Chapter 9

Myles was pissed.

When he told Rhyn he wanted to talk, he didn't expect the other guy to run away. Then he really didn't expect him to get drunk.

After hours of killing things and occassionally each other, they called it a night. Ryan left first, and Myles said he'd help clean up. They cleaned up the crumbs and threw away the trash. Rhys gorged himself on the brownies.

Myles told him he was going to check on Rhyn. Rhys didn't seem to mind since he didn't say anything. So he went upstairs to check on the youngest man in the house.

He knocked on the door. It took a moment, but the door finally opened. Rhyn stumbled slightly, but he backed away to allow Myles access. The other man looked around the room, eyes falling on the half empty Knob Creek bottle.

He sighed and reached for the discarded clothing on the floor. Rhyn's once neat room was cluttered. His inebriated state made him forgetful. Rhyn was in the bathroom attempting to shower. Myles watched him teeter as he tried to get into the shower.

A giggle escaped him as he sat down heavily on the toilet lid. Myles walked in and squatted down to help him remove his pants. He balled them up and looked up just as a shirt landed on his face. He heard another giggle as he pulled it off.

Rhyn used him to lever himself into a standing position. Myles held his wrist as he stepped over the base of the shower. He held the wall as he shuffled under the water, sighing when it hit his face.

Myles picked up his dirty laundry and tossed it in the bin. He heard a clatter and went back to the bathroom. Rhyn was sitting on the shelf having lost his balance. Sighing, Myles kicked off his shoes and socks then put his phone on the vanity. He stepped into the shower and held Rhyn up.

At first, Rhyn fought him, but as soon as Myles massaged his scalp, he gave up. He leaned his back against the taller guy let him wash his hair. He hummed a little at the feelings running through him. This was probably the most honest he'd been in two weeks.

As he rinsed his hair, Myles turned Rhyn to face him so he didn't accidentally drown him. Rhyn held his waist loosely as he enjoyed the pampering. He opened his eyes and looked up at Myles. His gaze was half-lidded, but there were plenty of emotions swirling around in the grey depths.

When Myles was satisfied the suds were gone, he put the shower head back in its holder. Rhyn held Myles's waist tighter, hands running up his back slowly. Myles looked down at him, taking in the heat radiating from his eyes.

Rhyn stepped forward half a step until he was flush against him. Myles held his waist loosely as he watched him closely. He didn't budge when the younger man lifted up and kissed him. He was a very aware person, and he knew Rhyn was drunk this time, but he couldn't help himself.

He kissed Rhyn back with such fervor that it took his breath away. Rhyn tilted his head, kissing him as smoothly as he could. His hands ran all along his back and wasit until they came around to his chest. They traveled down to the hem of his shirt and began to lift it.

Myles pulled away and grabbed his traveling hands. He licked his lips and looked down at Rhyn. He pouted cutely.

"We can't," he objected. "I learned my lesson last time."

Rhyn whined, pecking his clothed chest several times. "I want you to help me."

Myles brought his hands up and held his head. "Help you with what?"

"With this." The shorter man's hands flailed between the two of them until he nearly collapsed. He fell against the other man with an uncontrollable giggle.

Myles sighed and turned off the water. "You're drunk. We shouldn't talk about this unless you're sober."

He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Rhyn. He helped him step out onto the bath mat. When he grabbed another towel, Rhyn grabbed him again. They nearly crashed to the floor, but Myles somehow kept them upright.

He wrangled Rhyn back into the bedroom and sat him on the bed. Luckily, he sat still so Myles could find clean clothes. Rhyn told him where his underwear was but nothing else. Myles pulled out what he said and helped him dress.

"I wanted your number," Rhyn mumbled.

Myles paused in collecting up the towels. "But I was afraid to ask. I was afraid you would think I'd want another…moment."

Myles sat on the floor. "What makes you think I'd think that?"

He was getting drowsy. His head bobbed gently. "I don't know. I've been thinking too much."

