Chapter 488: The Holy Grail! 

At this moment, Im automatically ignored the reward of the [Heroic Summoning Card].

After all, compared to the Holy Grail, the Heroic Spirit Summoning Card is not so good.

Although it can summon heroic spirits.

Through the screen that played the deeds of Spartacus just now, Im also knew the power of the heroic spirits.

But through Spartacus, Im also knew.

The existence of heroic spirits is not so easy to control.

If an existence like Spartacus was summoned, Im felt that with his character, he could directly go to war with her.

Even if she could sign a contract after summoning the heroic spirits, Im didn't think it was safe.

Therefore, Im made a decision almost in a moment.

The reward she wants is [Holy Grail]!

'With the Holy Grail, can I gain the same power as Rifan?'

'However, the second place is rewarded with the Holy Grail, what kind of reward should Rifan get?'

Unlike the Four Elders, Im has not forgotten the existence of Rifan from beginning to end.

She didn't ignore Rifan just because she got a good reward.

[Redhead Shanks: Holy Grail?! Hey, hey, this reward is a bit too much, right?!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: An all-purpose wishing machine, could it be said that the World Government is about to rise?]

[Revolutionary Army-Dragon: There is an Ancient Weapon in the front, and the Holy Grail in the back. This kind of reward is shocking!]

[Shemale Bentham: Im hasn't made a choice yet, why do people say that she chose the Holy Grail?]

[Blackbeard Teach: Stupid, as long as you are not a fool, who would choose the Heroic Summoning Card? The Holy Grail that can make a wish is obviously more important!]

[Sabo: Although you can make a wish, you must first perform a ceremony called the Holy Grail War. Wanting to make a wish is definitely not something that can be achieved so easily.]

Despite this message, Sabo, like everyone else, decided that Im would choose the Holy Grail.

Sure enough, after he left a message, the golden list quickly gave new messages.

-Congratulations to Im for getting the [Holy Grail]. You can start the ritual at any time to start the Holy Grail War.

-–After the launch ceremony, the Holy Grail will automatically select seven contestants to summon the heroes to fight.

--When there is only one last heroic spirit left, that heroic spirit and the master will have the power to make a wish.

--As the winner of the award, Im will automatically obtain a qualification for the competition after the launch ceremony.

--The other six masters will be randomly selected from everyone in the world.

"Random selection?" Im frowned.

At this moment, Rifan unconsciously appeared in her mind.

"If he also participated in the Holy Grail War, wouldn't it mean handing the Holy Grail to him!?"

"Could I fix the contestants on our side?"

As if hearing Im's voice, the golden list gave a reminder again.

––First, as a reward recipient, Im also has the right to determine the other six masters in his own sphere of influence.

--Note: The second method will activate the hidden mechanism of the Holy Grail War.

"Hidden mechanism, what is that?" Im raised her head to look at the golden list and asked loudly.

However, this time, the golden list did not give a hint.

[Whitebeard Newgate: She really chose the Holy Grail...]

[Red-haired Shanks: In the Holy Grail War, Im will get a fixed quota. I don't know if she will choose the second way to assign the name to her own power. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Tsk, is this woman about to get the right to make a wish?]

[Beast Kaido: Is it too late for us to attack the World Government now?]

[Five Elders: Humph, come here if you want to die!]

[Sabo: They just got Pluton from the old Marine, it's not easy to deal with them. ]

[Blackbeard Teach: Zehahahaha~, maybe, just take advantage of this opportunity to form an alliance, and then take Ancient Weapon Pluton from their hand. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Blackbeard Teach, people like you, do you think someone will join you?]

[King: The only traitor of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Shiryu on your ship have a grudge with Rifan disciple Sadi. As long as they are not fools, they will not ally with you. ]

[Queen: I am quite interested in the hidden mechanism of the Holy Grail War. Could it be that if you choose the second method in, the wishing function of the Holy Grail will be reduced?]

[Phoenix Marco: It's not that there is no such possibility, it depends on whether Im dare to gamble. ]

"That, Teacher Rifan, does the Holy Grail can resurrect the dead if the winner wish for it?"

Perona asked quietly beside Rifan.

"This is a good question." Rifan touched his chin. "The holy grail I know, even though it is an all-powerful wishing machine. But its function is actually not that exaggerated."

"It has no way to achieve any wish."