Chapter 539: Three!

[Whitebeard Newgate: Until now, Rifan is finally willing to make a move. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: Return of the ten thousand swords, this move shocked me quite a bit. But as a swordsman, I suddenly wanted to be under that sword rain. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: A swordsman who pursues his own strength will want to see more powerful swordsmanship, which is the instinct of a swordsman. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Mamama~, that Im's expression is really interesting. She is definitely very unwilling. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Needless to think about it, the reward for the second place in the authority list should have been hers. As a result, she was too greedy and chose the holy grail that needs to be challenged, which led to the current situation. This can be regarded as her own fault. ]

On the New World Sea, Red Hair Territory.

"Now I understand, this Rifan has such power, no wonder you respect him so much."

The former Pirate King Roger looked at the golden list and said to Shanks in admiration.

"No, Captain." Shanks shook his head. "What you see is far from the power he possesses."

"It should be said that he has not shown the strongest strength in his current position.

"Sometimes I wonder if there is anything in this world that can make Rifan serious."

Upon hearing this, Roger burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, interesting, it seems that I really need to make time to visit Rifan in the future."

Within the Secret Realm of the Golden List.

After seeing Rifan appear, Kaido, who was terribly afraid of Rifan, immediately chose to quit.

After all, although the Holy Grail is important, but it is far less important than his own life.

In the end, in the secret realm, only Stussy, Five Elder-Helbert, and Im did not leave.

"You three stayed here, are you sure you want to fight me?"

Rifan raised his eyebrows, and then looked straight at Im:

"Once you played with my projection, you got your life back by luck."

"If you really fight with me now, you won't be able to keep your life."

Im took a deep breath, lifted her saint cloth, and said to Rifan:

"Rifan, can you see that the Holy Grail appears because of my reward."

"Tell me why a man like you wants the Holy Grail?"

"Does this mean that as long as you have the Holy Grail, I can reach your level?"

Hearing this, Rifan smiled.

"You misunderstood, Im."

"If you want to reach my level, it is not enough to make a wish to the Holy Grail."

"For me, participating in this Holy Grail War is just an interest and summoning Jeanne-Alter is the most valuable moment.

"As for obtaining the Holy Grail, it's only incidental."

Behind Rifan, Jeanne-Alter's mouth curled up, looking at Rifan's back happily.

"Then can you give me the Holy Grail?" Im said excitedly, "As long as you are willing to give me the Holy Grail, wealth, power, and woman."

"Stop." Rifan waved his hand, and the sword in the sky began to fall slowly.

"In this case, you seem to have said it before."

"It's a pity that I am not interested in your so-called wealth and rights."

"I will count to three. If you still don't leave, you three can stay here forever."


Five Elder-Helbert stepped forward and looked at Im nervously: "Im-sama, let's leave."

Im gritted her teeth and gave Rifan a deep look.

When Rifan counted to "two", she finally communicated to the golden list to withdraw.

Stussy and Helbert on the side chose to quit almost at the same time.

"Tsk, Tsk, I thought she would stay, but that was the result."

Rifan shook his head.

"Teacher Rifan, what about me ? Should I quit too?"

Perona asked quietly.

"Quit, I'll come back to see you later." Rifan touched Perona's little head and smiled.

Perona nodded and said goodbye to Moria and returned to the real world.

Suddenly, in the Secret Realm of the Golden List, only Rifan was left.

Of course, there are two followers beside him, Jeanne d'Arc-Alter and Moria plus Jeanne d'Arc, the Adjudicator.

However, as Perona left, Moria's body emitted a golden light.

As if it could dissipate at any time.

"Your Excellency Rifan, save me, I don't want to go back to that cold place! "

Moria raised his head and looked at Rifan in a panic.

"Calm down. I promised Perona, I won't let you disappear like this."

As he said that, Rifan put his hand on Moria's body, and a powerful magical power poured into his body, reaching the spiritual foundation.

Making Moria's body become solid again.