Chapter 565: Keep Youth Forever!

-[Beauty List], 3rd place, Kozuki Hiyori.

--[Beauty List], 2nd place, Princess Shirahoshi.

--[Beauty List], 1st place, Empress Hancock.

Soon after Rifan returned to Dressrosa, the [Beauty List] was announced.

Looking at the happy girls in the hall of the dojo, Rifan was also very happy in his heart.

[Beauty List] The top ten, all are his own disciples.

Although Rifan himself was not on the list, his disciples were able to occupy the top ten. Rifan felt that this was indirectly equivalent to being on the top list.

And in this happy atmosphere, the rewards of the golden list have begun to be distributed.

--[Beauty List], 10th place, congratulations to Hina for obtaining the [Devil Fruit Awakening Card]!

--[Beauty List], 9th place, congratulations to Violet for obtaining [Life Potion]!

--[Beauty List], 8th place. Congratulations to Sadi for obtaining the [Hunting Card]. After using it, the user can teleport himself/herself to someone's location.

"[Hunting Card]?!" Shiryu stood up in horror in a certain sea area of the New World, looking at the golden list in shock.

Sadi got the [Hunting Card]! How can he not be nervous when he has a conflict against Sadi!?

Shiryu could already think of what she would use it for when she got the hunting card!

The companions around Shiryu were also very frightened, and they cast guard glances at Shiryu one after another.

This naturally includes Blackbeard Teach.

After gritting his teeth, Teach was heartbroken, and he shot Shiryu directly!

At the same time, the other side.

"Hehe, Teacher Rifan, I will leave first to settle my matter."

Sadi chan took the [Hunting Card] in her hand and looked at Rifan with a smile on her face.

"After you're done, you can find a nearby dojo so you can go back early." Rifan smiled and nodded.

[Redhead Shanks: It looks like Shiryu is unlucky this time. ]

[Beast Kaido: Shiryu should still be on Blackbeard's ship, Whitebeard, your traitor, may be destroyed by others now. Wororororo~]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: According to Teach's personality, maybe he would personally present Shiryu's head to Sadi. Mamamama~ ]

Under everyone's attention, a light curtain appeared in front of Sadi-chan.

She stepped in without hesitation, and instantly appeared on a pirate ship.

"Huh?! What's going on here? Infighting?"

Seeing Teach and Shiryu facing each other, Sadi-chan asked with a smirk on her face.

"Um, Miss Sadi, I'm about to take off this guy's head and give it to you."

"You don't need to act, you just need to wait a while."

Teach kindly said at Sadi-chan.

While Shiryu on the side looked at Teach with resentment.

Although he has always only used Teach as an object of use.

But at this moment, seeing him attack him so resolutely, Shiryu was still quite angry.

If he hadn't been wary of Teach all the time, he would have been successfully attacked by Teach just now.

"Haha, do you think I need it?" Sadi-chan glanced at Teach with a sneer.

"Blackbeard, you are far from Whitebeard."

"For someone like you, it's meaningless to live in this world, so you can go to hell with your crew member Shiryu."

When the words fell, Sadi-chan pulled out Zanpakutō from behind her waist.

At the same time, a huge wave of Reiatsu erupted from her. For a while, except Teach and Shiryu on the pirate ship, all the other people on the pirate boat were unable to move.

"You, do you want to kill me too?!" Teach was horrified. "Don't you worry that Rifan will scold you?!"

"Hehe, Teacher Rifan won't scold me for the death of a sinister pirate like you." Sadi-chan sneered, "Don't think that although Teacher Rifan let you go last time, I will let you go."

"He doesn't bother to kill you, but I am different. The moment I see you taking Shiryu as your crew also starts your doom!"

Also aside from her hatred of Shiryu, Sadi-chan was originally the Chief Guard of Impel Down, so she didn't have a good impression on pirates.

Especially Blackbeard, who can betray Whitebeard who has taken care of him for decades.

"Hahahaha! Teach, don't you still understand."

"It's useless to beg her, let's join forces together to repel her!"

"As long as we run away, we can live as well!"

Shiryu shouted.

Teach's eyes lit up.

Yes, even if Sadi is a disciple of Rifan, if he just runs away and does not kill Sadi, according to Rifan's past practice, he will not take the initiative to find them.

Rifan always let his disciples solve their grievances by themselves.

Thinking of this, Teach made a decision quickly and rushed towards Sadi.

The same is true for Shiryu on the other side.

Sadi-chan chuckled, her body disappeared from the pirate ship and appeared in the air kilometer away.

"Although I can kill you easily, I still want to give you a gorgeous funeral."

