Chapter 507: Legend of Dracula: The Succession of Blood—!

Dressrosa, the arena auditorium.

Nami turned her head and looked at No. 18 on the side.

Faintly, she always felt that 18 might have some knowledge about heroic spirits.

Although not reconciled, Nami knows that Rifan and No. 18 are much closer than they are.

Many times, they can see 18 and Rifan together.

"Sister 18, do you know anything about these heroic spirits?"

Nami came to 18 sides and asked quietly.

After hearing Nami's words, Charlotte Linlin and Charlotte Smoothie, who had not left yet, turned their eyes to 18 at the same time.

No. 18 glanced at them slightly and then pointed to the golden list in the sky.

The three raised their heads in confusion.

In the next moment, they saw the message of No. 18 appearing on the golden list.

[Android No. 18: Vlad III, the king of Romania. As a spearman, the treasures he holds are the military treasure "The Fortress of Impalement" and his own treasure "Legend of Dracula."]

[Android No. 18: The second treasure can make Vlad III the incarnation of a vampire, which is very dangerous, and can even transform other followers into his own army.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: I didn't think Miss 18 would be the one to answer. But the "Legend of Dracula", this treasure is dangerous. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: It really looks dangerous… ]

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho~, Im's follower, he definitely more dangerous than Dragon's follower... ]

[Long Hair Elder: Did you see that, Im-sama is the real destiny!]

People were surprised at first when they saw No. 18 leaving a message on the golden list, and then there was a discussion around Im.

"Sister No. 18, how can you leave a message on the golden list?!"

"No, when did Teacher Rifan tell you about the heroic spirits?"

Nami looked at No. 18's eyes, and was covered with a thick layer of jealousy.

It's not because 18 was able to leave a message on the golden list.

But because 18 really knows about the heroic spirits!

Doesn't this further illustrate that Rifan and the 18 are more intimate?!

"[Authority List] After the list appeared, I noticed I can also speak on the golden list."

"Perhaps because my name appeared on the Authority List."

No. 18 gave Nami a glance and said,

What she didn't know was that she was able to leave a message on the golden list.

Not only because of the[Authority List], when her name appeared as part of Rifan's force.

Also because of her strength, it is an existence that cannot be ignored by the golden.

After all, she is the strongest existence except Rifan.

In other words, ordinary people in the Rifan force cannot leave messages on the golden list.

"As for these heroic things, Rifan told me when he was free." No. 18 said indifferently.

Only she knew that besides the heroic spirit, Rifan also told her many other things.

Even 18 knew that Rifan came from another world.

Looking at the indifference Number 18, Nami rolled her eyes.

Suddenly stepped forward, embracing No. 18's arm.

"Big Sister, when teacher Rifan tells you these things in the future."

"Can you let me listen to it too?"

Hearing that, No.18 glanced at her and said:

"If you're lucky."

[Lonely Red-Redfield: 'Legend of Dracula', is it a power similar to my Devil Fruit?]

[Sabo: Unfortunately, Leader cannot be notified, otherwise, he will be able to guard against the treasures of Vlad III. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Maybe, this is why the golden list cut off our messages. ]

[Android No. 18: The 'Legend of Dracula' is a treasure that the Spearman Vlad III is extremely disgusted with. He will not take the initiative to use it. But if he is in a Berserker class, that's a different story. ]

[Belo Betty: Huh!? There's actually a person who will hate to use his strongest weapon?!]

[Long Hair Elders: What!? How come, he won't take the initiative to use it. Wait, Im-sama may be able to use the magic spell for him to use it!]

[Android No. 18: Relying on Command Spell, he will definitely use this treasure. It's just that Vlad III will definitely also kill Im too when the command spell wear off.]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~, this is interesting. 'Legend of Dracula?'i can't wait to see Im ordering Vlad III to use this power. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: The warrior of the Berserker class will go crazy. In this way, he can use the "Legend of Dracula" without any obstacles, which makes sense. Haha, fortunately, Im summon Lancer Vlad III not Berserker Vlad III. ]

[Straw Hat Luffy: Sanji, Usopp, look, Zoro also summon his follower!]