Chapter 11: The Revolution of Daleks

Meanwhile, Agent sees that had a few survivors people are fighting the Daleks Alex and Alec are scared but they go at Rena behind her back.

Agent: don't worry Alex and Alec you should not be scared with we this to protect us

Alex: what it is, dad?

Alec: yea dad

Once Agent passes the thing to Rena and Morita just saw that the thing is beautiful and we go there and burn all of the dead people but the few people from hiding and they ask him to fight together with them.

Survivor 1: are you here to help us?

Survivor 2: wait you didn't know that he is the time lord but he is a vampire timelord

Survivor 3: Agent you and your family here with other

Agent: yes they are with us

Survivor 2: so you sure you want to help us

Agent: yes we are but can you hold this for me

Survivor 1: yes of course

When Agent go blasts the fire on the Daleks and one of them is dead the last Daleks are escaped from there but Agent go rushing towards them and the Daleks keep shooting the laser at the Time Lords but it failed to shoot him.

Daleks: the last Time Lords from a different planet but why explain...explain!!

Agent: yes true I'm not from Gallifrey but I'm from the planet called vampire time lords

Daleks: that's impossible why are you alive I mean your family alive I kill them

Agent: I kill present Daleks and now I'm going to kill the future Daleks

Daleks: you do not kill me!!

Agent: it's too late now

Suddenly, Agent signals them to fire the missiles and Agent starts to run away from the missiles but he saw something that has red dots around his family and he needs to protect them from his life and see that agent suffer for them and Daleks hit Agent's stomach and it bleeds out and he fell on the ground.

Survivor 1: Agent!!

Morita: senpai!!

Agent: please just keep blasting that thing to Daleks

Rena: honey please get up and come to me

While Agent gets up and runs slowly and he reaches the protective shield and we heal him but it is too late he was gone and Alex with Alec are sad that their father is dead but Rena can feel that his heart is beating but why his eye is close.

Agent POV.

Rena and two of my son please go with your mommy I will be right back but I need to do something else first but went they shake my body to wake up but he suddenly wakes up and both Alex and Alec hug his dad with tears.

Alex: dad!!

Alec: father!! *cry*

Rena: honey please don't do it ever again

Agent: I won't I promise but you all can leave the place the world is safe again

Survivor 1: thank you, Agent

Survivor 2: yea thanks for helping us

Survivor 3: yea but what next to do you do with them

Agent: I will them back to their home planet year 2022 at japan city

Survivor 1: good luck Agent

Agent: thank you and you too

Later the three survivors went to the spacecraft and leave the place and we are also leaving the place Agent brings Morita back to her place while Rena and Agent are leaving in the future not in the present anymore.

Morita: senpai I will miss you and all of you

Rena: don't worry we will see each other once we have another mission right, honey?

Agent: yes and Hikaru take this with you

Morita: what it is?

Agent: that is my connect device to communicate with us from out of space or time

Morita: okay later

When Morita left the Tardis and she waves to Alex and Alec and they like her as their sister themselves but Morita reaches inside the Sakurazaka dorm and Yamasaki sees that Morita was there.

Yamasaki: Morita why are you here?

Morita: they want to take a rest and if they have another mission they will call me with this

Tamura: what it is?

Morita: connect the device to communicate with them from space or their home planet

Tamura: cool how does it works?

Morita: I don't know that but we just wait for to call with this

Later Agent Tardis was leaving the year 2022 of japan city and went back to their home planet with Rena and two sons named Alex and Alec and we had the best time with them on the journey together.