"So." Sadi-chan holds the handle of the sword in her right hand and puts her left hand on the sword. "Bankai, Jakuhō Raikōben!"

Teach's eyes widened. At this moment, there was only one word "escape" in his mind!

However, without waiting for him to act, Sadi-chan's already sent the shell flying!


With the brilliance of the explosion, Shiryu dissipated above the sea with the Blackbeard and his crew.

"The matter is resolved, it's time to go back."

Sadi-chan smiled, turned and ran towards the nearest dojo.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Sigh, Teach, have you finally reached this field? ]

[Redhead Shanks: Whitebeard, did you still feel sad for this guy? That guy wants the life of your other sons and especially your life.]

[Beast Kaido: Although my daughter ignores me, she is much better than your son. If you die, you will die. ]

[Black Arm Zephyr: No matter if he is dead or not, if such a pirate is caught, he must be sentenced to capital punishment. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: It's terrible, I always feel that Rifan's disciple is planning to clean up the pirates now. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Mamamama~, it's your old Marine is the one who will be cleaned up with the greatest probability. ]

[Sengoku: Ahem, our old Marine has announced that it has broken away from the World Government, and we are now looking into joining the new Marine. ]

[Kaido Kaido: Sengoku, you old bastard is really cunning!]

Rifan glanced at the message on the golden list, and then set his sights on his disciples.

His gaze flicked over Hiyori and the woman beside her who looked as much as her.

"Your Excellency Rifan, thank you so much for reuniting our family."

The woman saluted to Rifan, her face full of gratitude.

"If it weren't for you, Hiyori wouldn't be able to win the resurrection scroll in third place and resurrect me."

That's right, the woman in front of him is Kozuki Toki.

Just now, Hiyori has received the reward of the advanced resurrection scroll and resurrected her.

In this way, Hiyori successfully resurrected her parents.

"No need for formalities, and this is because your daughter is lucky to get such a reward." Rifan nodded and looked at Shirahoshi. "Congratulations to you too, Shirahoshi, for being able to obtain a high-level resurrection ring."

"Hehe, thank you Teacher Rifan." Shirahoshi laughed and nodded.

"In this way, only Hancock's reward is left in the end." Rifan smiled and looked at Hancock.

--[Beauty List] 1st place, Empress Hancock, congratulations on winning the[Eternal Fruit].

-After taking it, you will gain the power of longevity, and you will always retain your peerless appearance.

"It's great, it's really a great award!" Hancock hugged Rifan excitedly as soon as she received the reward. "Great, Teacher Rifan, in this way, I don't have to worry about leaving you one day!"

"Congratulations, Hancock." Rifan touched Hancock's head.

For this reward, Rifan is also quite happy for her.

Keeping the appearance of the beauty of the rank 1st in the beauty list forever is indeed like a reward that will be issued by [Beauty List].

The other disciples present congratulated Hancock.

Hancock smiled, opened her mouth and ate the fruit. In an instant, a gentle energy spread from her abdomen to her whole body.

Even though she couldn't see anything on the outside, Hancock understood that at this moment, she was really different from before!

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: In this way, the "Beauty List" will be over, I don't know what kind of list will appear next!]

[Beast Kaido: Will there be a macho list?]

[Redhead Shanks: You really dare to ask, Kaido!]

--The announcement of the golden list has been completed, and the list will not be issued in this world in the future, goodbye!

Suddenly, the most shining brilliance in history appeared on the golden list.

A line of throbbing characters appeared in the sky.

Afterwards, the golden list turned into a scroll and fell into the space tunnel that appeared beside it.

'There's no list in this world?' Rifan raised an eyebrow.

As for the disappearance of the golden list, he, like everyone else, is very surprised.

At this moment, a long-lost voice rang in Rifan's mind.

- Ding! The system sign-in function part has accumulated energy and is restarting. The restart is successful!

-As soon as the traces of the opening of the space-time tunnel are detected, does the Host want to go to the New World to sign in through the space-time tunnel?

'Huh?!' Rifan was startled, but immediately asked the most serious question "After going to the New World, can I come back here?"

- Back to the Host, after accumulating enough energy in the New World, you can still use the dojo to go back.

'That's good to hear!'

--Please Host make a decision, the traces of the space-time tunnel will disappear in one hour, please confirm whether to go now.

'Of course I will go, but it's only after I arrange things here.'

The corners of Rifan's mouth curled up and looked at his disciples in the dojo.

'Now only a few disciples have gained the power of longevity. "

'As a master, I have to follow the golden list to continue to get rewards that can make people live forever. '

Thinking like this in his heart, Rifan walked towards his disciple.

—One Piece Arc ends here. Next chapter starts the new Arc.