A New Maid

A black-haired woman walked up the stairs while looking around. She was like looking for something or someone.

When she was only a few steps away from reaching the top of the castle, a man who was about to descend the stairs surprised her.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The woman's hands covered her mouth while her eyes widened.

The man in black before the woman stared at her, barely blinking. He was mesmerised by her oval face, blue eyes, plump lips, big breasts and sexy body.

The panicked Gretta immediately backed away, but her foot stepped on the dress. Her body must have fallen rolling down the castle stairs in a moment.

However, just before that happened, the stout hand of the black-haired man grabbed her hand. Gretta's body spontaneously pulled. The two of them looked at each other for a long time.

[Oh my god, this is so embarrassing!]

Gretta's heart was beating wildly. She was still in shock from nearly falling.