"About what?" Drunk words are sober throughts. What Rhyn couldn't say at any other time was coming out now. Myles was just glad it was him. If it was anyone else, he was sure the other person would try to take advantage of Rhyn.

"Tell me your thoughts, Rhyn." Myles pulled his foot into his lap and massaged it gently.

"I'm afraid." Rhyn jerked his foot when Myles dug his thumb into his sole. "I'm afraid of what people will say, 'specially my parents and Rhys."

"They'll love you no matter what. It may take some getting used to, but they'll come around." He moved his hand up to Rhyn's calf. "That's not what's bothering you though."

Rhyn slid down off the bed and onto the floor. He sat on Myles's folded legs, holding his weight on his knees. His droopy eyes stared into Myles's blue ones. Myles watched him, propping Rhyn up with his hands under his bottom.

"I don't want to be your friend," Rhyn whispered. He plucked at the wet fabric of Myles's shirt. He dug his fingers into the other man's abdomen. "You want to be friends, but I don't want that."

Myles tried to quell his reactions because he didn't want a repeat of last time. Drunk Rhyn was honest with no inhibitions. The mild mannered man was replaced with someone who wanted to express his sensual side even though he wasn't sure how to.

Once again, Rhyn kissed Myles. His hands came up around his neck and pulled him in again. Myles let him have his moment before he pulled away. Rhyn pouted again, but Myles wasn't fazed by him. If he wasn't careful he would end up in that bed with him again. He needed to keep him talking.

"If you don't want to be my friend," Myles whispered, "then what do you want?"

He never got an answer. Rhyn passed out, his forehead pressed against his cheek. Myles sighed. Bourbon always knocked people on their asses.

He picked Rhyn up and stood. He pulled the covers back from the pillows and gently laid Rhyn down. The other man rolled to his side immediately, sighing softly as he settled.

Myles cleaned up his towel and left the room. He found Rhys in his room and walked right in. Rhys made a noise in the back of his throat as he rummaged through his clothes. He changed quickly, feeling so much better now that he was dry.

"You may need to lock up you parents' liquor cabinet for the time being," he warned.

Rhys understood. "He drinks when he's overwhelmed."

"He's worse than you are when he's upset."

"You have no idea. It's no wonder he was swept away by you last time."

Myles didn't like that remark. It felt like a judgement Rhys had no business making. He didn't live in Rhyn's head. He didn't understand the complex emotions.

"Last time was my fault. Yes, his emotions were a part of it, but if we both hadn't been drunk, he wouldn't have done it," Myles defended.

Rhys put down his book and looked at his friend. "Are you getting closer to him?"

"I've gone through this already. He just wants someone to talk to. If I can forge a friendship with him, I will. If I'm just a confidant, I'll be that too."

Myles didn't tell him what transpired in the bathroom. He didn't want to get the lecture about being careful and not playing with Rhyn's emotions. That's not what he had done, and he didn't want it misconstrued. Rhys would jump down his throat, and Rhys pissed off was not a good look.

"I just don't want him hurt," Rhys said. Myles sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him so he would continue. "He doesn't talk about his feelings. Rhyd is the only one who can get him to talk."

"Could it be he feels the two ofyou don't validate his feelings because he doesn't have as much going on?"

"I don't know. I guess I need to talk to him more."

Myles nodded. "He's going to need you now more than ever."

Rhyn nodded as well. "I hate that I've ignored him."

"It's as you said though. He does keep everything bottled up inside. Does he have friends?"

"Not really. Not since we started college. His one real friend moved across the country. He's been alone even though he does a lot of group assignments."

Everything made sense now. Rhyn was alone all the time. He was one of three boys, but his brothers had their own lives. Rhyn didn't. He went to school, swam, then went home. He didn't do much else.

Myles decided to plan an outing with Rhyn, Rhys, and a third person. Well, fourth person since Myles would definitely be there. It would give Rhyn some freedom and Rhys some insight to his brother. Maybe it would bring Rhyn closer to Myles as well. That would be on the back burner though. Rhyn and Rhys were his priority.