Am I hallucinating Now?

**"A person, his being, ethics and character are only tested in bad times and not in everyday or good times. It is only in bad times that a person can show how steadfast he is to his principles..." By Amish Tripathi (**


 Princess Asada's stayed angry at her brother, King Jeer for days after this. She was fuming. "How could he do this to me? He is my brother and should have put my happiness first!" Angry tears would fall out when she thought of these words but there was nothing she could do. It was the words of two kings and the union of two lands.

 But apart from King Jeer himself who noticed this but did not feel like comforting her, no one else noticed it at all. Or if they did notice, none cared because the kingdom had more pressing issues to think of than the broken heart of a foreign princess.