Chapter 22 (+18)

Roberta opened the door and motioned for Rhyn to be quiet. He followed the housekeeper into the house, keeping as quiet as he could.

They went up the servants' staircase. Rhyn was surprised there was still a servants' staircase, but this house was old. There were bound to be nooks and crannies that hadn't been touched during renovation. Or it had been kept to make sure the staff had easy access to the food during parties.

As they came upstairs, he heard yelling. Myles's voice was the first one to hit his ears. He had never heard that tone in his voice before. He was angry, angrier than he had ever heard he'd known him. He'd heard him yell when he was frustrated during a game, but this was different. This was exasperation. Rhyn understood exasperation. He'd felt it just an hour ago.

Roberta opened Myles's door and allowed Rhyn to go in. She held a finger to her lips for him to keep quiet then pulled the door closed. Whatever was going on between Myles and his dad was bad enough Roberta didn't want him to be found out.

Rhyn sat on Myles's bed and waited. He had some text messages from his brothers. They wanted to know if he was okay, if he was at Myles's, would he be home that night? He didn't bother reading all of them because he wasn't really in a place where he wanted to answer. He was still a bit hurt because of it.

He settled against the blanket he'd bunched up and chose a random book on one of his apps. He enjoyed a good book every now and then. It got him out of his head for a little bit.

Right now, he needed that escape. Between the argument that had happened with his brothers and the one going on in this house, he wanted to run away even if it was mentally.

Time ticked by slowly. Rhyn finally relaxed as he got to chapter three. His body sank into the bed with ease as the girl in his book walked into the hospital after her car accident. He wasn't really interested in the book per se, but it gave him a reprieve from the constant thoughts in his head.

He heard yelling and looked at the door. The knob turned as Myles yelled again. Rhyn couldn't comprehend the words, but he didn't need to. The tone was enough to tell Rhyn that Myles was done with the argument.

The door slammed, making the pictures on the wall shake. Myles stood with his back to the bed and his hands on his hips. His shoulders rose and fell as he tried to calm his temper. Rhyn wasn't sure if he knew he was there, but he didn't want to shock him.

Getting up, Rhyn crossed to him and wrapped his arms around his waist. He kissed Myles's shoulders, going in a straight line across his shoulder blades. He rested his cheek on the middle of his back and tightened his arms. He felt Myles relax slowly, his shoulders slumping.

"When did you arrive?" Myles asked. There was still an edge to his voice, but it wasn't as hard as it had been.

"I had a fight with my brothers," Rhyn said. He rubbed his cheek into Myles's back. "Don't worry about me though."

Myles turned and wrapped his arms around Rhyn. he pulled his head to his chest and ran his fingers through his hair. Rhyn relaxe again, enjoying the warmth that coursed through him.

"That didn't answer the question," he sighed. He twirled a curl between his fingers. "What did you argue about?"

"They told me why I never had a chance with anyone else I ever pursued." Rhyn looked up, drawing Myles's gaze down. "Everyone I ever liked met them and used me to get close to them so they ran them off."

Myles kissed his forehead then sighed. "I'm sorry about that."

"What about you?"

Myles shook his head. "Don't worry about it. My dad and I just don't agree about things."

Rhyn saw the sadness in his eyes and felt a pang in his heart. He knew Myles wanted to have a good relationship with his dad, but they didn't see eye to eye on the way Myles chose to live his life. He didn't want Myles to date men, but his son was happy and loving who he wanted.

He pulled away. Myles frowned at him, upset at the lack of contact. Rhyn lifted his hands, framed the other man's face, and pulled him down. When their lips met, Myles sighed and pulled Rhyn closer. All the anger and hurt left him as he kissed the one person who didn't judge him.

Rhyn's fingers tightened in Myles's hair. Myles bent down, wrapped his arms under Rhyn's butt, and picked him up. He walked to his bed and dumped him on his back, crawling over him completely. Rhyn brought his knees up to press them into Myles's ribs.

Somewhere in the middle of it, clothing started to disappear. Myles kissed Rhyn's neck, feeling the grunts and groans vibrate against his lips. He felt Rhyn pull at his shirt, hiking it halfway over his back. Wanting skin to skin contact, he blanketed Rhyn once the navy fabric was gone.

He pulled away to look down at Rhyn. There was a light flush to his face, and he could feel the bulge against his hip.

"Rhyn," he whispered. The other man hummed in response as he kissed and nibbled his shoulder. "I'm not in a gentle mood. I don't want to hurt you if we continue."

Rhyn nipped his shoulder, laving his tongue over the reddened spot. "As long as you stop when I say, I don't mind what you do."

Myles dove in, kissing him until he couldn't breathe again. Myles didn't waste any time. Their clothes were gone in a matter of minutes. Myles didn't waste any time in stroking Rhyn into a full erection. Rhyn dropped his head to the bed, arms going over his head as he felt his body respond to the other man.

