Slave Girl's Son

After a long slow walk among the Rosehallow citizens crammed into the streets, Edymion and his elite troops finally arrived in front of his brother-in-law's castle.

The gate was in the form of a black-sturdy structure arched at the top with a golden eagle statue decorated it. The doors and railings were made of pointed iron bars, allowing people to see the castle's beauty outside the fence.

In front of the gate, the guard intercepted him. The prince on the white horse stopped and let the gate guard check for a moment.

"Who are you?" asked the guard holding the spear.

"I am Prince Edymion of Ruxenia. I came here to meet my brother-in-law." The gatekeeper nodded in understanding.

"You may enter, but please do not bring weapons. Tonight is Prince Agenor's welcoming party."

Endymion nodded in agreement. He dismounted from the horse and removed the sword tied to his waist. Ruxenia's elite troops also did the same.