Chapter 481: Dragon Slayer Magic—!

-–[Authority List], 6th place; Congratulations to everyone in Beasts Pirates for getting a 50 years lifespan increase.

––Congratulations to Beast Kaido for obtaining [Iron Dragon Slayer Crystal] and [Digimon Evolution Card].

-You can choose one of the two rewards.

--[Iron Dragon Slayer Crystal], can awaken the magic power of iron elements, and awaken the Iron Dragon Slayer.

--[Digimon Evolution Card], it can make Digimon below the ultimate body evolve one step forward.

Whitebeard, who was walking forward, stopped on his track and looked at the golden list in the sky in surprise.

"What's the matter, Whitebeard?"

"Is there anything wrong with Kaido's rewards?"

Roger asked curiously.

"There is nothing wrong with the reward. After all, it is the reward for the sixth place. Some outstanding things are excusable.

"It's just that this [Digimon's Evolution Card]

Whitebeard stroked his chin, turned his head and glanced at Shanks.

"Red hair, those Kaido have Digimon right?"

"Do you know what stage the Digimon that signed a contract with Kaido has reached?"

Shanks shrugged, shook his head and said:

"You can just ask him about that.

"These days, I haven't seen Kaido much."

"So I didn't see the Digimon following them."

"Also, even if I saw the Digimon, I wouldn't recognize it at all."

"In this world, besides Rifan, who can recognize all Digimon?"

[Admiral Kizaru: Hey, hey, this reward seems a bit powerful! ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Iron Dragon Slayer Crystal, which can awaken another kind of power in the body, and can also restore power by eating iron. Kaido, how would you choose? ]

[Revolutionary Army Dragon: Dragon Slayer? Could it be said that Kaido is going to be the same Slayer as Shirahoshi?]

[Princess Shirahoshi: Eh! Eh?!? Does anyone want to be like me? Hehehe~ it makes me happy if you think like that!]

[Yamato: Hey, Shirahoshi, that guy is not a companion, make no mistake. ]

[Princess Shirahoshi: Oh!]

"Captain Kaido, what will you choose?"

King walked up to Kaido and asked.

"Does this still need to be ask, of course I will choose the Iron Dragon Slayer Crystal this time, Wororororo~"

Kaido laughed out loud and quickly made his choice.

Following the prompt of the golden list, a crystal exuding wonderful energy fell into Kaido's hands.

"Sure enough, this guy still chose to believe in himself."

Whitebeard sighed.

For Kaido to make such a decision, Whitebeard didn't feel too surprised.

After all, he himself is an extremely egoistic person.

Rather than trusting others, he is more willing to believe in his own power.

"This thing, just swallow it directly?" Kaido looked at the crystal in his hand.

After a little hesitation,-he swallowed it whole into his body.

After nearly a minute, Kaido's body gradually showed a brown energy.

Kaido himself felt that there was a power inside his body that made him feel uncomfortable.


He clenched his fists and stood on the bow of the boat and roared forward.

A brown magic circle automatically appeared in front of Kaido's eyes, then turned into a hurricane and hit the sea.


The hurricane collided with the sea, and the powerful force caused the distant sea to break into a big crater immediately.

It's not over yet, the dragon slayer magic that Kaido uses unconsciously contains too much magic power.

The magic power that cannot be completely dissipated, within a short time, formed a waterspout about several hundred meters in length on the sea level!

"Is this the Dragon Slayer Magic?"

"Hahaha, I'm stronger now!"

"Whitebeard, you bastard, wait for me!"

"I want to eat your Hōzukimaru, Wororororo!"

Kaido shouted with a laugh.

He has no regrets for abandoning the Digimon Advanced Card.

Not to mention that the Digimon that signed a contract with him has not yet evolved to a complete body.

Even if it has evolved to the perfect body, he will not use the card to make him evolve into the ultimate body.

Only one's own strength is the one that can make Kaido feel at ease.

On the other side, Whitebeard, who was watching the broadcast of the golden list, had a black line on his face.

"This Kaido gets a little bit of strength, so he becomes arrogant."

"It seems that I have to find an opportunity to teach him a lesson."

Whitebeard squeezed his fist and fixed his eyes on Kaido.

Next to him, Roger, who watched Kaido's use of the Iron Dragon Slayer Magic, also became interested, and wanted to see this unknown power.

"Speaking of which, how should I practice this dragon slayer magic?"

"But I don't want to find Rifan."

The next moment, Kaido's face suddenly became a little ugly.