When his hips lifted off the bed, Rhyn finally understood how upset Myles was. His hands were rough as they held his ass cheeks apart and played with the quivering muscles hidden between them. His finger was gentler as it poked at it, but once it breached the ring, it was rough and demanding. He stretched him as quickly and as gently as possible there was a slight burn but Rhyn could handle it.

Myles reached for his drawer and pulled out a foil packet. He handed it to Rhyn so he didn't have to stop stretching him. Rhyn opened it with fumbling hands. Myles kissed his hand as he handed the latex ring to him. He rolled it over his smouldering erection then spat in his hand. After rubbing his saliva over himself, he lined up then pushed into Rhyn.

Gathering Rhyn to him, Myles set a grueling pace. Rhyn yelped every so often but buried his reactions in Myles's shoulder. He clung to him as he drilled into him over and over. He couldn't help the whines and mewls that escaped him. It hurt but it felt good at the same time.

Myles sat up a bit to gather Rhyn's knees. He pressed them together then pushed them into his chest. He leaned into them as he continued thrusting. He saw Rhyn's reaction, his mouth open as he struck his prostate. He gasped in pleasure as breathy grunts escaped him.

Rhyn's orgasm rocked him. He arched his back, pressing his knees into Myles's chest as he came. Everything about him quivered, but Myles didn't stop. He sat up and slammed hard into him. He was not being gentle at all. He didn't want foreplay, and he didn't want to make love for a lack of a better term. He wanted to fuck to get out his anger and frustrations. Rhyn was okay with that as long as Myles didn't get angry with him.

There was a knock at the door followed by a deep timber. Rhyn pushed at Myles to get him to stop. His dad was at the door, and he didn't want Myles to get in any more trouble. Myles wasn't having it. He pulled Rhyn's hips flush against him, leaning back to deliver the most powerful thrusts he'd ever done.

"Myles, we should talk this out," Martin said.

The door opened and light flooded the room.

Rhyn stared at the older man as his body rocked with the force of Myles's movements. Martin stared right back at him, flabbergasted at the sight before him. Rhyn wasn't sure if it was because Myles was having sex or if he was wondering how Rhyn got in his house.

When his face changed to anger, Rhyn looked away. Myles continued moving until his hips stuttered. He throbbed inside Rhyn as he came. He was breathing heavily as he rocked through his pleasure. When he was done, he pulled out and removed the full condom.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asked. He sounded so nonchalant as he looked at his dad.

"You… how…" Martin's face mottled slowly as the scene finally translated in his head. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"It's called sex, Dad. You should know all about that."

"You know damn well what I mean!"

Rhyn flinched at the tone of the older man's voice. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to stay as still as possible. He didn't want to draw any more attention to himself. He pressed his hand against Myles's thigh in hopes he would shut up. He should have known he wouldn't.

"Myles," his dad said. He sounded exasperated with a tinge of anger. "I'm only going to say this once so I hope you understand. If you insist on being with this boy or any other male, you will not like the consequences."

Myles laughed. It was not a happy sound in the slightest. "What, Dad? What are you going to do? You've done enough as it is."

"Boy, do not tempt me. You will not like what I do or what I can do."

"Dad, there's nothing you can do to me that hurts worse than this."

There was a long silence between them. Rhyn lay still, holding his breath to see where this was going. He didn't want to look at them, but he wanted to know the answer. He wanted to see Martin's face and see the hatred or disdain there. He wanted to judge the look in his eyes.

There was a heavy sigh. "I don't know him, and he may be a good kid. But if you continue with this relationship, I will disinherit you. There is no more discussing this. Either break up with him, or lose what your mother and I worked so hard to set aside for you."

Myles chuckled. Rhyn pinched his thigh mercilessly. "We both know you can't touch what Mom left me."

Martin sighed and reached for the door. "You know my terms."

The door closed with a soft click. Myles got up to dispose of the used condom. He didn't return immediately so Rhyn thought he was either crying or composing himself. He got up and started dressing again. His hands fumbled with his clothes, shaking uncontrollably. He could barely pull his shorts over his hips.

When he turned around, Myles was leaning against the bathroom door. He looked said as he watched Rhyn put his shoes on. He didn't try to stop him. He already knew what was going on in his head. Rhyn saw the red mark where he'd dug his fingernails into his thigh in hopes he'd shut up.

"Are we over?" Myles asked.

Rhyn looked back at his face. "I don't know. That's up to you." He waited for Myles to say something. He watched him solemnly, neither confirming nor denying it. Rhyn fought the urge to cry. "I'm going to go home then. Goodbye, Myles."

He didn't get a response, and that hurt worse than Myles saying goodbye. He left the room, closing the door gently behind him. He hiccuped as the tears rolled down his cheeks. This hurt so much worse than his brothers' secret. This felt like he was being ripped apart from the inside out.