
Chapter 4

It's been 3 years since then and i'm 6 years old now, my younger brother was born two years ago at first when he was a baby he looked really wrinkly to me but later he became the cutest person i've ever seen in this world i couldn't believe that my stupid parents could bare to kill this child or i that my mother in particular could bare to kill the child my bastard father was just the one to guide her to do it while she was the one who pulled the trigger i know this people are crazy but at least for the moment they are doting on him like crazy, i not jealous though as he deserves it for being so cute at first when i was so clingy to him they where really shocked, they must have been thinking about why i'm so close to him but not to them i'm sure they thought that i just hate people in general but they had no idea i just hate them.

This time i'll make sure to save him and my not yet born younger sister, i'll take them with me when i leave and protect them when my mother acts up but if worst comes to worst i'll kill this fuckers if they try to harm them again, i hold my brother while i whisper to him "i won't let them hurt you ever again" he just giggles like the cutie that he is "Kyaa" "Awwww" every time that he does this or behaves so cute it reminds me about the fact that they killed him before he could even turn 10 and it affirms my hate for them even more.

After he falls asleep i carefully keep him back in his bed not to wake him up and go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, its about dinner time so my mother's making dinner but I guess after seeing me i the kitchen suddenly after not noticing me enter she mistakenly drops the knife and when she reflexy attempts to catch it she cuts her hand and now she's screaming for me to call my father, i mean aren't you supposed to call an ambulance if you cut yourself to badly and what are you screaming so loudly for even after you beat me until I was cut all over I didn't cry that much sheesh, after calling for an ambulance i call dad and i hear some moans in the background God it just had to be at the time while they where fucking "ewwwwww" yup this is around the time that my bastard father started cheating on my stupid mother, i nearly barf over the phone but I still find the patience in me to control myself and tell him what happens and because of all of my mothers shouting my baby woke up and was crying i wanted to say that this evening couldn't get any worse but i didn't want to jinx it so i carefully calmed down my agitated younger brother and supported my mother until the ambulance arrived "finally" after we got to the hospital dad finally arrived 'he sure was taking his sweet time' but it seems like lady luck heard my stupid comment and decided that she wasn't done with me it turns out that my mother has liver cancer, Its still at the early stages but it still costs like 1 millon to treat and even though that sounds like a lot we should still be able to treat that right cuz even thought we aren't the richest family we aren't poor either so it shouldn't be a big problem right but that would have been the case if my father didn't spend all his salary and money on that bitch of his, it was so funny to see my mother's face when my father told her that he has no money to pay for the treatment, her face turned so red that there was not difference between her and a tomato i really had to do my best not to laugh to prevent drawing attention to myself and quietly carried my baby brother out of the room to avoided hearing there argument and falling on the floor from laughter, our so called parents that vowed to protect us when they decided to have us where the very ones that lead to our destruction killing my younger brother and sister after my father abandoned us for another woman and leaving me in debt even after my mother died and i'm sure that even after i died my father didn't even come for my burial not even to talk of if he remember that he had a child called Ethan i wasn't there but i can bet on anything he didn't, i had to take my younger brother out of the room to prevent dirtying his eyes "i only hope that they don't steal my savings, it seems that i have to change to my hiding spot to prevent that".

After that to appease my mother my dad had make up sex with my mom carefully avoiding her stitches on her hand and i guess that's how my sister was conceived cuz 1 month prior to that moment she realised that she was pregnant.

By that time father rarely came home anymore making all manner of excuses that he needed to work even harder to take care for all of us and mom believed him like the ever so faithful wife that she was even though she got plenty hints that dad was cheating on her she decided that it was just her mind playing games with her and ignored her feelings and just like that 6 months have past, mother was hinted again and again when father wouldn't come back home until 3 am and would still give stupid excuses, one time he came back home completely drunk and when mother questioned him he yelled at her and told her that she was annoying and that she should go away and other times he would come home smelling of that woman's awful perfume and mother would obviously question him why he smells like that and after they would have a huge fight in front of their6 and almost 3 years old children geez its like they didn't even realise that their children were in the room anymore that i had to carry my little brother out of the room to avoid dirtying his eyes.

Mom became depressed and anxious but she still tried to behave like she was happy because the doctor said that the mood can affect the health of the baby but i think that this is when her abusive feelings towards us began but since i was already 6 years old a had kindergarten to go for and my younger brother who my parents named Derick just started daycare there was no opportunity to take it out on us and when we got back i warned Derick to stay away from mother and he listened to me like always, i was always the nicest to my sweet younger brother and i always made the right choices so he always respected my decisions, well it can also be because i love him so much while my parents don't, mother didn't even take care of Derick and i properly cause she was always out with her friends probably trying to pretend that she doesn't have children and a cheating husband at home so i took care of Derick and i think that i kind of spoilt him too much i mean what else could i do when he is so cute and my parents took away my opportunity to spoil him properly last time and now i have to give him twice the amount of love so who cares.

My parents are always gone on weekends, mothers off with her friends and fathers off with his bitch. they always leave a lot of money for us for food but i always make sure to not buy to much as it is only two of us at home but the food is always nutritous as my baby brother is still growing but he always complains about it so i make sure to spend a little more on a dessert for him as a kind of reward for eating his food i hide the remaining money under my drawer.

My younger sister was born on my brothers birthday, that day dad wasn't there, the nurses thought that my mother was crying tears of joy after seeing my sister but they had no idea that she was crying because she had finally got it wrapped up in her brain that father is cheating on her.

My older brother is weird.

He doesn't seem to like mommy and daddy.

He likes to hide money.

When i asked dad why he behaves that way he told me that its because he's a genius, that he may not really care about us, but big brother cares about Derick, he always smiles at Derick and always takes care of Derick he always buys Derick the dessert he likes but only lets him take it after he is done with his food or home work, he ways plays with Derick, he always hides Derick when mommy is angry and starts shouting, so how can he not love Derick, daddy's just stupid, he can't understand big brother, he doesn't know that its after he stopped coming home that mommy became scary and that when he comes back with that awful smell it makes mommy angry.

One time i wanted to secretly call daddy without mommy knowing to tell him to please come back early today for us but when he picked the call i heard a woman voice on the line instead of daddy and it sounded like she was crying and screaming and i didn't know what to do so i found brother and asked him what to do but when i told brother he look the phone from me and ended the call and washed my ears for like an hour and after scolded me not to call daddy again that it was an evil woman who picked the call and if she hears my voice she would come and steal all my candy, i got so scared that i cried but brother hugged me and promised to never let her steal my candy and i calmed down, i promised from that day to never call daddy again.


Today's my birthday and as a gift brother said that i was given my younger sister, she looks so wrinkly but when i said that brother scolded me and said i shouldn't call her that anymore that she's cute but how is she cute. Daddy never came even though he promised me to be their for my birthday he wasn't there, he lied, hmph, i should have known that it is only big brother that won't lie to me mommy didn't even tell me happy birthday she's just crying and she won't even tell us why, she won't even hold our younger sister or look at her, i wanted to ask why she was crying but brother took me out of the room and told me to give her space i listened to brother he is always right even if i want to ask why he doesn't like mommy and daddy even if i want to ask why he looks at daddy like he is looking at poop even if i want to ask why he hides all of his money i won't and i won't be bothered about them as along as he doesn't look at me the same way he looks at my parents.