King Gaver

In a stupor, Eleanor was brought back to the kingdom. Eleanor's father, the uncle of the king of Ruxenia, greeted Eleanor in panic. Likewise with her mother, brother and servants.

"Oh my God, what happened to my Eleanor?" said the royal advisor, who was Eleanor's father.

"Call the doctor quickly!" he said again.

Eleanor was immediately taken to her room. People surrounded her bed with worry.

"I've told you often not to go into the woods, Eleanor! Why are you still not obeying? Good thing the forest fires didn't harm you!" said Eleanor's mother while wiping her tears.

Everyone in the room looked down at Eleanor's filthy face and messy clothes. While the father looked at his wife in annoyance.

"Shut up! There's no point in you crying. It's because you spoiled her too much."

"What did you say? You were the first to take her hunting in the forests! You'd better not start a fight!" replied Eleanor's mother, looking away.