Chapter 515: Alliance? Not Necessary—

[Whitebeard Newgate: Shiki, this guy really got the "Yatsufusa" out. Moreover, this Treasure version of Yatsufusa is even stronger than the original Teigu.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: He is like an enhanced version of Golden Lion. The enchantment of his devil fruit is also terrifying. After pulling people into a specific space, if the enemy cannot adapt to the environment, I am afraid that they will soon be defeated. ]

[Redhead Shanks: Listening to Golden Lion's introduction of his abilities, I more and more want to see how that guy uses it. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Would you like to see Shiki use it, Mamamama~, maybe you will see it soon, Red Hair. ]

[Redhead Shanks: Huh? Big Mom, what do you mean?]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Look at the screens of Rifan and Perona, they are not far from Teach and Golden Lion now.]

The eyes of Shanks and others were all attracted by the resurrection of Shiki.

But Linlin, because she has a deal with Rifan, has always spent most of her time watching Rifan screen.

Before Teach summoned the Shiki, Rifan and Perona location were not far from Teach.

Now after Teach summoned Shiki, Rifan walked directly in the direction of Teach and Shiki.

[Red-haired Shanks: Now, there is a good show to watch–huh? How did Rifan become Smoothie?]

[Charlotte Smoothie: This should be His Excellency Rifan's ninjutsu. It seems that he does not want his identity to be discovered. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Rifan, is this kid worried that when others meet him, they will turn around and run away?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Haha, it's not impossible. If the enemy ran away directly, it would be meaningless. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Tsk, Rifan, this guy, turning into a woman, doesn't he feel awkward? Also, the little girl from Charlotte's family, Rifan has become like you, don't you have anything to say?]

[Charlotte Smoothie: It's an honor for his Excellency Rifan to use my appearance!]

[Iron Fist Garp: Forget it, even if you have an opinion, you must not dare to say it. ]

"Rifan, what are you doing with this look?"

Seeing Rifan turned into a tall woman with a height of more than 4 meter, Jeanne-Alter frowned, looking at Rifan with some dissatisfaction.

"Teacher Rifan, are you worried about your identity being discovered?"

Perona asked curiously.

"As expected of Perona, you know me well." Rifan leaned down, smiled and patted Perona's head.

Afterwards, he turned his head and explained to Jeanne-Alter:

"Actually, I am quite famous in this world."

"If the two guys on the opposite side recognize me directly."

"They will definitely run away."

"That blond-haired guy was actually killed by my disciple."

"Plus, the command spell on the back of my hand actually comes from the person I am changing now."

"So Teach on the other side may not know that the participants have been replaced now."

Hearing Rifan's words, Jeanne-Alter stroked her chin and nodded clearly:

"It turned out to be like this"

"Then what should we do, Rifan?"

"This Holy Grail war is divided into two camps."

"It stands to reason that we need to form an alliance with them temporarily."

Hearing this, Rifan shrugged and smiled:

"Although according to the process, we should form an alliance with them."

"It's just that it's not necessary."

"I believe that with Jeanne-Alter, your strength is enough to win this Holy Grail War."

Hearing Rifan's words, Jeanne-Alter straightened her chest proudly.

"Haha, you are right."

"With me, you don't need to form an alliance with other people."

Because of happiness, for a while, Jeanne-Alter no longer suppressed her voice.

Golden Lion Shiki and Teach, who was not far away, looked over immediately when they sensed their arrival.

"Who?!" Shiki frowned, his body suddenly raised.

Soon, his figure appeared in the sight of Rifan and others.

"Oh? Isn't this girl Perona?"

"Are you also a participant?"

" And you, you are Charlotte Linlin's daughter, Charlotte Smoothie."

"Teach just said that you are also the master of the red side."

"These two women who look exactly the same are your followers?" Shiki laughed wildly.

Perona and Moria were captured by the Shiki.

Therefore, Shiki remembers Perona.

In addition, because Moria turned into a spiritual state, he is quite hidden in Persona's shadow.

In addition, Shiki was already dead when Jeanne D'Arc was introduced by the golden list.

Therefore, he suddenly took Jeanne-Alter and the adjudicator Jeanne d'Arc as servants on the spot.