

"Hey Alice!" My best friend yells from the school gate. Adelaide was quite short, standing at 5'3, with me on the other hand, about 5'5-5'6. Adelaide had fiery red hair and twinkling green eyes. I reached her and threw my arms around her. "I missed you all summer." She laughed and gave me a hug in return. "What were you even doing all summer? And look at your tan! How are you so good at getting natural ones?!" I laughed at her before shrugging. "Who the Holy hell is that?!" Adelaide yells, looking over my shoulder. The guy was tall, about 6'3, dark hair, tan skin, and looked in his late twenties. "Oh, you know how Mr Locket left at the end of last year, this is probably his replacement." Mr Locket was our music teacher, who nobody actually liked.

"I don't really care about that bit. Look how hot he is!" I rolled my eyes at her, noticing something on the guy's left hand. "He's married. Look, wedding band" Adelaide sighed and then pouted at me, "Spoil-sport" we eventually burst into laughter and continued with entering the school.

First period was English. There was an unfamiliar person sitting at the desk when we entered the classroom. She looked young, a brunette with quite tanned skin, she was wearing a black ribbed top and sage green loose pants. "Morning class, my name is Ms Ortiz, and I will be your new English teacher this year. Today I will allow no seating plan, but it the behavior deteriorates, then there shall be one. Be warned." I gave a smirk to Adelaide who returned it with a flat look.

Adelaide and I sat in the middle of the classroom as most people had opted for the back and the weirdos who were at the front. "Right, today we will have a getting to know you period of about 10 minutes. I will answer any of your questions, unless they are inappropriate, I'm looking at you Daniel" She gave a sharp look to one of the boys at the back.

The first person to put up their hand was a ginger with wild hair, Lindsey,

I think her name was. "Where are you from?" Ms Ortiz smiled to herself, as if she was remembering fond memories. "Well, my mother is from Valencia in Spain, and my father is from Tennessee, so my accent is all over the place." She laughed to herself before looking back to the class. "How old are you?" Ms Ortiz sent that person a sharp look, "I prefer to say, years young as I am getting old, but I'm 33." Most of the class took a sharp intake of breath.

She looked about 23, 24, certainly not 33. I looked around the newly decorated classroom, and noticed that there were photos of two young girls, probably about the ages of eleven. Before I could ask who they were, somebody else asked another question. "Do you know how old the new music teacher is?" Ms Ortiz laughed slightly at this. "Yes, I'm well acquainted with Mr Alvarez. I believe him to be 35." Some of the girls in the room sighed at this.

"Who are the girls in the picture?" Ms Ortiz smiled to herself, "They are two of my daughters. Adella and Julieta. They're in middle school" For the rest of the lesson, Ms Ortiz made us to word searches, revision, make notes and some other boring stuff.

Next period was music, the one Adelaide seemed to be looking forward to the most. When we arrived at the music classroom, I could hear two people talking in rapid Spanish, I couldn't really hear what they were saying.

They finished talking, and then there was a bit of silence before all of the students filed in. I once again, took in the new surroundings, and the new teacher who was leaning against a big grand piano. "Hello, I am Mr Alvarez, and I will be your new music teacher this year. The first thing I want to know, is that, who can play guitar?" A hand full of people raised their hands. "Okay, who can play piano?" Even more people's hands went up. "Who can play all of the main types of guitar, aka, electric, bass and acoustic?" I raised my hand, and was the only person who did.

Once he finished asking us what instruments everybody played, he also let us ask him questions, like Ms Ortiz allowed us to. "How old are you?" Adelaide asked, obviously not sure about Ms Ortiz's answer from earlier. "35, although I have been told I look way younger" He said the last part in a higher pitched voice and threw us a very sassy look before bursting into laughter. "Are you Spanish?" I asked, after realising his surname was. "Yes, both of my parents, my mom is from a town outside Valencia, and my dad is from Madrid. My mom and my wife's mom both said that they knew we would end up together, despite how different my wife and I are"

When he said 'wife' I heard most of the girls sigh in disappointment. Except me, I had no attraction towards him, he wasn't ugly, per say, but I wouldn't wanna date him. "You were asking us what instruments we can play, but what about you?" I asked him, smiling to myself, "Well Alice, I can play all types of guitar, piano, and I can sing." I nodded.


How the hell did he know my name?