Chapter 530: Ito Taro vs Rocks—

"What on earth happened?!"

Rocks stared at the crack in front of him.

Rocks frowned, letting go of his perception with all his strength.

This level of destruction can naturally be done by him.

What surprised him was the speed at which the sword's energy fell.

At that speed, he didn't even feel it until the sword energy was close!

If the opponent is not attacking Doflamingo, but him.

Rocks didn't think he could avoid it with his lazy attitude now.

Thinking of this, Rocks immediately raised two hundred percent of his spirit.

'This holy grail war, it seems I need to become serious…'

"Huh? Someone is over there?!'"

Suddenly, Rocks, who noticed something, looked to the side.

There, it is where Sengoku and Rosinante are standing.

"Sengoku? He couldn't make that kind of sword aura."

"It shouldn't be the person next to him, so who is it?"

For Sengoku, Rocks certainly knows him.

Although his appearance is much older than when they met.

But that iconic explosive head, Rocks recognized it at first glance.

Rocks and Kaido looked at each other and rushed toward Sengoku.

It doesn't matter if he is the ghost of Sengoku, now that he has encountered him, the old accounts for decades should be settled.

Looking at Sengoku, the corners of Rocks' lips gradually turned up.


"What?! What is this...?" Rosinante looked at the crack spreading to his feet with a look of panic. "Marshal, what is this?!"

"Oops!" Sengoku suddenly raised his head to look at Kaido and Rocks.

The next moment, he quickly pulled Rosinante next to him to flee into the distance.

In terms of speed, Rosinante is still much worse than Sengoku. When being dragged to escape, Rosinante naturally noticed Kaido and Rocks who were chasing them, and immediately expanded the silent barrier to the maximum.

In order to make it easier to escape and find other partners!


[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurara~, this scene is really good! The Marshal of Old Marine was chased by a pirate and was running away~]

[Redhead Shanks: Haha, it's really interesting. Before, it was the Marines who chased the pirates, but now it's the other way around. And it was the Marshal of old Marine who was being hunted down. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Although Sengoku's choice is wise, it is unavoidable to lose reputation, Mamama~. ]

Marine G1 headquarters.

Seeing Sengoku running away embarrassedly, the old Marine was silent for a while.

Although they also know that Sengoku has no choice, they still feel uncomfortable.

What's more, they knew that even Sengoku could successfully escape.

The final victors of this Holy Grail war will not be Sengoku and Rosinante.

In other words, although what Sengoku and Rosinante are doing is reasonable, it is useless!

The only effect is to throw away the scarce reputation of the old Marine.

Make the pirates look down on them even more!

"Marshal Sengoku, there is someone in the direction over there!"

Suddenly, Rosinante raised his finger to the front right and said to Sengoku.

"Is it because of the movement here that attracted people?" Sengoku frowned, "Go, let's go over there!"

Kaido and Rocks are no longer the ones they can handle.

In this case, it is better to gamble whether the person opposite is friendly.

Even if the opponent is an enemy, it won't make the situation worse since meeting Rocks is already the worst scenario!

Thinking of this, Sengoku speeds up again.

Seeing Kaido and Rocks get closer and closer to them, two familiar figures finally appeared in front of Sengoku.

"Five Elders-Helbert, and Five Elders-Ito who have died!"

Sengoku stared at the two people in front of him in amazement.

"Could it be that the Five Elders-Helbert summoned the dead Ito Taro?"

Ito Taro was once beheaded by Rifan.

Although he hasn't seen the bald elder taking action seriously, Sengoku doesn't think he is weak.

After determining the identities of the two, Sengoku immediately turned and ran towards the two.

Before the Holy Grail War officially started, the Five Elders of the World Government contacted Sengoku.

After the Holy Grail War begins, let him work hard to join the master of the black camp first.

So seeing the two now, Sengoku is obviously going to take this to his advantage.

Moreover, with the power of two Five Elders, Sengoku also has the confidence to compete with Kaido and Rocks.

"Sengoku?" Ito Taro frowned slightly and looked at Rocks and Kaido who followed behind. "Unexpectedly, he who died in the past will also come out."

"It seems that this old man was called here at the right time."

After speaking, Ito Taro exhaled, drew his sword, and slashed in one go.

A silver sword aura flew straight toward Rocks.

"Not bad!" Rocks grinned as he waved his nagita forward.

The red energy flew out and collided with the silver sword's energy.

[Tl/n: Guys leave some stones. The update is base on how many stones the story have. Although I don't update everyday, it's because I accumulate chapters. If there's stones 3-5 chapters can be updated in one go. ]