Chapter 19 (+18)

Myles was grateful Rhyd let him in the door despite the anger rolling off him. He didn't know if Rhyd knew the full extent of everything, but he wasn't stupid. Rhyd was the smartest of all of them. He could put two and two together to get four. The fact he let him in the house said Rhyd was going to sit back and watch for now.

He went up the stairs and opened Rhyn's door. The room was dark but that was to be expected. It was two in the morning. Any reasonable person would be asleep.

Myles went in, closing the door softly behind him. He pulled off his shirt and kicked off his shoes. Climbing in bed with Rhyn, he slid up behind him. Rhyn stirred, turning over in his sleep. He already knew who was climbing in bed with him, but why wasn't he mad?

They lay there for a long time. Myles ran his fingers through the shaggy black locks, feeling Rhyn's breath at the base of his throat. Rhyn finally got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back, he got back to his spot. Instead of snuggling with Myles, he lay a few inches away and looked at him.

Myles could see his face in the dim light of the room. He was sleepy, but he was watching Myles's face. The owner knew what he was looking for. He was looking for anything to save this relationship.

"Why aren't you partying with your team?" he asked.

"Are you serious?" Myles replied. Rhyn hummed in response. He could see the tear streaks on his face. He wanted to reach up and stroke his face. In fact he did. "Why would I party when my relationship is falling apart?"

Rhyn laughed humorlessly, turning onto his back. "We still have a relationship?"

Myles dropped his hand with a grunt. "Of course we do. We wouldn't we?"

"It didn't look that way from where I stood." Myles' heart sank at the tone of his voice. "It looked like the game and I both got played tonight."

"You didn't. Her name is Braylin Connor, and my dad wants me to marry her. It's purely business. He wants to have her father as an ally. He thinks an arranged marriage will do that." Myles closed his eyes to ward off the pain he felt. "He thinks that if I marry a girl he likes, I'll stop fooling around with men, with you."

Rhyn sighed. "Tell me honestly. What am I to you?"

Myles shifted closer. He looked at Rhyn's face, searching for something to invalidate how he felt. Finding none, he dipped his head.

He thought Rhyn would push him away, but he was pleasantly surprised when he responded. He kissed Myles back, pulling him closer with a hand to the back of his neck. He swept his tongue through Myles's mouth, taking time to suck on the tip of his tongue. Myles let him do what he wanted. It was the least he could do after hurting him accidentally.

Rhyn held his lip between his teeth gently. Myles pressed their mouths together once again.

"You're my lover, my paramour, my partner…" Myles let his voice trail off. Rhyn's eyes flicked to his. "You're the one I want to be with."

The air left his lungs in a huff when Rhyn shoved him to his back. He hovered over him, sheets and blankets pooling at his knees. They stared at each other; Myles shocked and Rhyn stubborn.

Rhyn dove for his neck, nibbling and biting everywhere. Myles would have marks and hickies all over if he continued, but he wasn't going to stop Rhyn. he was if he did, Rhyn would kick him out. He didn't want that so he let him do what he wanted.

Arousal and desire rolled through him. Rhyn's mouth was dangerous. It would always be the one way to get Myles to do what he wanted. As it was, he was trailing lower, taking time to flick and tease his nipples. He was spared that torture when Rhyn continued lower. His abdomen twitched as he kissed each of them, laving attention to them lovingly.

Myles ran his fingers through Rhyn's hair when he started pulling at his shorts. He hissed when the cool air fanned against his burning erection. It was replaced by warm, moist heat when Rhyn took him into his mouth.

Not wanting Rhyn to feel left out, Myles manuevered the other man's body around. He pulled his bottoms off and stroked his heavy erection. He felt the huff of breath on his own as pleasure rolled through Rhyn. he pulled Rhyn atop him, smiling as his embarrassment made his back arch.

