Chapter 14

Rhys hadn't seen Rhyn in a couple of days. He hadn't come home the night his car had gone into the shop. Since then, their paths hadn't crossed.

It was unusual because Rhyn was a homebody. He didn't have many friends and if he worked on grouped projects, he worked alone. Rhyn spent most of his time in his room writing so for him to be gone all the time was weird.

Rhys sat in the living room finishing up homework when Rhyn walked in the front door. He didn't pay his brother any attention as he went into the kitchen. Rhys watched him walk upstairs after that. He was for such a long time that Rhys thought he wasn't coming back down.

He heard Rhyn's voice at the top of the stairs. Rhys looked up as his brother came down the steps talking on the phone. He frowned because he had never seen Rhyn call anyone of his own accord before. His tone was also gentle which he had never, ever heard.

Rhyn sat down in the recliner, drawing his feet up on the footrest. He lifted his head to say hey to Rhys but kept up with his conversation. Rhys wondered who he was talking to and how they had tamed his brother. As far as he knew, Rhyn had never had a serious girlfriend. Could he be talking to a girl?

Rhyn ended the call then took another one. This one was a little more serious. It was about his car. It was finished, so he would need to pick it up soon.

"Are you busy tomorrow morning?" he asked.

Rhys checked his schedule then shook his head. "I don't have class until twelve."

"Can you drop me off to get my car? It's ready."

"Why don't you get your girlfriend to take you?" His tone was sharper than he intended.

Rhyn looked at him, confusion written on his face. "What are you talking about?"

Rhys pointed at his phone. "Whoever you were on the phone with can take you."

His brother looked at his phone then sighed. "Alright. You don't have to. I'll find another way."

Realizing his plan had backfired, Rhys followed Rhyn to the kitchen. It was his night to make dinner, and Rhyn usually made a soup and sandwich combo. He was a good cook, and food was his love language. What he couldn't say with words he said with food.

Rhys watched his brother begin cooking. He watched him carefully, trying to figure out what was going on with him. Usually Rhyn talked to him, but over the last couple of days he hadn't seen him. Rhyn was busy with school and his literature club, but he was usually at home. He rarely ever went out alone, opting to stay home and be a recluse.

But looking at him now, Rhys could see a difference. Rhyn wasn't the same. He held his head a little higher, and he seemed more sure of himself. What had happened in the last couple of days to make him change?

He looked Rhyn over, watching the way he moved. He moved as if he was unafraid of anything anymore. It was new to Rhys because for as long as he could remember, Rhyn had always taken a backseat to him and Rhyd. Now, it felt like he had finally figured out who he was.

When Rhyn turned, he saw a familiar emblem on the black shorts he was wearing. Myles had an exact pair like those he usually practiced in. They were an expensive brand, and Rhyn didn't usually spend too much money on clothes.

He didn't get a chance to ask as the doorbell rang. He went to answer it, smiling at Myles and Ryan as they came through. They were having another game night since their regular season officially kicked off this weekend. It would be one of the only ones they could plan without having to wait until midnight.

Myles had sodas under his arm and Ryan brought cookies. Rhys knew Rhyn would turn his nose up at store-bought cookies. His homemade ones always tasted better.

Rhyn was chopping potatoes when the three came back. He glanced at them, but he didn't say anything. He was preoccupied making sure he didn't chop his finger off.

"Whose idea was it to buy cookies?" he asked.

Rhys sniggered as Ryan set the package on the counter. "I thought it would be easier on you. Since it's your night to cook, I thought I'd bring desserts," Ryan said.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I made pies last night. They're on the patio." He scooped the vegetables and dumped them in the boiling pot. "It'll be about thirty minutes before this is ready."

"Did you text someone about your car?" Rhys asked. He popped a grape in his mouth and chewed patiently.

"Yeah, I have a ride. I'll pick it up after my one o'clock class. I'll be gone all evening. I have to find some more references for my paper due at the end of the semester," Rhyn said. He stirred the pot then put the lid on it.

"I thought you finished it," Ryan said.

"I thought I had too, but I realized I was two references short last night when I was working on it."

Rhys nodded as he watched Myles walk to the fridge. "You're usually on top of things like that."

"Usuaully, but I worked an odd job last night to make sure I had the money for the repairs. Once I pick up my car, I'll work on my paper."

Rhys didn't argue with him. When Rhyn made his mind up, it was hard to change it. If he already had a ride, he wouldn't bother anyone else. That also went for his studies. He didn't play around with them so he would make sure he had everything for his paper. Rhyn was the best writer out of all of them, and he didn't need the extra time like Rhys and Rhyd did.

The three ball players went to the living room to set up their game while Rhyn cleaned up. Rhys set up the TV while Ryan pulled out the controllers and game. Myles brought drinks and set them in the respective spots.

