Chapter 497: The adjudicator shows up—!

[Bone Brook: This Moria is actually thinking about his resurrection?]

As his shadow once deprived by Moria, Brook can only live in a world without light.

So after hearing Moria's words, an uncomfortable emotion immediately surged in his heart.

Obviously, he does not want Moria to be resurrected.

Not only Brook, but the people who have been hurt by Moria also think this way.

Even the World Government that once recognized Moria as Seven Warlords of the Sea does not want Moria to be resurrected.

After all, after Moria was resurrected, he could not become the combat power of the World Government.

Since Perona and Rifan are close, there is no reason not to stay with Rifan after Moria is resurrected.

"You mean, you want me to help you and Perona win the Holy Grail?"

Rifan raised his eyebrows and looked at Moria- with interest.

"I think you forgot something, so I will remind you, I am also a participant in the Holy Grail War."

"For the Holy Grail, I am also qualified to fight for it."

Moria's complexion was stagnant, only then did he notice the Mark on the back of Rifan's hand.

"But you don't have to worry too much."

"Now that Perona has summoned you.

"Then I can use my own strength to keep you in the real world."

"The premise is that you have to promise not to cause me trouble."

Moria is different from Perona.

He has his own ambitions.

If Moria is the same as before, and wants to keep his ambitions.

And In order to gain more powerful power, take the shadow of others and make zombies out of the dead.

Rifan did not intend to help Moria.

But if he could restrain himself, Rifan wouldn't mind allowing Perona's desire to become true and allow him to stay in the human world.

Hearing Rifan's words, Moria was overjoyed, and he nodded to Rifan.

He knew that with the power of Rifan.

It is simply impossible for the combination of him and Perona to win the Holy Grail War.

At this time, he can only hope that what Rifan said is true.

"Okay, Moria, don't think about the others."

"While there is still time, you should familiarize yourself with your own power first."

"You now have a different power than before."

"I think you can feel it."

"If you fight in the same way as before, the effect is very poor, Caster's Moria."

The corners of Rifan's mouth curled slightly, and looked at Moria who's body contained a lot of magic power.

As Rifan who owns multiple heroic rank cards, it is only by virtue of Moria's magical power and the breath of his body that he can know his class.

"Yes, I have to get acquainted with it."

Moria nodded, and immediately sat down, feeling the magic in his body and the knowledge in his mind carefully.

At this moment, not far from Rifan and others, a burst of golden light suddenly fell from the sky.

Perona and Moria immediately looked over nervously.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Huh? What is that golden light?]

[Beast Kaido: Could it be that Rifan summoned his servants? No, Rifan didn't get the summoning array out. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Golden light? It feels different from summoning heroic spirits. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: The light falling from the sky, now everyone else can determine this position, maybe someone wants to explore it. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Wait, the figure in the golden light, why do I feel she is little familiar?]

[Sabo: That is Jeanne d'Arc! She is here to make a ruling on this Holy Grail war! Just like what Rifan said!]

The fall of the golden light made Moria and Perona look over immediately.

There was a look of alertness on their faces.

"Teacher Rifan, what exactly is that?" Perona voluntarily hid behind Rifan and asked nervously.

"Your Excellency Rifan, wouldn't that be the servant you summoned?"

Moria followed Perona's footsteps and came behind Rifan.

Seeing Moria's appearance, Rifan was speechless for a while.

"Hey, you are a big man, why are you acting like Perona?"

"Aren't you going to be spiritualized, you can hide yourself soon after being directly spiritualized?"

Rifan shook his head and continued:

"That's not the heroic servant I called."

"However, you don't have to worry too much.

"That is the Ruler arbiter of this Holy Grail War."

"As long as you don't do anything illegal, she won't take action against you."

At this time, the golden light had dissipated, revealing a girl with golden hair inside and a sense of sacredness all over her body.

"Uh, if I break the rules, does she have that power to defeat me?"

Moria looked at the slender girl opposite, really didn't think she had much power.

But after seeing her appearance, Perona's face became extremely solemn.

After all, in the previous golden list image, she also saw that blond slender girl really resisted Spartacus's life-threatening attack by her own strength.