Chapter 491: Trade!

[Red-haired Shanks: Huh?! Since there is Sengoku in the red camp? This guy, it's impossible to stand in the black camp! ]

[Shemale Bentham: This is a spy sent by the World government, right?]

[Empress Hancock: There are even Celestial Dragons participating in the challenge, how can they be!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Don't worry, Hancock, I think the three of them have a better chance of dying in there. ]

[Empress Hancock: Shut up, Rayleigh, I know, you don't need to tell me!]

"This Hancock, this little girl has a bad temper.

"Rayleigh, you are scolded by her like this?"

Roger gave Rayleigh a strange look.

"She has such a character, I can't do anything about it." Rayleigh spread his hands, "Also, she is Shakky's successor, and I can't beat her."

Powerful physical skills, powerful devil fruit ability, and powerful eyes.

If he really fought Hancock, Rayleigh felt that it would be better to stretch his head to make it easier for her to aim.

[Revolutionary Dragon: Although the Holy Grail divides the camps into red and black, the real fight, I am afraid that it will not be two pure camps fighting. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Dragon-san, you have to be careful, that guy Sengoku will definitely stand on the side of the World Government. ]

[Beast Kaido: Hmph, no matter what his camp, anyway, in the end, everyone will be defeated me!]

The opponent is not Rifan, nor is Rifan's disciples.

So Kaido feels like he can do it again at this moment!

This is Kaido's confidence. For Kaido, even Im is equally wary.

Even if she can stand the power of the Eight Inner gates, Im can be sure that she will never be unscatch when she fights Kaido.

Kaido has resurrection items, and if he is cornered, it is really possible for him to open the Gate of Death.

Moreover, Kaido also obtained the Iron Slayer Dragon Crystal.

Now his power can only be stronger than before.

'It's not just Kaido, that Dragon, I must also pay attention to him.'

Im whispered.

Now, Kaido is not the only one who she is wary of.

The Spartacus valiant rank card held by Dragon, Im has not forgotten it.

Marine G1 headquarters.

"Are you going?" Tsuru looked at Sengoku who put down the den-den mushi and asked.

"Well, nothing can be done." Sengoku nodded, "I'm always the Marshal of the Marine."

"So I must take my own responsibilities."

"Moreover, the Holy Grail cannot be given to those pirates."

"If Im gets it, maybe the world can be more stable."

While speaking, Sengoku's eyes flashed with a light.

Tsuru, who is familiar with Sengoku, knows that he is not completely telling the truth.

But seeing other people in the office, she didn't ask more.

'Do you want to use the Holy Grail yourself, Sengoku?"

Tsuru thought in her heart.


"Mom, am I really going to participate in this challenge?"

Charlotte Smoothie showed the lines on the back of her hand in front of Linlin.

"The Holy Grail is precious, but it should be hard to get."

On the opposite side are Im, one of the Elders, and Kaido, Sengoku, and Dragon on your side.

No matter how smart Smoothie is, she can't see her hope of winning.

"Tsk, if only I had this chance."

Charlotte Linlin smacked her lips, looking a little annoyed.

Linlin naturally thought of what Smoothie thought of.

Going to a foreign land to participate in the Holy Grail War, she didn't think Sengoku and others would let Smoothie go.

"You seem to be troubled."

Suddenly, Rifan's voice appeared behind Smoothie and Linlin.

"It's you, Rifan!" "Seeing Rifan, Linlin immediately stood up from her seat.

There is no trace of pride in being the Four Emperors in her action.

"Yeah, Linlin, I have to say that your young appearance is indeed much more beautiful."

Rifan stretched out his hand and said hello, and said:

"Speaking of which, Whitebeard and the others are gone, but you stay here, is it something to do with me?"

Upon hearing this, Linlin and Smoothie looked at each other.

Afterwards, Smoothie, who had already discussed it, took a step forward and squatted down in front of Rifan.

No way, Smoothie height is too high.

In order to show respect for Rifan, she had to do this.

"Your Excellency Rifan, Mom wants to negotiate a deal with you."

Smoothie said.

"Oh, transaction, what kind of transaction?" Rifan put his arms around his chest and made a very interested look.

"In fact, it is like this. Mom hopes to use the Devil Fruit Awakening Card to trade with you some weapons and equipment you don't need."

Smoothie said with a smile.

"Sure enough~" Rifan's mouth curled up.

"Rifan, what do you think? Of course, we don't need too powerful weapons, as long as you don't need the weapon or equipment, it can definitely help me a lot." Linlin rubbed her hands and said flatteringly.


"Sigh, I know it's not allowed. Wait, what! Rifan, you said yes!?"

"That's right, I agree to your suggestions but on one condition." Rifan looked up slightly and said.