King's Greeting

In the afternoon, before leaving for the party, Agenor entered his room. Syrena was sitting dreamily in front of the mirror. From the mirror reflection, he knew that the princess of Ruxenia was in a bad mood.

"Why haven't you dressed up yet? Don't you want to come to the palace? Or do you want to be late?"

Syrena stared back at a black-winged prince. After what had happened for nearly twenty-four hours, it was awkward to meet Agenor face-to-face. Especially dancing with him at the party.

Syrena's feelings became uncertain. For some reason, her enthusiasm for wearing her new dress melted.

"I apologise. I'll be ready in a minute."

It wasn't long before Gretta and Agasy helped Syrena get dressed. The black-haired maid was skilled at drawing eyeliner using black stone powder. A stone that is believed to be able to clarify the vision if used for eyeliner.