Chapter 460: The Final challenge—

Although Rifan will train them, when Lucci hears about the situation of the new Marine.

He feels that time is extremely tight.

He has always been regarded as an elite, and he does not want to be the tail of a crane.

After calculating the time required to reach Enies Lobby, Rob Lucci immediately made his request to Rifan.

Not only Lucci, but Jabra and others are also looking forward to Rifan's teaching.

"Since you guys are so inquisitive, I will give your training a start."

Rifan nodded, and the index and middle fingers of his right hand were brought together to form a mark.

With a "bang", there were two more clones beside Rifan who were exactly the same as Rifan.

One person took a step forward and said in the surprised eyes of Jabra and others:

"Lucci, and Jabra, you two come with me, I will take you to your training room."

"There, you can better temper your will."

The clone turned to look at Blueno: Your Devil Fruit is very interesting, so I will help you develop it."

"If you can become my official disciple, I can even promise to awaken your Devil Fruit, it's a pity."

The clone shook his head, turned and walked towards the gravity training chamber on the corner of the wall.

Lucci and Blueno looked at each other, and followed them.

"As for Jabra and Kaku, I will tell you about the training of Hakis so listen well."

"It stands to reason that with your system, you have reached the point where Armament Haki can be condensed.

Hearing the doppelgänger say Armament Haki, Jabra immediately sat down.

"Kalifa, you are with me." Rifan raised his hand and patted Kalifa's houlder. "In two days, with your potential, you should be able to awaken your spiritual power."

Dressrosa's challenge cannot be completed in a few hours.

Some people of equal strength and super physical strength may even take a day once they start fighting.

Therefore, Rifan is not worried about going back late and will miss the decision of the final winner.

Since Lucci and others requested training, Rifan naturally took advantage of this time to bring up Kalifa's training, saving too much time.

"Spiritual power? As long as I get this power, I can be as strong as Rebecca!"

Kalifa took a deep breath, cheered herself up in her heart, and followed Rifan's pace.

At this point, the training officially began.

Two days later, Kalifa led Lucci and others to leave the dojo and officially set foot in the footsteps of seizing the Enies Lobby.

As time progressed, Kalifa and others were getting closer and closer to Enies Lobby.

And Dressrosa's competition is getting closer to its climax.

Aokiji: "Ice Age!"

Sadi: "Darkness!"


The dense darkness and the cold ice collided together.

The earth shattered and the clouds in the sky dissipated instantly.

The overflowing energy almost overflowed the entire venue.

Then, it dissipated under the influence of the energy barrier around the site.

"Garp, who do you think will win the battle?" Whitebeard turned to look at his old opponent Garp.

This is their fourth day in Dressrosa.

After getting along for a long time, Whitebeard, who is a pirate, and Garp, who is a Marine, can have a peaceful chat.

"Well, although I hope Kuzan will win, Kuzan has lost too much energy in previous battles.

"This Sadi is not weak. Who can become the ultimate winner? To be honest, I don't have much confidence."

While talking, Garp looked at Denjiro, Nekomamushi and others who were sitting not far away.

To be precise, he is looking at the plate full of tempting food they were holding.

"It smells so good!"

Garp slobbered, his eyes dull.

"Garp Vice Admiral, please pay attention to your image."

Gion slapped a palm on her forehead. This was the thirty-sixth time she reminded Garp.

However, no matter how Gion reminded him, Garp still looked like this.

"Gurararara, no way, those foods indeed smelled too good."

Whitebeard rubbed his nose. This time, he didn't laugh at Garp.

After all, even him, wants to try these legendary special ingredients and the food made by Galette, who learned the cooking skills from Rifan.

At this moment, a tangy aroma spread from the other side to the people.

Whitebeard and others looked.

There, Galette, Custard, Pudding and others, with the Digimons are holding foods in their hands, or walking over with food on their heads.

"It's dinner! It's dinner!" Garp rubbed his hands, "Gion, give me money quickly, and buy me 20, no, 30 special box lunches.

"Sigh!" Gion sighed.

At this time, she couldn't help but regret taking the Berry given by Sengoku into her own hands.

=====To be Continue=====

If you want to be ahead of everyone, you can support me.


*Every 200 stones +/= 2chapter

