Chapter 483: The omnipotent wishing machine! 

In just a few tens of seconds, Spartacus has been hit many times.

However, whether it was shot by a bow or arrow, or hit by a sword, it didn't even leave any injuries on his body in the end.

It was as if his body absorbed the injury automatically!

Then, a more shocking scene happened.

At the center of the screen.

A female archer in green shot two arrows towards the sky.

Afterwards, the sky full of sword rain fell from the sky, drowning Spartacus in it.

The female archer continued for dozens of seconds without stopping.

In the real world, no one who saw this scene thought that Spartacus was still alive.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Spartacus, did he die from the rain of swords? Will the heroic spirit be summoned to die again, will he return to the heroic seat?]

[Admiral Kizaru: That female archer is quite powerful, her move is even more powerful than my Yasakani no Magatama, is she also a hero?]

[Rifan: She is indeed a heroic spirit, and she is also a strong huntress in myths. Besides, Spartacus is not dead. ]

[Revolutionary Army Dragon: Not dead, wait, don't tell me!]

In the image, the smoke and dust dissipated.

Inhuman flesh appeared in front of people.

[Revolutionary Dragon: Is that Spartacus?!]

[Rifan: There is something called a treasure in all heroic spirits. It may be a certain kind of weapon, or it may be a certain ability. The treasure of Spartacus is his flesh, and its name is "Honor of Suffering". ]

As Rifan's message fell, a description of his ability appeared on the screen.

It can convert the enemy's damage into magic power and store it in the body.

If the stored magic power is too much, the body will even change.

And when this magical power that the body cannot bear has completely erupted, Spartacus's body will also die.

In the picture.

Spartacus delivered his final blow, and the huge beam of light pushed forward.

Everything along the way was erased.

At this moment, whether it is Four Emperors, Marine, or Roger who has just resurrected.

Their faces are very serious.

This was a life-death blow. Whitebeard and others felt that even if they stood in front of the beam of light, they would not feel comfortable.

Injury is inevitable.

If it is not done well, death is possible.

In the picture, the beam of light continued to advance, and finally stopped in front of a girl holding a banner.

[Red-haired Shanks: The blow was blocked by the girl?!]

[Straw Hat Luffy: That's amazing. Is this a battle that took place in a far away place? But why are they fighting?]

"An ancient hero?"

"I haven't seen any news about them in the text of history?"

"Could it be that it is a more distant period of existence?"

Roger frowned and looked at Rayleigh.

"Rayleigh, help me ask Rifan if he also knows the name of the girl who blocked the beam of light.

The picture has stopped, and Spartacus's beam of light is eventually blocked by the girl.

Although it seems that the girl also took a lot of effort to stop it.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Rifan, the girl who blocked the beam of Spartacus, do you know who it is?]

[Rifan: Jeanne d'Arc, the hero of the arbiter, came to the world as the referee of that Holy Grail war..]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Holy Grail War, what is that?]

[Rifan: Around the holy grail competition, the normal holy grail is hailed as an all-powerful wishing machine. To a certain extent, it is possible to use it to make a wish for the eternal life of people all over the world. ]

[Long Beard Elder: What, there is such a thing? Rifan, what exactly is the Holy Grail War?!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Oh? The Almighty(Sarcastically) Elders were blown up. It seems that you are very interested in the universal wishing machine. But it should not be weird, because with this, you can make a wish to defeat Rifan, Gurarara~ ]

[Aunt Charlotte Linlin: Did you really think that Rifan would tell you? Idiot! Mamamama~]

Mariejois, the long-beard Elder who left a message on the golden list because he was too excited, twitched his mouth.

"Sorry guys, I lost my mind, and even asked these m questions on the golden list."

"Understandably, after all, what Rifan said is too powerful."

"Yes, I even suspect that Rifan once won the Holy Grail, so he has such a powerful strength."

"If it can make any wish come true, then it's also possible to wish for something greater!"

Holy Grail.

"Is there any way to be sure that this holy grail is true?"

Hearing it, the Elders' minds moved quickly, after a while.

"Sigh, if we want to be sure, we have to ask Rifan himself."