Once they were steadily playing, Rhyn came in to watch. He sat on the edge of the couch and listened to the bickering. Rhyn was used to it. He had never been the loud and obnoxious type. Yes, he got frustrated but he didn't yell like Rhys and Rhyd did. Now Ryan and Myles? Mario Kart was no joke.

Myles lost his third race and sat back in a huff. His controller lifted out of his lap, and he looked up. Rhyn rubbed his nose as he wairted for Ryan to choose the next section. He chose the Flower Cup which was the next series in the game.

Rhyn played easily at first, taking second place in the 'Mario Circuit". He stayed fairly calm in the "Coconut Mall." When 'DK Summit' and 'Wario's Gold Mine' came up, he was a badass. He shot out in the lead and stayed there. Myles draped an arm over his thigh as he watched his Toad racer zip around the track. Rhyn wasn't loud as he took first place in the cup standings.

Rhys looked over after the cup standings. He wanted to see how the hell Myles had beat him when he'd failed miserably the first four races. He saw Rhyn hand the controller back to Myles. He should have known it was his brother playing. Only Rhyn knew the secrets of 'Mario Kart' by heart.

What surprised him more was the fact that Myles was sitting so close to him. Rhyn didn't usually allow someone to sit right on top of him. He had to have at least four or five inches between them at all times. But here Myles was, draped against him and across his knee. They looked comfortable.

The timer went off in the kitchen. Rhyn got up and went to check on the food. Myles drained his can and followed soon after. Rhys heard chatter before Myles returned.

"Food's ready," he said. He retreated back to the kitchen, undoubtedly to be the first to eat.

Rhys called Rhyd, and once the third brother was in the kitchen, dinner was served.

Rhyn had outdone himself. He made beef stew with gouda grilled cheese sandwiches. The sweetness of the cheese paired well with the savory broth of the soup. Myles and Rhyn devoured their first helping and started to dish out a second. Rhyd tried to stop them, but Rhyn waved him off.

"Mom and Dad's are in the microwave," he said.

Rhyd relaxed. "I didn't want to get in trouble for not leaving them any."

Rhys swallowed. "Your friend Dixon was the reason for that. He snuck back after we'd cleaned up and helped himself."

The youngest boy puffed up. "At least my friends don't inhale food on the first go."

The older boy piped back, "At least they don't sneak into the kitchen in the middle of the night."

"Myles does," Rhyn said.

The man in question choked. He had a coughing fit before he could respond. "How the hell do you know that?" he asked.

"I was working on the patio one night and saw you amble through. He got a handful of cookies and a whole jug of milk."

Myles slapped his chest like an ape. "That's why I grew big and strong."

"No," Ryan objected, "you just have good genes."

That just led to more bickering. Rhyn finished his food and sat back to listen. Whenever the three of them were together, this always happened. They always tried to one-up the other. Soon they would be comparing dick sizes. He didn't want to be around for it.

He got up to retrieve the pies he'd made the night before. How they'd made it through the day and afternoon he would never know.

Between his dad and brothers, nothing sweet ever stayed in the house. They also knew the difference between store bought and homemade. Rhyn had spoiled them.

He savedthe second pie for his parents and cut into the first one. The slices were gone in seconds.

Rhys hummed contentedly. "I'll do the dishes tonight."

Rhyn frowned at him. "You hate doing dishes."

"I know, but it's the least I could do for this heavenly piece of pie."

Ryan shook his head at his friend's antics. "Rhyn, what are you doing on thursday?"

Rhyn caught Myles's stony look but didn't say anything. "I have class until eleven. Why?"

"I was wondering if you could help me pick out a gift for my mom. Her birthday is next week and Rhys is busy. If I remember correctly, you have a decent eye for jewelry."

Rhyd nodded emphatically. "He designed our mom's Mother's Day gift this year. She loved it."

"We just chipped in the cost," Rhys confirmed.

Rhyn licked his lips and seemingly stared into space. In reality, he was watching Myles and his reaction. Though he said he didn't want to be anything more than lovers, Rhyn wouldn't be able to date someone else while he slept with Myles. He wasn't built that way. Once he dated or took a lover, he was off the market.

Myles didn't react. He stared down at his pie and ate silently. Somewhere in the back of Rhyn's mind, pain and disappointment blossomed. Was he not good enough for Myles to say something?

"I'll go with you, but I have to be done by three," he said. He saw Myles's face out of the corner of his eye. Now he reacts.

Ryan smiled. "Thanks, Rhyn. I know it will be good with your help."

Rhyn didn't look at Myles as he finished his dessert. He rinsed his plate then disappeared to his room. He ignored his phone as it bleete at him that he had a new message. It was Myles undoubtedly. But Rhyn wasn't going to answer. His feelings were hurt, and he'd lash out if he talked to Myles right now.

He put his headphones in and ignored the messages flashing across his screen. He'd find another way to his car.