Chapter 557: Declaration of War!

[Hawkeye Mihawk: That is Zanpakutō "Wolves"!]

[Red-haired Shanks: Good guy, as expected of Rifan. He is always so generous. He obtained the three Zanpakutō that once won the first place in the golden list. But he didn't keep one of them, and he gave them all to his disciples!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: There is no other way around this. Although these swords are strong, they should not be very useful for Rifan. ]

[Beast Kaido: Wororororo~, great, come on, Belo Betty, kill those bastards from the World Government!]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Kaido, you are too excited! But I know how you feel! Mamamama~]

[Dark King Rayleigh: I think Kaido's happiness is different from your happiness, Linlin. That guy is always beaten by Rifan's disciples. And now that someone is about to be beaten by Rifan's disciple, he is very happy to see it. ]

[Beast Kaido: Rayleigh, shut your mouth!]

"The wolves!" The curly-haired Elder stared at Betty, who was holding two guns in the sky with a gloomy expression.

"Oops, that woman seems about to launch Cero in this direction!" 

"She must be stopped, and she must not be allowed to destroy the ancient weapon warship!"

The Curly Hair Elder and Curly Beard Elder glanced at each other, and one after another used Moonwalk, rushing towards Betty in the sky extremely fast.

Seeing the enemy rushing here, Betty's mouth arch.

"How many shots can you block? I'm very curious."

Betty murmured this, and squeezed the trigger of her right pistol.

"Unlimited Cero!"


Dozens or hundreds of blue-and-white Cero are constantly aroused by Betty's guns.

It rushed towards the Pluton battleship below extremely fast.

The two Elders were naturally covered in them.


The two Elders roared and hurriedly stepped on the Moonwalk to escape the coverage of the Cero attack.

However, although it is just an ordinary Cero, the amount of "Unlimited Cero" that reaches a certain amount is not a product that two Elders can escape even if they want to escape!

Soon, the two Elders were inevitable and could only choose to use Armament Haki.

[Beast Kaido: Wororororo! These two bastards are dead, the power of 'Cero' is not so easy to block!]

[Red-haired Shanks: It's really scary. If it's me, I wouldn't be able to escape such continuous shooting. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Kaido, haven't you faced "Gran Rey Cero" before, how do you think this compares with "Gran Rey Cero"?]

[Beast Kaido: Hmp, do you still need to talk about it? In terms of single shots, "Gran Rey Cero" is naturally stronger! But the power brought by the amount of "Unlimited Cero" is more than "Gran Rey Cero". What's more, under this woman attack there has no way to hide, so you can only try to resist it all!]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Using "Cero" in this way has very strong physical requirements. This woman should have mastered "Reiatsu". ]

"Unlimited Cero" lasted a full minute.

In just one minute, Betty released 500 rounds of Cero!

At this time, with reiatsu support, Betty didn't even feel tired!

"It should be fine." Betty retracted the gun in her hand and looked down.

After the sea calms down, there are no Two Elders and Pluton battleships below!

"Haha, it's over." Betty scanned the scene below with Observation Haki, confirming that the battleship had been destroyed, and Five Elders had died, and looked up to the sky. 'Maybe, I can take advantage of this momentum'

Suddenly, a crazy idea popped into Betty's mind.

"Next, it's you, Im!"

Betty's words passed through the golden list to Im's ears, and she clenched her fists sharply.

Declare War!

This did not think that the revolutionary army was declaring war on the World government.

Thinking of the power Belo Betty just showed, and the other abilities that the "The Wolves" have. 

Im's face was extremely hidden.

But the faces of Sengoku and others in the old Marine are unsightly.

Sengoku never expected that Ancient Weapon, which he had just turned over to the World Government, would be defeated so easily!

"It looks like I will be called by the World Government later." Sengoku sighed.

Betty declared to the world that her next target is Im. The Supreme Leader of the WG. And the World Government would never just wait honestly.

"Sengoku, something is wrong, Belo Betty seems to be planning to act!"

Suddenly, Tsuru's voice came from Sengoku's side.

Sengoku quickly looked up at the golden list.

At this time, he happened to see Kuma using his devil fruit to shoot Belo Betty flying!

And as Belo Betty was filmed, the live broadcast of the golden list also fell into a state of stagnation.

"That woman, does she want to attack Mariejois directly?!"

Sengoku's eyes widened when he saw through the Revolutionary Army plan!