Chapter 444: Golden Emperor: I was almost blown up!

As time goes by, more and more big-shot people come to Dressrosa.

The former world's strongest swordsman Dracule Mihawk, the former world's strongest man Whitebeard Newbeard, Red-haired Shanks, Big Mom Charlotte Linlin, and other famous people all over the world have come to Dressrosa one after another.

Even the World Government sent many cp agents to Dressrosa.

Rifan naturally knew the arrival of these spies.

However, they did not do anything that Rifan hated.

Therefore, Rifan just allowed them.

Because Dressrosa now gathers all the official disciples of Rifan, as well as super powerful combat power such as Angewomon, LadyDevimon, and MetalTyrannomon, no one dared to make trouble.

Everyone, following the guidance of Dressrosa soldiers, settled down in the corresponding place.

Many of them planned to meet Rifan, but Rifan was busy instructing his disciples, so he didn't go to see these people.

The door of the dojo, the epiphany room, was suddenly opened.

Rifan took Carrot out of the epiphany room.

It's just that Carrot's usual state is very different at this moment.

She has faded away from her youthful appearance, and her whole persona has become a lot more mature, even her height has become a lot higher, scarlet eyes, and white waist-length hair, all over her body, exuding a powerful aura.

"Carrot, why are you in that form!?" Inside the dojo, Nekomamushi who was talking with Wanda looked over with a surprised look. "Moon Lion form, now it's daytime and there is no full moon, how can you enter the moon lion form?!"

Seeing Rifan leading Carrot out of the epiphany room, everyone in the hall of the dojo looked over.

"Wow, are you Carrot?"

"You have become so beautiful! What happened? "

Nami ran to Carrot's side.

"Could it be that you master the ability of "spirituality"?" Wanda asked.

As the closest friend and elder to Carrot, Wanda once heard Carrot say that Rifan had used spiritual power to help Carrot enter the moon lion form without the moon, and also said that Rifan planned to let her Master this power in the epiphany room.

Now she sees Rifan walking out of the epiphany room with Carrot in the form of a moon lion.

Wanda immediately recalled this.

"Yeah! I succeeded." Carrot smiled, and her serious expression immediately turned into a cute look." Teacher Rifan helped me to use [Pantera] to awaken my spiritual power. Now I can use it more conveniently. Hehe~"

"Moreover, I can still do this kind of thing now."

With that, Carrot pulled out the Pantera and pinned it to her waist.

The next moment, at the tip of the sword, a ray of red light began to shine.


With a low hum, a "virtual bullet" flew out from the tip of the sword, passed through the gate of the dojo, and bombarded the ground outside the dojo.

"This is Cero?" Wanda looked at Carrot in surprise, "Can you release Cero without liberating Zanpakutō?"

"This is not "Cero"." Carrot scratched her head. "This is a "virtual bullet", a weakened version of "Cero"."

"However, "Cero" can also be used by me. As long as this sword is used, it is okay not to perform sword liberation."

After all, Carrot is not a virtual one. Although she owns Arrancar's Zanpakutō, helping Carrot use Grimmjow's sword to use Cero is already the limit that Rifan can do.

"This is amazing too! " Wanda smiled and looked at Rifan. "As expected of Teacher Rifan. If everyone in the fur clan knows that teacher Rifan has a way to let us enter the moon lion state anytime, anywhere, everyone will definitely be very excited!"

On the side, Nekomamushi was also looking at Rifan with excitement.

Obviously, he is also very interested in the power of Carrot that can transform her into a moon lion at will.

"Carrot can use spiritual power because of the connection between her and [Pantera], so without it, it is impossible to enter the moon lion state. However, I still have two Arrancar Zanpakutō on me. If you can win the next challenge, it is okay for me to help you cultivate spiritual power."

Rifan smiled and turned to look outside the dojo.

"It's almost time, Wanda, when everyone comes out of the secret realm, you can tell everyone to gather at the Corrida Colosseum."

"It's been ten days, it's time to add an official disciple."

"I'll take one step now."

When the words fell, Rifan's figure flashed and quickly disappeared inside the dojo.


"Are you okay, Baccarat!?" Golden Emperor Tesoro asked Baccarat who was a few kilometers away from him.

While speaking, Tesoro's eyes cast alertly behind him.

There is a pothole nearly ten meters deep.

"Just what was that just now?" Baccarat touched the wound on her cheek.

"I don't know, it's too fast." Tesoro looked at the pothole with a solemn expression, "It seems to be a red projectile, it grazed your cheek and hit the ground behind."

"Baccarat, fortunately, you have the lucky devil fruit, otherwise, you might have died just now!"