2-4- Man W***e

Cassandra was the only daughter of the Duke of Firesville, a popular duchy in Fireland that housed most of the nobles. Duke Fran wanted the best for his daughter, and he also wanted to rise higher in society and what other way to do this than to be the father-in-law of the King? But his useless daughter was destroying his plans by taking her first dance with that 'whore', Luka. 

Yes, that was how almost everyone addressed Luka because he managed to get into the skirts of most of the women in Fireland even including the married ones! Luka just did not care and did as he pleased. The thing was that no one had ever caught him in the act, but it was like, they knew, but had not seen him do it, and therefore could not blame him. It was also not like the women would give him up either… that was for reasons that only they knew.