The beginning...

He pulled a stick off the branch of an old ancient tree and chewed it up with the wickedest smile. "They tchink they know everything bout their ancestors. They scientists of the so-called modern world," the old man dragged scientist with his false but rotten teeth. "They know nothing!"

"Why so?" a curious lad enquired.

"They talk about magic… dragons, fairies, ogres… blah! They never questioned where they got those silly crazy ideas from."

"But they are all real," a redhead who had been silent for hours spoke.

"Yes, but they don't know that. They think itch's all a myth." The children laughed and rubbed their bellies. "Enough of thatch. It's thicme for a tale." The children adjusted themselves on the ground with happiness. "It's thrue. The modern world no know of our magic and our creatchures and our lifestyle, but there is one thing some know of?"

The children looked at each other, wondering. "What's that?!" the youngest but loudest of them asked.

The old man let out a teethy and disgusting smile. "THE DEVIL…"