do.

Suddenly, he saw that Carrot's hands holding his weapon started to glow with crimson light, and a sense of crisis spontaneously grew in his heart.


Carrot screamed in her heart, [Pantera] turning Carrot's Physical stamina into pure Reiatsu, blasted out against Kaido'a weapon.

Then, in the eyes of a crowd of spectators in shock, the mace that was wrapped in Armament Haki by Kaido was shattered by the red aurora released by Carrot!

Kaido's eyes widened, and he quickly let go and backed away to avoid being hit by Cero in his arm.

"How is it possible that Captain Kaido's weapon was destroyed?!"

"Just now, what was that, why does it feel so familiar?"

"Oh my God, Captain Kaido's weapon was not broken when facing Yamato. Who is this fur woman!?"

The members of Beasts Pirates held their heads in their hands and looked at Carrot in shock.

However, although they were shocked, they did not feel scared.

After all, those who know the power of Kaido know that until now, Kaido hasn't used his real ability.

They are more willing to believe that Kaido became careless, that's why his weapon was destroyed by Carrot's attack.

"Unexpectedly, you destroy my weapon!" Kaido looked at the broken mace fragments on the ground, "This weapon, although it does not make it to the top of the list, but in terms of its hardness it's not worse. But your blow can actually destroy my weapon."

"You are a good fighter."

"How about it, do you want to join me? I can give you the position of the Beast Pirates Disaster!"

At this time, Kaido's interest in Carrot reached an unprecedented level.

This is not only because of Carrot's power, but also because he perceives a familiar taste in Carrot's power.

"Who wants to join your camp!" Carrot bent her knees and kicked Kaido's chin in a bounce, "Get me out of Zou Island!"


With a huge roar, Carrot's kick hit Kaido's chin. Under the huge force, Kaido's huge body flew directly up to a height of nearly ten meters.

Immediately, Kaido's body gradually grew larger and eventually turned into a huge and majestic dragon that was hundreds of meters long.

"It's here!"

"Kaido-sama is getting serious!"

"Oops, this is Kaido's Devil Fruit ability!"

"What shall we do, is Carrot able to handle it?"

The fur warrior shouted in panic.

While the Beast Pirates cry with excitement.

"Don't worry, everyone, Carrot will definitely be able to repel Kaido away!" Wanda's eyes were firm, with a smile on her face.

"Look carefully and remember! That red light that Carrot uses just now, and the change in Carrot's body, isn't it the same as the form of Zanpakutō [Pantera] after liberation?!"

Upon hearing this, a group of fur warriors widened their eyes.

"Pantera? Isn't that Zanpakutō owned by Rifan? How could Carrot have it?"

"Don't you understand that, there must be Rifan's dojo on Zow Island, and Carrot has become a disciple of Rifan!"

"Really!? Great, we are saved, Zou is saved!"

After Wanda's reminder, the fur warriors contrasted Carrot's figure at the moment with Grimmjow's figure after liberation.

Although there are differences, they are indeed very similar.

Kaido frowned and looked at Carrot grimly.

If Wanda and others discovered it, how could Kaido, who was already delicate in mind, could not discover it?

'If it's really Rifan's disciple, maybe I have to leave here as soon as possible!'

Kaido, who has been beaten by Yamato miserably, is now willing to rise and retreat. Even though the power of Eight Inner Gates has not been used yet, Kaido has no intention of provoking Rifan at all.

However, although he wanted to retreat, Carrot did not let go of his thoughts.

Seeing Kaido change into the form of a dragon, soaring in the sky.

Carrot raised her hand again and aimed at Kaido. Between her claws, the blue light flashed in her hand.

"Try this, Kaido! [Gran Rey Cero]!"
