

I slammed my pen on my paper angrily. I couldn't damn write today! Ms Ortiz has set us an essay two days ago to be due today, and for the life of me, I can't seem to make my mind up about the topic, let alone write anything down. I was so fucked, there was no way I was getting away with not doing this essay. Ms Ortiz said that the essay had to be due tomorrow otherwise there shall be consequences.


"Afternoon class, I know that this is the last period of the week, and that we all want to leave, but I need those essays on my desk now." Everybody left their desks to deposit their essays, but I remained seated. Ms Ortiz looked to me and raised her eyebrows at my lack of essay. "Alice, I'll be seeing you after the lesson." Adelaide looked over to me, her face screwed up, and a disappointed looked in her eyes.

Class ended, but I wasn't going anywhere. I packed up my things and leant against my desk while the other students filed out of the classroom. "This is unlike you, Alice. You're usually good at handing in homework, and you're essays are brilliant... when you hand them in" I sighed and nodded my head at her, not wanting to meet her eyes. "It's like I have a huge mental block that is stooping me from writing anything." Ms Ortiz seemed to think for a minute before coming to a conclusion.

"You can stay after school with me and I'll help you write the essay, it's worth 25% of your grade." My eyes bulged out of my head. "That much! If I had known that I wouldn't-!" Ms Ortiz cut me off with a look. "I dont want to hear it, now, let's get on with this essay.

An hour later, I was completely done with this essay writing. Ms Ortiz had been nice about it, but I was getting a headache and the words kept jumbling up when I read them. I was about to tell Ms Ortiz that I couldn't couldn't anymore, but I was interrupted by her phone ringing. Ms Ortiz answered it with an annoyed expression, but she was also sporting a small smile.

She spoke on the phone for a couple of minutes before sighing and saying goodbye. "I'm sorry Alice, but I have to get home, and you need to finish this essay, I've sent an email to your parents, you'll be coming home with me for little while. This essay is crucial to your grade and I need it by the end of today, otherwise you can't get the 25%." I sighed but nodded.

Ms Ortiz's house looked super nice, it was white, looked quite old, and had a very neat looking garden in the front. She walked upto the front door, and before she even opened the door, a small girl rushed out and engulfed Ms Ortiz's legs and laughed. "Mama!" She squealed, befor letting go. She noticed that I was there and hid behind her mother. "Sorry about her Alice, this is Juana, my youngest" I smiled at her, Juana seemed very sweet. She had tanned skin like her mother and dark hair.

We went into the house to be greeted by a very nice smell. Mr Alvarez was standing by and stove, cooking something or other. "Mi amor" He said, before leaving the stove and came towards us. Ms Ortiz raised her eyebrows and said something in his ear which made him stop and smile. "And Alice?" I gave him a very small smile, I wasn't over joyed at being in my teacher's house.

I heard two sets of footprints and then two girls, about the age of 10, one of them looked very serious, and the other one looked like she was about to collapse on the floor from laughter. "Madre! Julieta said that she won presi presi , but she messed up! Instead of saying vice and then secre she said them the wrong way around when she was vice!" Ms Ortiz gave her two daughters a stern look before bursting out in laughter.

"Alice, these are my two trouble makers, Adella and Julieta"