Myles took it easy on him since this was his first time. He wanted to continue pleasuring him, but he knew he needed to prepare ihm first. He wasn't sure if Rhyn had any lube, so he licked his finger and inserted it. He was greeted with a groan, almost a whine for his intrusion. He couldn't give it up so he continued, drawing hushed noises from the man above him.

Rhyn finally stopped blowing him. His head dropped by his knee as he looked back at him. The strokes he was so sure of now were disjointed as his body trembled. He reached around Rhyn's leg and began to gently tug on the free swaying erection. At the same time, his tongue replaced his finger.

It wasn't long before Rhyn collapsed to the bed. He buried his face in the comforter and fisted a hanful until his knuckles were white. His mores were muffled as he let the pleasure overtake him.

Myles pulled his legs up, and he settled on his knees. He didn't have a condom, but he knew he could pull it out before he came. But still…

"Rhyn, I don't have a condom," he whispered.

Rhyn caught his breath but just barely. "Look in the bedside drawer." He rubbed his nose as he waited for Myles to follow instructions. "I bought them weeks ago. They may be wrong."

"No, they're correct." Myles ripped into the box then tossed it on the table. He opened the foil packet then slid the latex over himself with one hand. He rose back up to his knees, kissing Rhyn's back as he went. "Are you ready?"

"Wait." Myles frowned slightly, but he was pleasantly shocked when Rhyn pulled him down to kiss him. He smiled then settled his chest back on the bed. "Now I'm ready."

Myles kissed his shoulder then pressed into the trembling ring of muscles. Rhyn flinched at first, but as Myles pushed in slowly, he settled down. Myles gave him time to adjust before he started moving.

Usually, they always started in missionary. Myles liked to watch Rhyn's face when they first started. It fascinated him because Rhyn couldn't hide his expressions. Even now, he could see his arms moving somewhat wildly as he couldn't figure out what to do with them.

Before he even moved, Myles gave Rhyn a pillow. He wrapped his arms around it and buried his head in its softness. Once he was sure Rhyn was comfortable, Myles snapped his hips forward.

Rhyn couldn't help the cry of pleasure that left him. Though they'd done this before, they had never started this way. It was different, but it was good. Myles was much deeper than Rhyn ever remembered him being.

Myles rolled his hips leisurely before he leaned over Rhyn's back and picked up speed. Soon the sound of skin on skin echoed through the room. Myles fucked into him quickly and satisfyingly. Each thrust made Rhyn moan, and he gripped the pillow tighter. He eventually tucked the corner into his mouth to keep from being too loud.

Usually Myles didn't want him to contain his voice, but Rhyn's family was home. He'd be embarrassed if they were caught.

Rhyn turned on his side voluntarily. Myles went with it, bracing his feet against one shoulder. They watched each other as Myles continued to fill Rhyn. Myles was composed as he hit different angels. He knew what he was doing and he did well. Rhyn was enjoying himself. He liked feeling full and the pleasure that tore him apart.

His body was starting to give out. His belly fluttered a couple of times. Myles grabbed his arms and pulled him onto him, deepening his strokes at the same time. He pressed into Rhyn's prostate, and that was the tipping point. Rhyn threw his head back as he came without being touched.

As Rhyn found completion with his breathy groans, Myles came soon after. He pulled Rhyn's arms a little too hard as he tried to get as deep as he could. Rhyn cried out, and Myles released him instantly. He stayed as still as he could until he was completely spent. He gently pulled out and pulled the condom off.

As he'd done before, Myles got up and went to the bathroom. He found a washcloth and dampened it with warm water. He returned to the bed and cleaned Rhyn thoroughly before using it for himself. He hung to rag on the shower hook and came back to bed.

Rhyn sat up on the bed and threw his arms around his neck. He kissed him slowly, enjoying the post-sex hormones running through him. Myles enjoyed the languid kisses so much he collapsed on top of Rhyn.

They were wrapped around each other when the bedroom door opened. It took too long for them to realize who was at the door. Rhys blinked dumbly at the them until he stepped into the room and closed the door, completely unashamed of the state the two were in.